Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 2231: Northern battlefield

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Hearing the sound, Ye Hao took a look at Wang Lai. If he was brave in the past, it is estimated that he will not see it now.

"Miss Worry, you must be careful. The new president said that you are the murderer who killed the old president. But I always feel that the real murderer may be the new president. Of course, it is only possible, this is also My personal guess is nothing." Wang Lai looked at Ye Hao and said.

Hearing, Ye Hao nodded.

After Wang Lai left, Ye Hao could not help but fall into meditation.

At that time, I only thought that I had hurt my grandfather and never thought about the death of a foreign guild. And that injury was not a serious injury to my grandfather.

When I was injured, my brain was blank and I didn’t know how to face my grandfather. So I escaped from the martial arts union.

Unexpectedly, I will know from the mouth of Si Xia that the grandfather is killed by himself.

Fang Lai, Wang Lai suspected that Xi Xia was the murderer of the grandfather, but Ye Hao did not think so.

First of all, for Si Xia, Ye Hao still knows that Si Xia’s feelings for the public are very deep. It can be said that he was raised by a foreigner from a young age, and he retired 10,000 steps. Even if Si Xia really has a heart to kill his grandfather, he In terms of strength, it is not realistic at all. Even if her grandfather was injured by her at that time, Si Xia could not be an opponent of her grandfather.

But if, according to what Wang Lai said before, it is the black robe...

Previously, in the fearless alliance, Ye Hao and the black robe man of the shackles handed over the hand. The strength of the black robe man is unfathomable. If, the black robes in Wang Laikou and the black robes in the shackles are the same person. , then... In terms of the strength of the black robe, it is not impossible to kill the grandfather.

Of course, Ye Hao is only guessing, and is not sure.

What is certain is that the death of the grandfather is related to the black robe, but whether the black robe is a black robe who snatched his ring is still uncertain.

"Little Maple."

Not waiting for Ye Hao to think deeply, Qiu Shui has come in.

At the beginning, after the death of Rose, it was not long before Ye Hao sent Qiu Shui to the death rose headquarters.

Ye Hao looked at Qiu Shui and converges his heart. He said: "Is there any news on the side of the shackles and the sidelines?"

When he heard the sound, Qiu Shui nodded and said: "The two sides have already played, and the battlefield is located in the north. Many independent forces in the independent state have already participated in this war."

"The dog is chopped." Ye Hao asked.

"I haven't found it yet." Qiu Shui shook his head: "The situation is a bit confusing, Xiao Feng, when do we leave."

"Autumn water, announced in the name of the death rose, support the shackles." Ye Hao began.

"Good." Qiu Shui beheaded and turned away.

On the same day, the death rose was announced to the outside, unconditionally supporting the sidelines and boycotting the system.

At the same time, all the members of the death rose marched toward the north, and arrived at the battlefield of the shackles and sidelines in the afternoon. Ye Hao also met with Si Yehan and others.


The war between the shackles and the sidelines is even more intense than what Ye Hao expected, and the north is an independent state.

After coming to the northern battlefield, Ye Hao first met with Si Yehan and others.

In the north, the sinful forces have not been mixed with other forces, and even the strategic conference rooms are not in one place.

At the moment, in the conference room

The Secretary of the Night was sitting in the main position, listening to Jiang’s hateful chattering about the situation, and he has not expressed any position.

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