Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 5 Chapter 1578: The body is gone!

() "Feng President, Lin Feng, this death, after Feng President will have no worries." An old man pleased.

"Well, I used to avoid Lin Feng's inconvenience to those who want to betray our Feng family. Now I can finally clean up the portal. I want to use Lin Feng to build a new comprehension guild and we are enemies with Feng Jia. I want them to see. Who is the final winner!” Feng Yinquan was full of anger.

In turn, he said to the old man: "Chunyun Dao, this time you made great achievements, lying underneath among them, promptly informed them that they want to betray me. I am a person who knows the confession, and later you It’s the vice president of the guild guild. Now you will inform everyone and come to see me!”

After a while, the people of the Jiangnan Xiuzhen Association have gathered in the conference room. Lin Feng’s death has all been known to them. Anyone who has contacted Lin Feng before knows that the big event is not good!

"I believe that everyone knows that Lin Feng, who has been rumored to be in the jungle of Jiangnan, has died recently. The public enemy of Jiangnan’s repairing realm is gone." Feng Yinquan said.

Someone immediately echoed: "Congratulations to President Feng, the enemies have been removed, and in the future, the Jiangnan Association will be able to maintain long-term stability..."

Feng Yinquan was a sinking face, slammed on the table and said: "Long-term long-term security? I am afraid it is not so easy. Now someone has to do something, to collude with outsiders to differentiate the Jiangnan Association. If it is not Lin Feng’s accidental death, I am afraid that Jiangnan Xiuzheng Association will No day!"

Feng Yinquan looked at the foreign ministers of these small sects with his face, but he knew in his heart who he did not know. After all, his city was quite deep, and he knew that if he wanted to control this Jiangnan realm, he would have to be both hard and soft. It’s not too late to pack up the dissidents!

The elders who wanted to fight Feng Family together with Lin Feng were all frightened and annoyed. All of them did not expect Lin Feng to have such an accident. A big Luo Jinxian who can condense the armor suddenly turned this way. Dead at the end? !

Many people still hold the last hope, I hope this is just a rumor. I hope that Lin Feng will suddenly appear in this conference room, and then let the arrogant Feng Yinquan completely shudder!

However, this is just an illusion. Lin Feng did not appear, but only Feng Yinquan!

"Hey, everyone is the leader in the same way. It is supposed to jointly maintain the stability and unity of the Jiangnan Xiuzhen community. However, some people are colluding with Lin Feng, a person of unknown origin. It is really making Feng a sad..." Feng Yinquan Disappointed, then I turned around and said: "But I am not a person with a small belly. We are not a hunter. We are all a lesson. I will not pursue those who have thought about betrayal. I just hope that I will not make my mistake again!"

Feng Yinquan’s words made the people who had just feared to temporarily let go of their hearts. They all said that they must jointly maintain the Jiangnan Xiuzhen Association, support the leadership of President Feng, and make the Jiangnan Xiuzhen Association bigger and stronger...

"Everyone, I have to go, there is still a lot to do outside, and I will come back to see you when I am busy." Lin Feng holds a fist.

"Maple, let's go, have time to come back and see." Lin Feng's mother said softly, although she has a house, she still knows that Lin Feng can't stay with her forever, the man is in the square, not Too many children are feeling longer!

After everyone went to Lin Feng's resignation, this left the Wuhun world, but when the martial arts world Lin Feng hit a chill, how the week is so cold, and quickly transported the vitality meridians, this is considered to ease!

"Ah? Where is this?" Lin Feng sat up from the operating table and watched the body steaming up. The ice that was instantly dried by the vitality turned into steam, as if the clouds slowly dissipated. . Mixed in the Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Lin Feng jumped to the ground and moved to the active bones. Although he was a little tired, but his heart was not happy, this time he took back the body of the Wushen, and he completed his biggest wish!

Sun is not in the square, the ball is from the moon

Just when Lin Feng just thought of this, suddenly he heard a sound of unlocking the door. Lin Feng quickly slammed into the door, then saw three people walking in, one was Wang Yuan, the other two Lin Feng did not. understanding!

Sun is not in the square, and the other side is threatened by the moon. "You kid, you are also asking for trouble. Otherwise, the buddies will give you blood, and dare to black the people of our fraternity. How many heads are there?"

"Ah, what about the body?" Wang Yuan saw the white cloth list thrown on the ground, and immediately screamed and rushed up. The body disappeared with nothing, and Wang Yuan could not worry!

After the land is not cool, I hate to pick up the cold, I hate the ship.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Feng directly flew out of the room, looking at no one to pay attention to himself, quickly left the house!

After Wang Yuan was in the house for four weeks, he still couldn’t find Lin Feng’s body. At this time, he was already a little violent. In his thoughts, the body was gone, it must have been stolen, and most It is possible to steal the body of Lin Feng, it is naturally a land war!

After all, Lin Feng is a person brought by the land war. It is said that the relationship with the land war is not normal. What is more important is that the land war has expressed the willingness to take Lin Feng’s body away, and also opposed the dissection of Lin Feng’s body!

Wang Yuan directly broadcasted the phone of the land war. When the land battle was over, Wang Yuan immediately shouted: "The land war! You **** still know that you used to be a soldier! Do you know that you are committing crimes?" I am joking about my life. I will limit you to returning the body to me within three hours!"

The land war was driving at this time, and it was scared to stop in the middle of the road, causing the rear car to almost catch up. The drivers whistle and protest, and some drivers screamed directly!

The land war drove the car to the side of the road. Only then did he ask: "Wang Yuan, what the **** are you doing, why did you make such a big fire?"

"Land war, you don't know how to be confused. You quickly return the body of Lin Feng. I can see that we are not responsible for your comrades. If you have to return, then Don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people!" Wang Yuan said.

"What? What do you say? Lin Feng's body is gone?" The land war screamed, and then said: "I am still in Jiangnan City, I just want to steal and have time to do it. You think I have a physique. If you say it again, your security is very strict. Do you think I can steal it alone?"

Sun Ke is not far away, Sun Shu is cold, I am cool.

This is the turn of Wang Yuanzhang. The land war is right. This kind of thing is not so easy to do. The repair of the land war is clear, but it is only the stage of repairing the spirit. ability!

Sun Ke is not far away, Sun Shu is cold, I am cool, this thief has to see clearly after Lin Feng’s dressing, and immediately threatened to say: “You are too **** to do nothing, let me go, or I...”

Wang Yuan was confused. He hung up the phone and started to turn around. It’s not land war. Who is it? Who is this big skill? What did you want to do to steal Lin Feng’s body?

"It won't be a scam.... Hey... How is it possible, is it that it is resurrected and gone? Hey, it's even more impossible! People have been dead for so long, how can they be resurrected, even if it is resurrected? May disappear from the closed room?!" Wang Yuanyue wants to feel more puzzled!捡 a fan as a wife

Out of this kind of thing, it’s not Wang Yuan’s own thing. From the sentry to everyone here, there is suspicion. Wang Yuan once again reported this sudden situation to his superiors. group.

Lin Feng left the dock and went directly to Linhai City, but the mobile phone of Lin Feng had disappeared. I couldn't contact the land war for a time, and even the money was gone. This made Lin Feng very depressed!

When Lin Feng was depressed, suddenly his eyes lit up, but he saw a young man who was following a girl and looked sneaky. Lin Feng looked at it at a glance. This is obviously a thief!

Lin Feng did not move up and down, just when the young man just pulled out a purse from the girl's bag, Lin Feng immediately stepped forward and grasped his hand!

"Oh..." The thief immediately screamed, and Lin Feng squeezed him to the ground. The girl also looked back at the shock and saw the bag on the thief's hand!

"Miss, this is your bag. Don't patronize playing the phone in the future. I don't know if the bag has been stolen." Lin Feng returned the bag to the girl.

After the thief saw the dress of Lin Feng clearly, he immediately threatened to say: "You are too **** to do nothing, let me go, or I..."

Sun Qiu is not alone, but he is not alone.

Before he even talked, Lin Feng’s slap had been pumped up. Lin Feng used only the usual strength, but also smuggled the thief directly out of the nosebleed. Lin Feng disdainfully said: “How else would you like?”

Lin Feng’s words just finished, the crowd of people on the crowd was crowded out, jumping out of three or four young men, holding sharp knives in their hands, threatening Lin Fengdao: “Boy, which road are you on, and quickly let our brothers, I dare to do it right with the people of our fraternity!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh and asked: "Are you really a brotherhood?"

One of the humanities: "Crap, quickly let him go, go back to confess with us, and provoke the people of our fraternity, I see you are tired!"

Sun Di is not in charge of the investigation

"The fraternity people have not left the sea, how come back?" Lin Feng still held the thief, and the few people listened to Lin Feng said, all disdain.

The other one is playing with the knife in his hand: "Which road are you on? The news is not well-informed. How can our brothers leave the sea, we will not only leave, but also march into the surrounding! ”

This can make Lin Feng come to the air. It turned out that Guo Zhancheng’s guy was actually fooling himself. Lin Feng reached out and took out the thief’s body. It was two women’s wallets and some change, and it was a stolen money!

After releasing the thief, Lin Feng opened the wallet and looked at it. There were about two or three thousand pieces. Lin Feng pulled out two or three sheets directly from the inside, and then turned around and wanted to go!

"Stop, put the money down!" A young man with a knife stopped Lin Feng's way, scared Lin Feng.

The other threatened: "You kid, you also ask for trouble, otherwise the buddies will give you some blood, dare to black the people of our fraternity, how many heads do you have?"

As soon as the words were finished, I suddenly felt that my eyes were black, and I had already slammed my fist on the nose. He staggered and did not fall down. Then Lin Feng still stood in the same place and smiled and said: "You are not giving Let me put some blood, come?" Announcement: This site recommends a free novel app, bid farewell to all ads. Please pay attention to the WeChat public number to download and install appxsyd (hold down for three seconds to copy)

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