Original Wizard

Chapter 196

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In the middle of the night, Ace’s residence, the largest mud house in the colony of High Towers.

Under the cold rays of light with the controllable light ball, Ace stood under it, and the dull hair on the top of his head shook violently. Arnie was not far from him, consuming her heart with the energy of feeding.

Using the soul spell “insight and perception”, combined with the book wizard’s ability to understand the unknown and deduction, Ace has roughly recorded the complex rune of the intermittent near Arnie’s heart in the vision of perception.

“hu hu! ”

Arnie, who was almost relieved, lay on the ground feebly, breathing heavily.

Ace tried to use spirit strength to outline this peculiarly complex rune in the air. Every time it was about to be completed, the rune was mysteriously broken, and it seemed that something was missing.

“what is it then?”

Ace muttered to himself as he walked around the room.

Hey, it seemed that something soft had been stepped on, and Ace stepped on it subconsciously.

Arnie issued a groan, it turned out that his hand was stepped on by Ace.

Ace raised his feet, squatted down and looked at Arnie who was lying on the ground, and asked in a wooden voice, “What do you think is the most important element of rune in your heart?”

Arnie took advantage of Ace’s foot and just withdrew his hand back. He panted hard and said intermittently, “I…courage…the most important…”

After listening, Ace stood up and muttered: “Courage? It is the so-called creed. Can it be understood as an attribute of will?”

He then looked down at Arnie, pulled Arnie up and said, “You have worked hard, I will ask the assistant to send you back to rest first.”

When speaking, he used a nearly drag method to lift the weak Arnie up and hand it over to the mirror Avatar.

After sending Arnie away, Ace continued to think. He murmured: “Heart power is composed of creed will and inherent magic. Maybe I can try self-hypnosis to form a spirit willpower similar to the creed of courage, and then combine with my own inherent magic. mixing.”

Thinking of this, Ace immediately began to relax his body and mind, closing his eyes, inspiring the soul to spell “cues” and hypnotize himself.

For a long time, his eyes opened, with fiery emotions, similar to the courage he felt in Arnie’s mind.

Ace sensed his spirit strength and found that the spirit strength had a golden-yellow luster. He opened page 5 of his magic book and recorded it in the magic diary.

“Every kind of virtue emotion, if it can penetrate into the spirit and achieve resonance, it will produce peculiar changes. The most characteristic phenomenon is spirit strength dyeing.”

He controlled this kind of spirit strength and slowly separated a small piece. This group of spirit strength exuded a soft golden-yellow luster, fluctuating like breathing, giving people a very powerful warmth.

Ace separated a piece of inherent magic power, and slowly approached this group of spirit strength. Under his control, the two began to blend together, weng!

It seems that some kind of mechanism has been opened, and some strange transcendent power similar to mental power is about to be born, bang!

The power turned into a bubble, disappear without a trace, failed!

As time passed day by day, Ace continued to experiment, and through constant trial and error, simulating Knight cultivation, he finally created a unique spirit strength like Knight’s creed, which Ace called mimicry courage will.

The mimic courage will exuding the golden-yellow color, rolling in the air like a wave, as the inherent magic of Ace was injected, a violent reaction immediately occurred!

The golden rays of light flourished, and the transcendent power of psychic power appeared. This power is similar in mental power in all aspects, but its root is still magic power, which can only be said to be mimic mental power, not real mental power.

The dull hair on Ace’s head began to sway, and the strange rune illusory shadow reproduced from Arnie appeared before his eyes.

He controls the mimicry courage and mental strength, and outlines this strange rune little by little. With the completion of the rune, he seems to hear a shout, he feels overwhelmed by emotions, and seems to have endless courage!

Ace looked at this rune and tried to re-engrave it into the soul secret space, and found that it could not enter the secret space. It seemed to be extremely repellent to the soul secret space. No matter how Ace acted, this strange rune refused to enter the soul secret space. Hide space.

Ace tried to combine the basic soul rune with the rune, but it still failed. This rune seems to be a self-contained one. It does not need the assistance of other runes and has its own set of operating rules.

Ace watched this rune floating in the air, disappearing and appearing sometimes. It seemed to be on the boundary between visible and invisible, which reminded Ace of the sea of ​​reality and reality. Does it have a commonality between reality and reality? Ace thought silently.

Ace didn’t dare to put this rune directly close to his heart. A handful of 10000 hearts was transformed into a situation similar to Knight’s heart. He didn’t know what would happen.

You know, Knights can’t directly use influence magic, and the available spells are very scarce.

Recently the apprentices have captured a lot of monsters and they are all locked up near the magic school construction site. Ace decided to experiment with monsters first. He went straight to the construction site and dragged away a monkey-shaped monster with a rope shaped by magic crystal.

At his residence, Ace pushed the rune, which was already a little dull and dull, to the heart of the monster. The rune that was dull and dull was like a shark smelling blood, and plunged in, fuse together with the heart.

Under Ace’s observation, this monster’s heart was changing rapidly, and it became a golden heart in almost a few seconds.

This golden heart repelled the magic power from the monsters and drove them away. The monsters struggled painfully, and finally turned into a pool of blood with a bang, leaving nothing but a beating golden-yellow heart.

Ace looked at the pool of blood with some fear. If he didn’t experiment carefully and just stuffed this rune into his heart, I’m afraid it will be the same now.

In the next few days, Ace experimented with several monsters, all with similar effects, and the formed golden-yellow heart, after beating for a few days, gradually shrank, and finally the golden-yellow disappeared and became a dry one. yellow heart.

After experimenting with monsters many times, Ace took the experiment a step further, and he murmured: “It is necessary to use humans to verify that the batch of slaves in the territory are just suitable experimental subjects.”

He randomly selected 6 physically strong men from the slave, and used sub-permanent spiritual blessings on 3 of them, while the spirit strength of 2 was increased to overclocking status, and the other one did not.

Ace used secondary permanent spiritual blessings to the other 3 people. Still no one achieved spiritual overclocking. He re-selected several slaves and finally got 3 spiritual overclockers.

Through mental resonance, he forcibly increased their spirit strength to 1 unit, let them meditate for a week, and then selected 3 ordinary mortal slaves to start a comparative experiment.

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