Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1705: : Racial discrimination

Such a royal family, such a country, why not spend a lot of time? !

If you change them today, you will also choose the woods for the good birds, and you will never be so ruthless for Panyu!

Thinking of this, the two pioneers clasped their claws with each other, crying with a headache, and crying for the pain of their own encounter with a good master. They also secretly vowed that there would be no ‘racial discrimination’ in the future!

——Duoer dividing line——

"The emperor, the old high I don't bear the grace, all are done!" When the high general returned to the military camp, the tent had not been opened, and the beginning of the big trick called for the invitation.

Fuzi had already made a cup of tea for Lao Gao and waited for him to use it.

Lao Gao wiped his mouth and patted his chest with high anger. He proudly showed off: "This time, a total of 18,000 people have been recruited, and 10,000 of them have not been infected. They can fight and cook, healthy. Very; the rest of them, Lao Gao are handed over to the military doctors, let them take the herbs, first raise them."

Long Yutian is writing a letter to the Wang Wangfu, keeping the newspaper safe. Hearing here, he paused a little brush and asked: "What about the remaining 10,000?"

Lao Gaochang sighed: "There are four thousand people who died, their bodies, I have sent people to burn them. - As for the remaining thousands of people, some of them were dissolved on the spot, and they were returned to the fields; some are still right. The Panyu royal family holds a glimmer of hope, and the foolish loyalty."

"However, it is only a few thousand people. When I slashed the old high, I hacked half, not afraid."

Lao Gao drank a cup of tea, and suddenly he got up from the chair, and his tone followed the fire: "However, it is really a bird, when I am with a bearded man, I see these. In addition to the old and the weak, the vanguard official did not even see the shadow of a bird. It was estimated that the foot of the foot had already slipped and ran away. The prince was a turtle grandson, not even a toy. It!"

His angry slap hit the table, and he was so hard that even the corner of the table was shattered.

It is not to be blamed that the soldiers will surrender without paying attention to them. If they change to be him, they will not give up their nest, and they will not give up!

In the morning and evening, he had to grab the **** by himself and avenge the death of the soldiers who died.

In the face of Lao Gao’s indignation, Long Yutian was indifferent to it, but with a bang, he continued to bow his head and write a book.

The plague was planned by him and the velvet, and with his knowledge of the prince, he knew that the selfish little man would have left tens of thousands of soldiers on the verge of life and death.

It’s just that what Long Yutian didn’t think was that the prince of the rites was shameless and even the military doctors took it away? !

Although the thousands of soldiers who died under the plague were innocent, but if they did not shed some blood and died, how could they ruin the last hopes of the Panyu soldiers and let them see through the self-serving face of the Panyu royal family? !

People, only when they are forced to go nowhere, they know that what is dead and then born.

Although Long Yutian is not so sinister and sinister, but as a king of a country, if you do not have to use some hands to play, then the dead and wounded, will be their own subjects!

"Emperor, Lao Gao, I don’t think there is any reaction after you hear this. It seems that everything is in your expectation?"

The old man squatted, trying to find a hint of surprise from the face of Long Yutian, but looking left and right, in addition to a perfect and handsome, it is always cold and arrogant.

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