Outrageous Summoner

Chapter 210: Cthulhu descends

The storm swept across Jiangdu, the rain poured down, and the rain fell along the outer wall of the glass curtain wall.

The river roared and rolled up the coast, and a dark giant shadow rose into the sky, like a dark mountain.

It was a monster that seemed to have stepped out of a mythical scroll. The sturdy body, the terribly twisted body, and the scarlet eyes are full of hatred, hatred for everything that exists in the world, for the entire world.

Dimensional Demon God-Titanus.

Born from an unknown dimension of different dimensions, as more and more dimensions are swallowed up in the endless years, his power is also increasing day by day, getting stronger and stronger.

He devoured the creatures of countless worlds, and every civilization in every dimension fell. When the inhabitants of that world ushered in the doomsday, the fear and despair of the dying people in front of the doomsday, all the dark emotions will become the nutrients of Ye, let him become stronger.

Countless worlds and countless dimensions are like this. Day after day, he became more and more unstoppable, becoming an invincible demon **** standing proudly in countless dimensions. Anyone would succumb to his lewd power and fear his power.

Except for one world.

It was at this moment that the world was under his feet.

Thousands of years ago, Titanus came here. Human beings at that time were building an unprecedentedly prosperous dynasty, and the power of the summoners reached the climax of history in the inheritance from generation to generation.

That was also the glorious era that gave birth to the strongest summoner and the strongest king in history.

So for the first time ever, Titanus hit a wall.

In the past, he had no advantage in any dimension and any world, and in most worlds he had not even encountered resistance that could be called resistance in his eyes.

But this world is different.

Here he met a group of powerful summoners, as well as the three guardian deities who made a deep impression on him throughout his life. He fought fiercely with the patron saints on the earth a thousand years ago. This is also the first time that he failed to win a dimension.

The Dimensional Demon God was repelled, but the summoners also paid a heavy price. That king, along with the strongest warriors under his command, and even the entire royal capital at that time, were all lost in the final battle on the other side of the unknown dimension.

With the disappearance of the capital and its ruler, the greatest dynasty in history has since disappeared. People built new regimes on the ruins, dynasties changed, and slowly even the king's name was forgotten, and the vanished patron saint gradually became a legend.

Today, people can only find information about the scales and claws of that dynasty from historical documents, and the disaster that once happened on this land has long since disappeared.

Dimensional Demon God-Titanus, this name has no trace in the records of any dynasty.

As if those who survived the catastrophe feared him.

As if the name was destined to be forgotten.

until today.

The moment that thing came out of the water, the entire city, the entire continent... No, it should even be said that the entire planet shuddered.

Rolling black clouds shrouded every corner of the blue star day and night, enclosing the blue planet like a black shell.

The extinct volcano that had been silent for many years suddenly erupted, and the magma rolled down the mountain, hissing white smoke, and flattening the unprepared town at the foot of the mountain.

The crust of the sudden earthquake almost swallowed the entire city, and the buildings cracked and collapsed, sinking into the ground.

The sudden tsunami, the lightning that fell from the sky, the unscrupulous typhoon tornado between the cities

It was as if in an instant, the entire planet went crazy.

The world begins to riot, and everyone has no time to take care of themselves.

The anti-disaster action was launched quickly, and at the same time, some people immediately took action to investigate the crux of this series of abnormalities.

Then everyone's eyes quickly locked on Jiangdu, the city that was about to be destroyed by the flood.

A beam of golden light pierced through the thick black cloud like a sharp sword, shot down through the cloud layer, and slammed into the giant shadow. Like a divine punishment from the sky, Jin Mang devoured the Demon God's body in an instant, and the high temperature steamed the river so hot that even the outline of the body almost disappeared.

A golden flying magic spirit flew past the sky, and the golden glow that bloomed all over the body was like the sun, almost tearing the clouds apart. The fifth-order magic spirit, the Wings of Yaojin, is the trump card of the summoner Leng Jin from Grand Master Lingdu.

The black demon **** obviously had the intention of landing in Jiangdu. His mere presence has thrown the world into chaos, and if he landed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

So Leng Jin wanted to solve it as soon as possible before he landed.

Unfortunately, of course things are not that easy.

The energy of Yaojin's Wings slammed on the Dimensional Demon God, but the latter did not move, only relying on the rough and solid shell to bear all the damage.

Wings of Shining Gold increased its output. Its whole body radiated a lot of light, and the energy falling from the air distorted the space and slammed straight on the Dimensional Demon God.

But something is not right.

Leng Jin began to sweat coldly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It should have been at least a deadly power that could sweep across an entire area, and release everything within a five-kilometer radius to raze it to the ground.

But this bang only seemed to be painless on that guy, and even the power seemed mediocre, not having the power it should have at all.

Soon the summoners saw why.

"It's 'energy absorption'." Someone said, "That's a skill of 'energy absorption'."

Energy absorption, a rare skill that has only been seen on magic spirits above the fourth rank. Has the ability to absorb various forms of magic attacks.

Because all the actions of the magic spirit are supported by energy, whether it is the basic attack, destructive skills or auxiliary skills, they are all realized based on the energy of the magic spirit.

If that part of the energy can be absorbed, then both attacks and skills will be easily disintegrated.

But since it is absorption, there should be an upper limit.

He couldn't absorb everything in one go.

Other nearby summoners also realized this. Everyone temporarily put down what they were doing, and called their respective magic spirits to come forward and assist the wings of Yaojin to launch an attack.

All kinds of attacks were poured into the black giant shadow, and the overflowing energy exploded into the river. Thick smoke and a light curtain obscured its figure, and the beam of light shot straight into the sky.

After one minute, the attack temporarily stops.

The light curtain disappeared and the smoke screen dissipated.

The devil is still standing.

Everyone's breathing is almost stagnant, adrenaline is released, the heartbeat is suddenly accelerated, and fear quickly dominates everyone's brain

"It's my turn."

A low and cold voice sounded in everyone's ears, like the ravings of death.

The Dimensional Demon God moved. He opened his palm, energy poured out, and white light bloomed, and the light seemed to wipe out everything that existed in the world.

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