Original Wizard

Chapter 627

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Wizards are now very popular in the term “power generation”. They found that various forms of energy absorption can actually be considered as a kind of power generation. The electricity here does not specifically refer to electricity, but it is true that ordinary meditation is good. Legendary wizards have a high level of activation. Whether the dimensional crack transforms the super-dimensional magic power, it is a kind of power generation.

It’s just from low-level to high-level, from simple to complex.

“Power generation? What you said seems very likely.”

“It is true that the controllable nuclear fusion thruster on the surface of the crystal wall of the world requires too many special materials, but there are 200000000 million stars in our world, and there are many minerals that can be mined. It does not necessarily need us to generate electricity, right?”

“That’s not necessarily. Let’s not say that these 200000000 million stars are huge background and backup energy. We can open high-dimensional cracks, and we can completely stop the controllable nuclear fusion, and directly use the super-dimensional magic to advance. According to the mathematical model, use the full-super-dimensional magic. , The recommended speed will be increased by half, in other words, the maximum speed will reach 30% of the speed of light.”


The Legendary wizards exclaimed, although they can all perform curvature transitions, and even the subplanes can also perform curvature transitions, but the world cannot.

In 4-dimensional space-time, the subplane is just a particle. It is not at all a big problem to perform a curvature transition, but the world is a cluster of particles, which is too large, and the curvature transition is basically impossible to achieve with current magic techniques.

Therefore, sub-light speed navigation is the fastest way of propulsion in the world. When you know that you can sail at 30% of the speed of light, everyone’s eyes are unbelievable.

“It would be great if there was a dedicated human flesh generator, liberating us…”

Just as they were speaking, Ace and Bayern had returned, and Ace was sitting in the main seat, and the legendary wizards present immediately silenced.

The founder of the magic road, the supreme powerhouse among the wizards, is not angry and pretentious, making everyone present unconsciously solemn and solemn.

“Everyone, today’s topic is 3. The first is the real-name world penetration plan. We will infiltrate the real-name world in all directions, and the real ugliness after unveiling its curtain; the second is to report the phased results of 2-dimensional curvature mapping, sharing the curvature rune ; The third is the short-term plan and long-term strategy to solve energy shortages.”

Bayern’s voice is not loud, but it is very clear, as if it is imprinted in everyone’s mind, it is memorable.

The first topic started very quickly. The wizards had long been divided into groups, or the representative chairman of each presidium was a representative of a group.

About one day has passed. There are a total of twelve groups. All the proposals have been negotiated. After many discussions, it is finally decided that the Lord of Doom 2th Ring Legendary Wizard Leon is solely responsible for infiltration.

Ace’s original intention was to disturb a pool of spring water. The projection of a wizard with a scale of 1000 to 10000 will come and invade the real name world. Although it will not succeed, it will definitely disrupt the internal structure of the real name world. And the Avatar consciousness that he ambushes in advance may be able to get more opportunities.

After all, Avatar’s consciousness has been washed out, and foreign world information has been completely eliminated. For this reason, Ace only retains the most authentic part of himself, transmigrator Ace.

For a moment, Ace also doubted himself, who am I?

Leon quickly identified a group of Legendary mages who had volunteered for the projection, and began to discuss the next infiltration plan.

The meeting also proceeded to the 2nd stage, and Bayern’s expression happily announced to the Legendary wizards: “According to Lord Ace’s authorization, all members of the highest panel can use the Star Boundary Level 3 layered space-time curvature map and the discovered more than 30000 Fifth Level runes for free. .”

The meaning is that the level 6 rune will not be made public. After all, the level 6 rune is extremely precious. Everyone finds the level 6 rune, which can be memorized and used to obtain exchange points. It is not appropriate to share it publicly.

And everyone is selfish. Even if it is Ace himself, unless he has been promoted to level 6, he is unwilling to disclose the level 6 rune, which is the basis for his promotion.

Although they have borrowed the power of the Legendary, they have been given a large amount of Legendary treasure, knowledge, especially spell as equivalent exchange. These level 6 runes are Ace’s precious possessions.

But even so, it is enough to make everyone cheer. A large number of precious Fifth Level runes will greatly enhance the legendary wizards’ background, and the “map” of space-time curvature will make them more like a in the astral transition of curvature. fish back in water.

After everyone cheered, Bayern coughed slightly and said: “Of course, all of this requires the conclusion of an oath, and it must not spread outside the highest panel.”

Ace also stood up, mobilized his magic power, and a Libra appeared in front of him. It was dreamy and colorful. In front of each Legendary wizard, a new scroll appeared. After everyone completed the vow, it burned.

Bayern felt a certain mark in his soul, which faintly echoed with Dayuan, and he immediately understood that this was the Dayuan oath.

“In the third item of the conference, I personally explained to you that energy is the most important resource of our wizarding world. Our world is an independent system. This system is not isolated. It has external channels, access to energy and materials. There are 3.

One is the existence below Fifth Level, through the astral scavengers, invading the other world, plundering and picking up energy materials, and 2 is relying on everyone here to obtain super-dimensional magic power from high-dimensional time and space, and degrade it into matter and energy!

We are currently sailing at sub-light speeds, and the only way to obtain resources is through everyone here. “

The wizards were slightly commotion, and many wizards seemed to say, yes, yes, Lord Ace wants us to be human generators.

Although so self-deprecating, everyone knew the priorities, but no one opposed it, and soon entered the negotiation stage. In the end, Ace decided and divided into 3 groups, of which Ace himself was divided into one group, and the other Legendary wizards were divided into 2 groups, which took turns to “generate”.

The huge energy supply gap of the sub-light speed was temporarily filled, but Ace still stood on the stage, stopping the wizards who were about to leave.

“I have a new plan, I need to discuss with you!”

The sharp eyes made the hearts of Legendary wizards beat slowly.

“In the long run, the lack of energy and material will be the shackles of our development. If we want to achieve leapfrog development, we must solve the lack of energy and material, which is the’power generation’ that everyone often ridicules.”

Ace’s voice was solemn, seeming to be a bit of solemnity, which made Bayern a little uneasy and worried.

“Now, there is only one form before us. The greater the use of transdimensional magic, the greater the ability to obtain energy and matter. In terms of obtaining transdimensional magic, our method is actually very primordial. We only Can use 5 level existence high-dimensional cracks to obtain super-dimensional magic power, which may be in this state for a long time in the future.

If we use the metaphor of mortal development, we are now in the era of human development. We have not developed complex skills at all. We can only simply use human resources to complete various tasks. Maybe we need animal power and even slaves to promote our development! “

Ace’s voice was a little heavy, which made everyone feel a little heavy. At this moment, Thales stood up suddenly and bowed slightly to Ace.

“Master Ace, I have some ideas!”

Ace looked at Thales and suddenly smiled heartily: “Let’s talk.”

Thales ignored Blenia pulling his clothes corner, loudly said: “We are indeed in the low-level stage of the use of high-dimensional energy, or in the primordial era of the exploration of 4-dimensional space-time, but as long as the magical civilization continues to develop, One day we can use more advanced and effective means to transform super-dimensional magic. Although this process is long, we don’t need to walk the path of slavery.

Maybe in the future, we can find a way to live in harmony with Spiritual God and jointly create a diverse and greater civilization…”

Before Thales had spoken, he heard a burst of laughter from jié jié jié. It turned out to be Legendary Lich Witte.

His current state is that of a handsome young man, with the heads of strange females turning around him, making people shudder.

“Are you trying to say that Spiritual Gods shouldn’t be enslaved? Are we going to give them equal rights and recognize them as one of us? Thales, I really didn’t expect you to be so naive, we Wizards and Spiritual God are naturally different and hostile in nature!

Use them, Dissection them, destroy them is what we should do. “

Witte’s words have aroused the approval of many wizards. In the eyes of many wizards, the so-called Spiritual God simply is alien. If you use the analogy of mortals, even slaves are not counted as animals of different races!

“We human beings have been continuously exploiting since we were born. We have exploited and eaten animals. We have exploited the same kind. It is through constant oppression that we can move forward. Even today, when the magical civilization is highly developed, unequal Still there, exploitation still exists.

Even the internal inequality has not been resolved, the invisible exploitation has not been resolved, you want to love foreign enemies? “

The sharp words made Thales also choked up, but his eyes were firm and he said seriously: “The star world is like a Dark Forest. We hunt every civilization we see and are also hunted by other civilizations. We are now More attempts to exploit and oppress the other world, I admit that this is a road, but it is not an inevitable road.

Human beings can eliminate explicit oppression and retain appropriate competition, but it is conducive to progress, because the natural opportunities between people have nothing common with each other.

But in any case, relative fairness and fair competition have always been our unremitting pursuit, and it is also our wizard and a model of our magical civilization.

This kind of culture of ours should be able to extend to the entire star realm, and perhaps in the future, no matter what your background is, no matter what…

Before Thales was finished, he was overwhelmed by the spit stars of a group of Legendary wizards who supported Lich Werther, and a small number of Legendary wizards stood up to support Thales, and the wizards split for the first time.

Ace did not hesitate, he exerted his authority, and his mighty power spread. Loudly said: “I do not deny that what Thales said is a possibility, but we are not safe now. You must remember that we are from Kaya The world flees in embarrassment, and the drastic changes in Kaya are likely to cause unknown changes.

We don’t have enough time, and our enemies are stronger than the other. Time is extremely tight. We have no chance to choose another possibility, enslaving the enemy or being enslaved by the enemy!

This is related to the future of our magical civilization, and the choice cannot be made by myself.

You are all the hope of magic and are official members of the Supreme Jury. Let us vote by show of hands today. If you choose to conquer and enslave aliens and survive in the cruel astral world, please raise your hands with me! “

After Ace finished speaking, he slowly raised his right hand, his eyes were firm, and his killing intent was determined.

Bayern followed and raised his hand, Legendary Lich and Werther also raised his hand, Dana also raised his hand, more and more Legendary wizards raised their hands high, Thales looked at everyone, muttered: “You are free A terrible rare beast.”

Blenia raised her right hand slowly, her eyes soft and firm: “My dear, do you remember when you told me the Dark Forest theory that day? We don’t have time to spread the goodness, survival is the first choice. Let us bloody our hands together, and if we really want to be monsters, we will become monsters together.

If fluke, the magical civilization wizard world really exists in the astral world, then is the time to implement your ideals and beliefs. “

Thales watched more and more people raise their hands, shook his head feebly, and said, “Blenia, I am willing to work with you and all wizards to obey the collective will, but I can’t act against my own will. Since everyone has chosen to be monsters, even if I don’t want to, I will become monsters together.”

Warren came over, embraced Thales, and whispered: “Don’t be too frustrated. This is just a decision. We are not monsters. The reason for this decision is because we are wizards.”

Ace looked at the overwhelming majority Legendary wizard with firm gaze, loudly said: “Then the strategic direction is passed, our strategy for a long time in the future is to hunt more Spiritual Gods, exploit and squeeze them, and let them become our batteries. , Our computer, stepping on the corpses of the old age, stained with blood, to climb higher peaks.

To survive, to seek truth! “

After nearly half a month of discussion, the wizards perfected this strategy and related ideas, and introduced a secret law, the Spiritual God Enslavement Act.

In the bill, several exemptions from slavery are stipulated. The Spiritual God with historical friendship, the Spiritual God naturally cultivated by wizards, and the new Spiritual God developed by warriors, Knights, wizards, Blood Race, and warlocks.

Through this bill, 5 level existence is artificially classified, Legendary wizards are first-class citizens, exempts are second-class citizens, and the rest are slaves.

Ace looked at Thales, who was desperate, without any pleasure, but rather bitter.

“When I was in Kaya, I thought that one day I could defeat Spiritual God and realize the rise of wizards. But now that we who have risen to force Spiritual God to such a situation, perhaps it is not as good as Spiritual God’s attitude towards us. But there is no need to regret it. Since I intend to become a crocodile, then I will shed false tears!”

In the empty magic temple, Ace whispered.

“I am a criminal, the biggest criminal in the wizarding community. I instigated the wizards to release the devil in their hearts. I am also a criminal of the alien Spiritual God. I will carry out the most cruel killing and use of them, but I will not regret it. I will not apologize either!”

Ace’s eyes flickered, recalling the fear of rippling greenery when he hurriedly fled from Kaya. The danger cannot even be solved by 6 level existence, and the terrible mutation that can profoundly affect the 4-dimensional space-time is Ace by fair means or The root of foul progress.

“Maybe people won’t understand, maybe the crisis is just my imagination, but I will never apologize, without the slightest pity, because I will do my best to deal with the terrible future by fair means or foul.”

No one responded, only the mirror-like floor shimmering in the silent magic temple.

In the Milky Way, there is a livable planet named Solder Star, where the Alexander family of immigrants from Kaya lived.

Alexander was just a little boy. When he fled from Floating Void City to the sub-plane of Ace in embarrassment, he didn’t know anything. His impression of Kaya was only in the mechanized life of Floating Void City.

Solder Star is not a developed planet. In several ratings of the Galactic Alliance, Solder is listed as a lower one, just an ordinary agricultural planet.

There is only one magic university on this planet, the Solder Agricultural University. The wizards and wizards trained are all in the direction of life magic.

Alexander’s father was forced to become a magic farmer here, saying that he was a farmer. After all, he was a 2nd ring wizard. Planting this kind of thing rarely requires physical practice, and more is spelling and management.

Alexander lives in the wizard tower of father. According to father, the entire Star of Solder is at least 200 years behind Floating Void City.

“The generational difference in magic technology is too serious. We are very bad luck. We were assigned to this one after another magic desert. In addition to being livable, Solder doesn’t have any useful magic resources. The so-called agricultural planet is actually born by itself. Extinguish that’s all.”

At Solder Agricultural University, Alexander’s roommate, one-ring wizard Joshua said angrily.

Alexander laughed and looked at “The Complete Explanation of Classical Magic Mechanics” with keen interest pleasure, without speaking.

“Alexander, even if you study magic mechanics, I am afraid that there will be no future. We are all destined to farm. Born in the urban planet and the agricultural planet, there is simply the difference between Heaven and Earth! We are even floating here! There are not many flying cars, and everyone relies on magic carpets and flying broomsticks to travel.

The Galactic Union Council turned a blind eye to us. Our planet didn’t even have a seat as a member of Parliament, so we couldn’t speak up!

Moreover, the frontier theories of magic have long surpassed the classic magic mechanics. What is the use of studying these! “

Alexander looked at the chattering roommate, closed the book, smiled and said, “We are all 2 14 years old and we are ordinary wizards. It does not seem to have much potential, but most of us use it in our lives. The range of casting spells will not exceed the rule of the Ace 3 law and the 10000 law of gravitation. Research on this is not outdated.

Even in the face of adversity, we still have to believe that we are a promising wizard. Life magic is of course very good, but I will never be a life magic planter! “

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