When the top officials of the Federal Government of the Magnesium State were on the spot and deeply felt the incredibleness of Xiao Luo’s ability, Xiao Luo was unfolding the snow-free work, like the Immortal God in the Mohave Desert. Flying, of course, this is not a real flight, you have to touch the ground every step of the way, but will not leave any trace that’s all.

The wind whispers in the ear, and the earth moves quickly backwards!

Although it is more expensive to use Inner Strength, Xiao Luo still enjoys the feeling of flying like this wind. His goal is indeed secretly built in the Mohave Desert, as expected by the senior officials of the Federal Government. The stealth fighter R&D base, which was built by the magnesium country and took three years to build, is the most critical moment in the process of developing stealth fighters.

The country of magnesium came to seek justice. The heart of this magnesium country could not be let go. When the base was destroyed, it was also time to return to the country. I thought that Xia Hai had a beautiful wife waiting for himself. The sense of belonging as a man is born in the bottom of my heart.

“Xiao Luo, you give me a stop!!!”

Suddenly, a screaming scream came like a thunder.

Xiao Luo fell back to the ground, his feet were like a stake into the sand, his body stopped, and he turned his head and saw a dust storm approaching him. At the forefront of this dust storm was a silhouette. This silhouette is struggling to run at an extremely fast speed, similar to the speed at which he had just performed his peerless light work, and this dust storm was the tail dust generated by the swift feet of this silhouette stepping on the desert.

The distance of several hundred meters is in the blink of an eye!

In the sand, Xiao Luo saw the appearance of the silhouette, covered with metallic lustrous iron-gray skin, muscles such as dragons stacked on the surface, distributed in blocks, especially the muscles on both sides of the thigh, The two steel plates are generally clear and the lines are distinct. The nails, such as the machete, are scattered in the sunlight to reveal the sharpness.

“It turned out to be you!”

Although the appearance has changed a lot, it is not handsome at all. On the contrary, it is like a ghost. Xiao Luo still recognizes it at a glance. It is that Ian. There are not many accidents. He has already guessed Iraq. En is the genetic warrior of the Magnesium State.

The green pupil, the skin fold around the corner of the eye, the root vascular burst, Ian is now a biochemical state, and all the indicators of the body have reached Peak.

“I said why it is very uncomfortable to see your first face. It turns out that we are enemies.” Ian proudly with a smile.

“This is the enemy?”

Xiao Luo joked, “I have no hatred with you.”

“You are the genetic warrior of China, and I am the genetic warrior of the Magnesium. Even if there is no private enmity between us, it is also an enemy.” Ian said.

“Who told you that I am a genetic warrior.” Xiao Luo couldn’t help but laugh.

Ian frowned: “Is it not? It can break the limits of human movement, except for genetic warriors, there is no other possibility.”

“Don’t you know the hard work of our country?” Xiao Luo played with with a smile.

“Fart, your Chinese Kung Fu is simply a flower rack, just a kind of trick on the stage, wanting to break through the limits of human motion, it is a daydream.” Ian dismissive.

Xiao Luo shook his head: “Sorry, my work is really hard!”

Baklyly fell, he waved forward and slammed his hand, suddenly the dust and sand fluttered, the earth trembled, the surging palm force, like the rolling Yangtze River, like a big river, roaring, screaming forward in a dragon roar go with.

The sand between the two is like a snowflake in a storm. In an instant, it is wound up in the sky, bursting under the urge of the palm force, and the sand that can not be broken again becomes shredded again, and the dust is scattered.

This is Dragon-Subduing 18 Palms, which uses seven points!

Ian is like an iron-gray god. It is as stable as Mount Tai in this stormy palm force storm. It doesn’t move at all, and this palm seems to have no harm to him at all, just like the ordinary wind. He flew past him.


浼婃仼鍐风瑧锛屸€粰鎴戞尃鐥掔棐粰鎴戞尃鐥掔棐that鈥檚 锛岀瓑鏉€姝讳 浣狅纴鎴戜 浣狅纴鎴戜 浣狅纴鎴戜 鍏戠幇涔嫔墠镄勬圹璇 鍏戠幇涔嫔墠镄勬圹璇 纴铡讳綘浠崕锲 纴鎶娄綘浠浗瀹 纴鎶娄綘浠浗瀹 纴鎶娄綘浠浗瀹 墍璋撶殑姝 滠楂樻 滠楂樻 滠楂樻 滠楂樻 鍏ㄥ綋鎴愰 鍏ㄥ綋鎴愰 鍏ㄥ綋鎴愰 帀銆傗 帀銆傗

鈥滃彧镐曚綘娌¤ 涓疄锷涳纴鎴戝彧璇 涓疄锷涳纴鎴戝彧璇 涓疄锷涳纴鎴戝彧璇 涓疄锷涳纴鎴戝彧璇 涓疄锷涳纴鎴戝彧璇 湪婊 湪婊 紑锛屾垜鏀 鏉 鏉 鏉 鏉 敓璺纴鐪嫔缑鍑 敓璺纴鐪嫔缑鍑 敓璺纴鐪嫔缑鍑 敓璺纴鐪嫔缑鍑 敓璺纴鐪嫔缑鍑锛岄粍鑻ョ劧鐪熷 锽沧浣狅纴浣犲拰濂 锽沧浣狅纴浣犲拰濂 鏄兘 鏄兘 垚姝 垚姝 灉锛屾垜涔熺敱琛 灉锛屾垜涔熺敱琛 灉锛屾垜涔熺敱琛 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑纴鍜屾垜 掳纴浣犱笉鏄 掳纴浣犱笉鏄 掳纴浣犱笉鏄 嬨 傗 傗 Luo Luo Luo Luo 濂 濂 濂 濂


浼婃仼 浼婃仼 忔槸钖埌浜嗕竴涓ソ绗戠殑绗戣瘽鏀 忔槸钖埌浜嗕竴涓ソ绗戠殑绗戣瘽鏀 0澶х瑧璧 潵锛岀瑧澹 潵锛岀瑧澹 腑阃忕潃娴撴 腑阃忕潃娴撴 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮纴鈥沧垜杩椤 韬 韬 浠诲嚟鍧 镣寮 镣寮 镣寮 镣寮 镣寮 镣寮 镣寮 镣寮 镣寮 镣寮 镣寮 镣寮 镣寮规 锛熶綘浠崕锲 锛熶綘浠崕锲 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮

鈥滀 鎭╋纴浣犳槸鍩哄洜鎴 鎭╋纴浣犳槸鍩哄洜鎴 锛岃 + + + 屼笖杩樻槸 屼笖杩樻槸 濈暀浜嗕 濈暀浜嗕 濈暀浜嗕 濈暀浜嗕 濈暀浜嗕 锛屼綘灏 锛屼綘灏 锛屼綘灏 锛屼綘灏 锛屼綘灏 锛屼綘灏 锛屼綘灏 锛屼綘灏 锛屼綘灏鎭ㄦ妸浣犲綋鎴愬疄楠屽皬锏介紶鎹嗙粦鍦ㄨ瘯楠屽彴涓婅繘琛屾椿浣揿疄楠岀殑镵旈偊鏀夸付搴滐纻鈥漍iao Luo jokingly Said

杩欑旸璇濇 娣 娣 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鑴嗗 鑴嗗浠栨潵璇撮兘鏄竴鍦鸿Е鐩侪蹇冭€屼笖鎭愭€栫殑鍣╂vi锛岃Stretching 9鎸熺潃鍦 Dress Up屽鏋滆涓嶆仺镵旈偊鏀 屽鏋滆涓嶆仺镵旈偊鏀 搴滐纴杩栾嚜鐒 搴滐纴杩栾嚜鐒 槸 槸 瘽锛屼粬镄勮剳娴烽噷鐢氲呖 瘽锛屼粬镄勮剳娴烽噷鐢氲呖 瘽锛屼粬镄勮剳娴烽噷鐢氲呖 瘽锛屼粬镄勮剳娴烽噷鐢氲呖 瘽锛屼粬镄勮剳娴烽噷鐢氲呖 鍗冩鐏帀镵 鍗冩鐏帀镵 鍗冩鐏帀镵 鍗冩鐏帀镵旈偊鏀 旈偊鏀 搴 搴 殑蹇靛ご銆

鍙槸浠栬鐢熷瓨锛岃 屼笖锛屼粬鐜 屼笖锛屼粬鐜 屼笖锛屼粬鐜 湪纰 埌浜呜嚜宸 埌浜呜嚜宸 殑鐖 殑鐖 殑鐖 殑鐖 殑鐖 殑鐖 殑鐖 殑鐖 濂癸纴 濂癸纴 濂癸纴 濂癸纴 濂癸纴 濂癸纴€浠ワ纴浠栧浠ワ纴浠栧鐢樻儏镒垮綋镵旈偊鏀鐢樻儏镒垮綋镵旈偊鏀付搴滀竴鏉“繝蹇冭€胯€殑镫椼殑镫椼€

阒碿oldly smiled 锛气滆 滆 灏 灏 笉锷 笉锷 綘璐 綘璐 綘璐 綘璐 綘璐 岃 岃 岃 涔嬶纴浣犱粖澶╁繀椤 涔嬶纴浣犱粖澶╁繀椤 涔嬶纴浣犱粖澶╁繀椤 涔嬶纴浣犱粖澶╁繀椤 涔嬶纴浣犱粖澶╁繀椤 涔嬶纴浣犱粖澶╁繀椤 涔嬶纴浣犱粖澶╁繀椤


锽夊挋涓炕婊氲€屽嚭涓€澹版蒙闂峰桩钖硷纴浼婃仼瀹涘涓钖硷纴浼婃仼瀹涘涓澶磜ild beast chain漍iao Luo 妯啿鐩存挒杩囨潵锛岀厼姘旇吘 撅纴阃熷 撅纴阃熷 蹇埌浜嗘瀬镊 纴鐪熷鐢靛厜涓 纴鐪熷鐢靛厜涓 鑸 鑸 鑸

Xiao Luo 鐬 瓟寰缉锛屼绠浼 瓟寰缉锛屼绠浼 瓟寰缉锛屼绠浼 瓟寰缉锛屼绠浼 瓟寰缉锛屼绠浼 瓟寰缉锛屼绠浼 瓟寰缉锛屼绠浼 瓟寰缉锛屼绠浼 瓟寰缉锛屼绠浼 瓟寰缉锛屼绠浼 瓟寰缉锛屼绠浼

绛夊弽搴旇 绛夊弽搴旇 鏉ユ椂锛屼 鎭╁ 鎭╁ 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 缁忓啿鍒 鍓嶏纴濡傝鐢Canned 儴镫犵嫚鍐


Xiao Luo 灏卞儚鏄竴鏋氱偖寮癸纴韬函鎴悫鎴悫淐鈥濆瀷钖戝悗镫犵劧镰淐鈥濆瀷钖戝悗镫犵劧镰


涓 鍑诲缑 鍑诲缑 鍑诲缑 嬶纴浼婃仼骞 嬶纴浼婃仼骞 嬶纴浼婃仼骞 病 病 韪忔镫 韪忔镫 韪忔镫 韪忔镫 韪忔镫 X X Xiao Xiao Xiao 钖戝悗镰繘绋嬶纴闅忓嵆绾佃 涓 涓 璺冿纴鍒 璺冿纴鍒 璺冿纴鍒 偅鏉ュ埌浜嗗叚绫 偅鏉ュ埌浜嗗叚绫 珮绌 纴 嗳棰勫垽鍑篨 嗳棰勫垽鍑篨 iao Luo 椋炲嚭镄勮 椋炲嚭镄勮癸纴浠ラ 嗕箣锷 嗕箣锷 嗕箣锷 洿钀 洿钀 洿钀 洿钀


Xiao Luo brows slightly wrinkle 锛屽湪绌 腑寮 腑寮 腑寮     嶅 嶅 嶅 ョ偣鍦 ョ偣鍦 ョ偣鍦 ョ偣鍦 ョ偣鍦 ョ偣鍦 ョ偣鍦 ョ偣鍦 ョ偣鍦 ョ偣鍦 ョ偣鍦 ョ偣鍦 ョ偣鍦


浼婃仼钀 笅锛屾暣涓 笅锛屾暣涓 笅锛屾暣涓 婕犲湴闱 婕犲湴闱 涔嫔墽鐑堜竴棰わ纴浼撮殢镌 涓 涓 涓 涓 澹 澹 镵嫔彂镵╃殑宸ㄥ搷锛屾垚钖 镵嫔彂镵╃殑宸ㄥ搷锛屾垚钖鏋歠 岃捣锛屽疀濡傛湁涓 岃捣锛屽疀濡傛湁涓 鏋歠 鏋歠 ormidable power 宸ㄥぇ镄勭偖寮 湪钀 湪钀 湪钀 湴镣 湴镣 湴镣 锛屾縺璧 锛屾縺璧 锛屾縺璧 锛屾縺璧 锛屾縺璧 殑锷钖戠潃all around 嗘帬銆佸腑鍗枫

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