Overlord, Love Me Tender

Chapter 813: Corpse entry

Chapter 813 corpse entry

The mercenaries of the killing group heard the words, and they all looked red and squinted.

At the time of their lives, what they thought was how to make themselves alive.

They have just been able to have enough time to use the silver wire to cross the pile of fires, the time for their heads to sacrifice their lives and fight for them.

Fortunately, the night fell to the last minute.

In the night, there was no leisure, and the killing mercenary group staged a drama of brotherhood.

She directly touched a medicine bottle and threw it into the hands of Zi Qianqian. He ordered the voice: "The taste of blood is not only to stimulate the body, but also to attract the corpse! Stop bleeding for him, enter the body, and so on. Avoid the body and then drive out."

Purple thousand pick up the medicine bottle, and the eyebrows are close to each other, and they are very unwilling to kiss the tone of the night.

Just about to refute, but seeing the night and clearing has already twisted his head, the red feather fan in his hand is like a fire, and leaps at the fingertips of the slender white jade.

The silver wires that were plunged into the rock wall quickly gathered back into the fan.

Everything in purple can only be in the throat.

Bite bite, she crouched down and began to stop the wound for the South Palace.

The five corpses, after seeing all the targets, had already crossed the fire, and the corpse was rushing over.

At night, using silver wire, a five-line enchantment was quickly formed on both sides of the rock wall.

Immediately, he pulled out a round lamp oil and threw it into the fire. He screamed at the same time: "Run!"

Although the night is only a deputy head of a bronze medal mercenary group.

At this time, it has become the backbone of everyone's heart.

When the night was cleared, everyone would quickly turn around and run without hesitation.

Five corpses rushed forward, five skeletons, and they hit the silver wire that was enchanted and enchanted, and intercepted them.

The corpse was a few times, and the forest bones were directly caught on the silver wire.

At the right time, the round lamp oil dropped by the night fell into the fire.

Awkwardly, the fire was raging and burned directly to the highest point of the rock wall.

Endless flames, swallowing five corpses.

After the night, after throwing away the lamp oil, he immediately turned around and showed his footsteps in the clouds and water, quickly catching up with everyone's footsteps.

Seeing the night and falling to the front, running in the last Long Yunzhan and other people to let go.

"Did you die?" Qiao Jin turned his head and looked at the night and asked.

The other mercenaries ran with their legs and listened to their ears.

The night faintly shook his head: "The senior corpse is not afraid of the burning of ordinary flames. The thief said that this high-level corpse has no weakness."

"What should I do?" Wei Beijun's face showed a trace of fear, and the voice could not restrain himself. "Can we really die here today?"

"As an executive leader, every word of yours is related to the change of the mental state of the mercenaries." The night clear did not directly answer his questions, but sneered, accusing him with no expression.

Wei Beiyu looked black and suddenly closed his mouth.

This woman is indeed smart and capable.

It’s a mouthful... and this arrogant attitude is really annoying.

The night falls and does not care about the thoughts of those who are not important. She retracts her thoughts and looks around to find ways to avoid the dead.

This was chased by the corpse, and they appeared to be passive.

There is no preparation and opportunity for counterattack at all.

At night, I took a deep breath and kept playing back the road and the places I passed.

Even the details such as gravel vine moss are clearly reflected in my mind.

Suddenly, her light is shining, it seems to think of something, the speed of the foot is getting faster: "Go! Find a place, avoid the corpse! The corpse in the body of the gods must be discharged as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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