Original Wizard

Chapter 185

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It is not difficult to achieve these effects. The secondary rune library has corresponding rune, which can be used directly. Without rune, it uses “advanced magic tricks” through mirroring, and the body uses “insight and perception” to observe its magical rhythm and rhythm during simulation. Simulating rune changes can also degrade the corresponding secondary rune.

Although this kind of degraded rune does not work well, it is possible to basically select a degraded rune with ordinary effects by simulating several times.

The difficulty is how to construct the magic pattern reasonably without the help of the wizard of the book, and adjust the single rune array accordingly to form a compound rune array with 4 rune arrays.

“The so-called structure is actually trial and error!”

After many failures, Ace said to the mirror:

“Instead of relying on trial and error on our own and spending a lot of unnecessary time, it is better to organize the apprentices and use the wisdom of’Divine Chain to connect to the network’ to perform deduction.

‘Fine Divine Chain connects to the network’ without the blessing of the book spirit, it is definitely not enough to deduce the soul rune, but it is only to deduce the sub-rune-level compound rune array, there should be no problem. “

On the 2nd day, Ace organized the apprentices to form the Divine Chain connection network again. In the state of lucid dreams, the apprentices entered the best Divine Chain connection state.

Relying on the virtual dream fragment space formed on the “fine Divine Chain connection network” of the wizard apprentices, the information flow began to interact intentionally or unintentionally.

Ace adjusts the soul resonance frequency of the entire network. After many tests, the resonance threshold between [5, 8] has the best effect under the current number of people.

Under the deployment of “root consciousness”, the entire network has formed a grouping network with intermediate wizard apprentices as the secondary core, and began to conduct multi-core deduction under the deployment of “root consciousness”.

“The instantaneous information flow rate has reached 200, and the instantaneous value of soul resonance has reached 13, and the network as a whole is a bit overheated!” After an hour, the “Mirror Root Consciousness” transmitted information to the subject.

After receiving the information, Ace immediately began to consciously isolate and transmit information to reduce the frequency of resonance. With the information exchange within the network, Ace obtained more and more information.

As a node of the network, the knowledge of each apprentice is very scattered and broken. They don’t even know what they are calculating, but as the “root consciousness” Ace, he has a clear view.

“327 wrong combinations have been eliminated, 567 normal combinations, and 21 optimized combinations. Each sub-rune has produced at least 3 optimization effects, and the combined rune array has an excellent effect.”

As the “root consciousness”, Ace evaluated the effectiveness of this wisdom deduction and recorded the corresponding results in his magic book.

Ace recorded his thoughts in the magic diary on page 5 of the magic book:

“The biggest gain of this attempt is not to successfully roll out 2 sub-compound rune arrays quickly.

Rather, it is confirmed that rune itself can be simplified, optimized or even alienated (change the expression of rune), but this requires a great deal of computing power and a spark of wisdom. This is a very difficult thing to solve. The connection of the fine Divine Chain to the network is a perfect solution. this problem.

This will be the largest application direction of the Divine Chain connection network for a long time in the future! “

After disbanding the apprentices, they worked with the mirror to create magic robes and magic badges in batches. Through the spell-like effects of “advanced magic tricks,” they quickly made monster fur into robes and enchanted iron blocks into badges.

Because the badge itself has been “enchanted” by the iron itself, Ace directly enchants and engraves the complex rune array to create a quasi-magic item.

The biggest difference between quasi-magic items and magic items is that quasi-magic items cannot be self-sufficient in magic. Judging from this perspective, magic books are also quasi-magic items.

But this does not mean that the quasi-magic item is weak. In the low-level stage, a powerful quasi-magic item that can be recharged may be far more self-sufficient with the magic power, but it will waste many months of the magic item once used.

The progress on the mirror side is slower. The robe made of monster fur also needs to be “enchanted” before the rune formation can be inscribed.

A week later, the apprentices gathered in the large open space on the west side of the settlement. Today, it is 10000 in the clear sky, sun shone brightly, and it is a good weather.

They have received a notice from Bayern that the fire spreader Ace will be here to inspect their training results. The apprentices who are already confident are gearing up, the less skilled apprentices are embarrassed, and the totally inconsistent apprentices are like Ancesta and Arnie, have no desire to improve.

“Uncle Melancholy, let me not say that I entered the meditation state for 3 seconds. I have not succeeded in meditation except for the few group meditations recently. The magic missile and magic crystal shield are also not available. Why is this?”

Arnie said to Ancesta desperately in the corner of the crowd.

Ancesta didn’t pay attention to Arnie. He was also very desperate. He couldn’t meditate at all, and he couldn’t use spell. If it wasn’t for Knight’s mental strength, he would have thought he had become a mortal again.

You must find an opportunity to consult with the fireman!

In addition, as a Knight, I should be loyal to the flame spreader. According to the principle of equivalent exchange, I exchange loyalty and effectiveness to the flame spreader for guidance on the future path. It should be no problem.

Ancesta looked at Arnie with some melancholy eyes, while thinking about his thoughts.

Betty is also worried. Golden’s double ponytails are weakly drooping. Iron ore can only be found in the north of the territory, but she is also impossible to go mining alone. Rebuilding the Apprentice Type 1 is far away, making her very melancholy.

As for the assessment, she doesn’t worry at all, genius girl Betty, but she was born with overclocking, superior intelligence, trifling assessment, very easy.

While everyone was talking, Ace flew up from the sky on a “pegasus”, he jumped out of the air with one hand holding a short and thin old man Logan wearing an oversized hat.

As he approached the ground, his free hand pointed forward, and the spell model of Wind Element’s secondary spell air cushion technique emerged in his hand, and the invisible high-density air cushion appeared, bang!

With a dull sound, the air cushion slowly dissipated, and he held the old man slowly down.

The “pegasus” in the sky turned a few times, flew to the edge of the settlement, changed back to the appearance of a mirrored Avatar, and then touched the dim light again, transformed into a Sharp appearance, and ran to the open space on the west side quickly.

Ace has always felt that the pegasus of the Medea family is very compelling. In order to show himself in front of the apprentice, the mirror image had to be transformed into a look similar to pegasus from a distance, which can be described as a model of hard work.

“Apprentices, before assessing your training results, please allow one thing to be announced to you. Today, our Junior Magic School in the High Tower Domain was officially established, and today is your enrollment day.

From today on, you are all freshmen of the high tower junior magic school. Everyone will spend 5 years here. I hope that after these 5 years, everyone present can graduate successfully and get the qualification to join the tower. .

In the first grade of the magic school, you will learn the art of learning lingua franca, logical thinking, elementary mathematics application, secondary Meditation Method and secondary rune of the system. The first 5 courses are only for the first grade, and the last 3 This course will run through your 2 years of study. “

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