March 7 finally saw Rhodes' back again and shouted angrily.

"Rhodes, don’t run away if you can!"

Rhode suddenly saw Xing in front leading two loli dragons to rummage through the trash can, and his eyes lit up.

"Star core essence, come to the rescue quickly! Xing turned around suddenly and was shocked when she saw Rhodes being chased.

She rushed over with the bat in her hand, blocked behind Rhodes, and shouted righteously.

"Foster father, please take this path, I will stop the enemy!"

"Who is coming? Tell me your surname........"

On March 7th, he was so angry that he took up his bow and shot an arrow.

"——Freeze! Don't leave!"

A biting coldness raged through, instantly freezing Xing's whole body into ice.

Tears of emotion flashed across Rhode's eyes, and he continued to run forward without looking back.

"Star, the organization will remember your sacrifice!"

Bai Lu and Kang Na looked speechless.

"How old you are, but you still play house, it’s embarrassing!"

The cute Kangna nodded vigorously to express her approval.

"Not as stable as our two little kids."

Bai Lu suddenly thought of something and tilted her little head.

"Wait, speaking of which, the three of them together are not as old as us........" broken!

If she fell in love with Rhodes, was she actually the one who was caught and sentenced to death?!

The star quickly broke through the thin ice layer and glared at March 7 with righteous indignation.

"Damn it, why are you so rude to me in March, but so soft on Rhodes?"

March 7 turned around and whistled, her cheeks slightly red, pretending not to understand.

"So, can that be the same?"

"Of course I want to give him a slap in the face, who told you to suddenly jump out and make such nonsense!"

Xing looked suspicious.

"Red bean puree?"

"I was only born less than a day ago, please don’t lie to me!"

March 7 nodded vigorously, stepped forward with a smile, took Xing's hand and shook it

"We are good sisters, how could I lie to you! Hey hey hey......."

"Then why are you chasing Rhodes?"


Could it be that I was really shy because of being teased by Rhodes?

March 7 could only talk about him, and quickly pointed forward with his hand.

"Ah, yes, yes, you see that guy Rhodes seems to have stopped in front of a guy, let's go take a look."

A relatively remote corridor in the main control cabin.

A slovenly clerk was sitting on the ground with a sluggish expression.

There was an iron bowl in front of him, with a few physical black tower coins placed in the bowl.

Rhodes was staring at it. Looking at the bowl in front of the man thoughtfully,

Xing Yuyueqi walked over with a solemn expression on his face.

"Foster father, do you know this person?"

March 7th glared at Rhodes with her beautiful eyes.

Although she wanted to beat him up, but in front of outsiders, March 7th still subconsciously wanted to maintain Rhodes' image.

This time, even if this girl is kind-hearted , I’ll let you go!

Seeing someone else coming, the sloppy clerk held up the iron bowl and gestured to the two of them, with an expectant and pitiful look in his eyes. This was because he was begging when he was in trouble. No wonder

Rhodes stayed here, he must want to lend a helping hand.

Didn't Rhodes bring any money?

I don't have much pocket money, but I can't let Rhodes lose face....

March 7 gritted her teeth and took out a cute pink wallet from her arms. Just as she was about to take out the money, her eyes widened when she caught sight of Xing's actions from the corner of her eye.

Xing directly took out all the black tower coins in the bowl with lightning speed and stuffed them into his pocket, then put his hands on his hips and laughed.

"Thank you, stranger. There are still many good people in this world!"

The sloppy department clerk opened his mouth in shock, as if he didn't expect that the other party would do such an operation.


After a while, he scratched his hair vigorously, held his head and cried bitterly.

"Wuwuwuwuwu, Akivili, am I cursed by Aha today?"

"First, a man came and said, I don’t want your money, and it’s not easy for you to get your money."

"I thought this was the weirdest thing I saw today!"

"Unexpectedly, another woman came later, and it turned out to be even more extreme! They actually took away the start-up capital that I had finally begged for!"

Xing bulged his mouth and retorted dissatisfiedly.

"What to say! It was obviously you who gave me the money, so why did I steal it from you?"

"Don't even think about blackmailing me, I'm very smart!"

The sloppy clerk cried even louder.

March Qi covered her head with an embarrassed look on her face.

Xing, this idiot!

She hit Rhodes next to her with her elbow.

"Rod, don't you want to donate money to this guy?"

Rhodes cast a doubtful look.

"Do I know him well? Why should I give him money?"

"Then why did you look at him seriously just now?"

"Oh, you said this, I was actually looking at Black Tower Coin."

Rhode happily gestured to March 7th about his great plan.

"Did you know that Black Tower Coin was originally a digital currency?"

"The Black Tower coins currently circulating in the space station do not contain any precious metal components, but the high-definition silhouette digital collection of the Black Tower contained in it is far rarer than precious metals to the staff who worship the Black Tower."

"How narcissistic is this.......What a genius idea. I plan to use the same principle to imitate a batch of Rhodes coins. What do you think?"

"In the Fairy Boat Alliance, the use of credit points has gradually replaced the patrol coins. This is a very dangerous signal. I think the future of Rhodes Coin is bright!"

"With my Aha-level credit, I might be able to reverse penetrate the company's financial system and bring them the healing smile of free trade!"

A small cross popped up between March 7th's forehead, and his fists clenched loudly.

I knew I shouldn't trust these two bastards so easily!

How come these two partners who are so reliable in important matters just want to be in trouble in life? Why is Li so unruly?

Xing squeezed past March 7 and hooked his neck.

"good idea! My adoptive father and I are worthy of being nestling dragons and phoenixes!"

Seeing that the people in front of him looked like they really didn't want to pay back the money, the sloppy clerk stopped crying and just sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, maybe it’s fate that won’t let me continue to write poems to express my love to Lily."


When Xing and March Qi heard the name, they looked at each other.

March Qi quietly separated Xing and Rhodes, and asked the man in front of him seriously.

"Are you Rocky?"

Rocky looked at the three unfamiliar people in front of him doubtfully.

"Do you know me?"

"Our partners received your message to Lily"

"Um, sorry, maybe I was too anxious"

"So what happened to you and Lily, maybe we can help?"

Rocky scratched his head and sighed in frustration.

"Lily, her name is actually Leslie. She is a star staff member of the Guangyuan Secret Scroll Department, and the only visiting scholar in this Amber Chronicle who is on a mission to the Fertile Star Territory."

"I had been in contact with her through the Galaxy Radio Repeater before, but the contact was suddenly cut off a few days ago and she did not reply on time."

Xing tilted his chin and guessed

"Is it possible that she accidentally forgot about it?"

"Impossible, even though we are tens of thousands of light years away, she will not ignore me. It should just be a special situation this time!"

"what have you done?"

".......I wrote a poem to confess my love to her, and I think it was probably because it was so poorly written that I didn’t get a response."

Rocky looked disappointed and hugged his thighs.

"I thought I could bring Lily back by writing a good poem, so I spent all my savings on buying a lot of poetry books. Now I am penniless and have to beg........Raise funds to continue purchasing poetry books."

Rhodes touched his chin and spoke slowly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"First tell me the spatial coordinates where she last contacted you. Maybe she didn't contact you just because of some kind of interference."

"oh? Uh, okay, please follow me."

Rocky quickly got up from the ground and led the way.

At this time, he only thought that Rhodes and the others wanted to analyze it for him, but he didn't think much about other things.

Rocky led everyone to the operating table and called up a Star map, pointing out a huge star field

"I can only confirm that she is heading to this fertile star field. She has not mentioned to me the specific planet where she will settle down for observation."

March 7 scratched his head and felt a headache looking at the dense stars.

"This, this scope is too broad!"

The star map on the screen was suddenly turned off.

Severe scolding sounded from the side.

"Who are you!"

Rocky turned around in panic.

"Master Bernard?!"

"They are warm-hearted friends, not unknown outsiders!"

"With their help, I might get a reply from Lily!"[]

Bernard glanced at the three young-looking Rhodes and frowned.

"Warm-hearted? Whoever has nothing to do will interfere with your affairs. Don't let people with ulterior motives in, I won't be able to protect you by then!"

"Hey, stinky old man, who are you talking about? March

7 said angrily with his arms akimbo.

"We had good intentions and wanted to help Rocky, but you came up and made random speculations without evidence. I want to sue you for defamation!"

"We are unknown passengers on the Star Dome Train!"

Bernard snorted, his attitude stubborn.

"Star Dome Train?"

"That's right!"

"so what? This is the office of the Diministration Department. You have no permission to enter. If you don't leave, I'm going to call the security guard!"

Xing quietly tugged on Rhodes' sleeves and whispered with a serious expression.

"This old man is eager to drive us away. I always feel that there is something wrong here."

Although Xing is usually a bit arrogant, when he is serious, he is actually quite reliable.

Rhode glanced at Bernard's clenched right hand with a calm expression.

"Something was definitely wrong with him."

Xing held the bat and was eager to try.

"Do you want me to knock him out?......"

Just when Rhodes was about to speak, he suddenly heard the Black Tower's voice echoing throughout the space station.

【I am Heita, all space station staff, please listen.】

【Now there are a group of distinguished guests in the space station. Everyone must treat each other with courtesy. Anyone who is negligent will be cleared out by me personally, without mercy! 】

Bernard was surprised for a moment, then immediately urged with a stinking face.

"Brat, didn't you hear that? Hurry up and drive these irrelevant people out, so as not to offend the distinguished guests that Ms. Black Tower is about to welcome!"

"The space station was previously besieged by the Antimatter Legion. If that unknown existence hadn't saved us, all of us might have been transformed into virtual pawns and would no longer be able to study knowledge."

"Everyone is trying to figure out the origin of that great being so that they can repay each other's help."

"You just care about your romantic relationship, which is harmful to academics!"

Luo Qi looked unwilling, but found it difficult to refute. He could only turn around helplessly and bowed apologetically.

"Sorry, it's all my fault, I'll take care of you......."

【The leader of the guests is named Rhodes. He is Luofu's new hunting envoy, and he is also the most powerful envoy observed so far.】

【The previous attack on the Black Tower Space Station was solved with one blow from the dragon he transformed into】

【In view of his kindness to the space station, I declare Lord Commander to be the sole partner of the Black Tower Space Station from today on!】

【All research on the Black Tower Space Station is developed to him unconditionally, and his status is as powerful as myself.】

【Below is his portrait. ]

Rhodes’ appearance was projected into every corner of the space station.

In the center of the main control cabin, a pair of huge profile images of two people were projected.

The Black Tower and Rhodes each occupied a left and right, obviously planning to display it permanently.

Rhodes was surprised for a moment and then understood Black Tower's little thoughts.

This is to use the so-called kindness to forcibly associate with her, thereby expanding the possibility of cooperation.

Although the Black Tower had a small plan, Virtue was not angry.

After all, the company had to spend astronomical sums of money to hire Black Tower to write a book, but Rhodes did nothing and asked Black Tower to send away half of the space station.

This free prostitution deal shouldn't be too cost-effective.

Rhodes was quite satisfied at this time.

There are rumors outside that Heita is a stingy little man, but now it seems that the rumors are all false!


Rocky looked at the huge portrait and then at Rhodes beside him, shocked and speechless.

The guest that Ms. Heita must be careful to entertain is next to her?!

Bernard's eyes widened even more, as if he couldn't believe this.

"you........Is it the great being who saved the space station before?!"

As soon as he heard this, the tip of March Qi's nose immediately turned up, with his hands on his hips, he said proudly

"Now you know you offended someone you can't afford to offend, right? Do we have permission now?"

Bernard was speechless, but his expression was still tangled.

".......You do have permission, but you still don’t want it......."

Rhodes raised his hand and interrupted Bernard with a calm expression.

"You want to teach me how to do things, but you’re not qualified yet"

"No need to talk nonsense. I can’t hide what you did. You broke the record and intercepted Leslie’s reply, right?"

Rocky looked at his master in disbelief.

"Master Bernard, is what Lord Rhodes said true? (It's good to get money)"

Bernard looked horrified.

He didn't know how everything he had carefully concealed could be revealed by Rhodes.

But at this point, he had no choice but to hide it, so he could only sigh in despair.

"Yes, I broke the record!"

"But that's all for Rocky's good! He didn't study all day for Leslie's sake...Forget it"

"Although you are the distinguished guests of Ms. Black Tower, you have no understanding of the matter at all!"

"Leslie.......She agreed to Rocky's confession, but they couldn't be together, never!"

Bernard told all about the starquake that occurred in the Fertile Star Field where Leslie was located, revealing the cruel fact that there was a huge time difference between the two due to the gravitational effect.

He looked at Rocky, who was in a daze, and tried to persuade him. road

"Even if this gentleman has the power of heaven, he can't change the fact that has happened!"

"Space can be crossed; but time is out of reach!"

Rhodes narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Who says time is out of reach."

Bernard shook his head and sighed. He seemed to think that Rhodes was talking nonsense, but he didn't dare to refute it openly.

Rhodes ignored him and called up the star map again.

March 7th stuck his head out.

"Rod, do you want to find Lily's specific location? I can ask Himeko-san to come over and help, she should be very good at it!"

After Rhodes thought for a moment, he shook his head.

"No need to bother."

Lily's interstellar scientific expedition team naturally didn't have the guts to go straight to the hometown of the Fengrao people. They should have landed on an inner planet in a nearby galaxy within the Fengruo star field.

Even with his current power, if he wants to cross the observable light

The most important thing is that he has a simpler and more efficient way to blow up all the planets with abundant people in the entire fertile star field. Aren't the remaining planets around them just harmless planets?

Rhodes closed his eyes and directly transmitted the star field coordinates to the hunter through the power of the messenger.

【Brother Lan, found a rich and evil creature, shoot some rockets! 】.

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