Original Wizard

Chapter 177

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They received a notice from Bayern last night that the magic book was finally successfully upgraded, and they wanted to retrieve their magic book.

“Without the magic book, I can’t even use spell now. I have spirit strength. I traced the spell model several times in the air before I could barely meditate.”

“You usually rely too much on magic books. Master Fire spreader said that knowledge is power. You have to keep power in your mind and use it flexibly.”

“I feel that I am out of the magic book this time, but it makes me realize that I rely too much on the magic book. Without a magic book, a wizard apprentice who can’t cast spells is considered a real wizard apprentice? We have to practice it!”

“Look at Dana Gangfist! She doesn’t need a magic book at all, and she can meditate and use various magic crystal shaping techniques very proficiently. She is simply a model for our apprentice witch!”

“It’s too violent. I think the apprentice wizard should be more elegant.”

At the time of their heated discussion of everyone talking at once, they saw Ace Summon with a huge spell hand, holding everyone’s magic book.

As soon as Ace arrived in the square, the huge hand of spell left and split into countless small hands of spell, each holding a magic book.

Ace confirmed the Spiritual Fluctuation of each apprentice with insight and perception and matched it with the spiritual imprint in the magic book, and quickly distributed the magic book.

After watching every apprentice wizard get the magic book, Ace carefully observes each apprentice with the soul spell “magic search”. This spell is the fusion of the original “retrieving perception” and “magic sensitivity”. And magic sensitive rune as the core, it is more accurate to judge the strength level of each apprentice.

The overwhelming majority apprentices are all white rays of light, both strong and weak. Ace’s own rays of light are already dazzling white, with a hint of faintly discernable red intermittent.

After observation, Ace confirmed that there are more than 90 wizard apprentices ready, and 3 have reached the intermediate wizard apprenticeship level, including Bayern, Dana, Ancesta, Arnie, Betty and Carosso.

Considering the nearly 600 apprentices who took the Close-Combat Wizard route, less than 30 people survived, totaling more than 700 people. Thirteen middle-level wizard apprentices were produced in 2 years. Ace doesn’t know if it’s a good one. He needs More frames of reference can be evaluated.

He needs to continue to observe and guide every apprentice from now on. In addition to teaching in accordance with his aptitude, he must also promote outstanding talents to become the magic teacher of the future tower wizard school, so as to liberate him from the heavy teaching work in the future. come out.

He looked at the apprentices as if he had seen an old friend. While reading the upgraded magic book over and over again, he asked: “My apprentices, the magic book is finally back in your hands, how do you feel?”

“It feels like a new life!”

“I can finally use spell again!”

“Am I too dependent on magic books.”


Ace listened to the discussion of the apprentices, he had already noticed that apprentices rely too much on magic books, because the functions are so powerful, they don’t have to work hard to memorize rune and spell types.

Once they lose the magic book, they are just junior apprentices and intermediate apprentices. Many people can’t cast spells quickly. This is undoubtedly the difference between life and death in battle.

It seems that a practical apprenticeship course will be given in the future.

While thinking about it, Ace said solemnly:

“The magic book is indeed our very important magic tool and reliable partner. It records almost all our knowledge and experience, but!

We must not completely rely on the magic book. Some apprentices lose the magic book and find that they can’t even remember rune or use spell. This is a very scary thing.

If you don’t have time to open the magic book during a battle, does it mean that you have completely lost the power to resist? “

The apprentices in the open space, listening to Ace’s serious words, couldn’t help but begin to reflect on whether they rely too much on the foreign object.

Ace waited for a while, watching the apprentices fall into reflection, and continued:

“We wizards adhere to a principle that all power comes from knowledge, and knowledge is our greatest power.

You can use the magic book to assist yourself, because it is a product of knowledge and represents power.

However, you can’t rely on it completely. You must firmly grasp the knowledge. Regardless of whether there is a magic book or not, you must remember the composition, classification and meaning of every rune you have, and be able to skillfully cast spells!

Today we will go to the jungle in the western part of the territory for another overclocking experiment. After the experiment is over, I will start teaching you magic courses in system in the near future. “

After speaking, Ace led a group of wizards and apprentices to the jungle in the west, mirroring the Sharp of incarnation, where the open space and incarnation deformed carpet were already prepared, and the nearby monsters were driven out.

They will start the second spiritual network link experiment there, exploring the mystery of collective consciousness, and even the path to Ace’s life promotion.

The entire group soon arrived in the western primordial jungle. The jungle in the early morning was surrounded by mist, a little wet, and occasionally birds flew by, breaking the rare tranquility.

They stopped in the open space, and the mirror Avatar of Ace was already waiting here.

All the apprentices recognized that it was a mysterious person living in the same room with Ace, because the other party had been carrying a high temperature that no strangers would enter, and the apprentices did not know his situation.

Ace asked them to sit on the carpet, instead of rushing to connect to the spiritual network, he directly told the apprentices.

“We are going to carry out 3 different pre-conditions of spiritual network linking, which are fully awake, half-asleep and fully asleep, to complete the spiritual network link.

We use the method of pre-condition classification experiments to try to determine whether these three different pre-conditions have an effect on the mental network link.

If there is an impact, the effects of our 3 different links will definitely be different. At this time, we need to evaluate these effects, and finally select the appropriate one before proceeding to the next experiment.

If there is no effect, it means that this is not a precondition. We may need to experiment with a new precondition, or we simply don’t use the precondition and proceed to the next experiment.

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the impact of the three states on the connection of the Divine Chain. All other conditions must be fixed except for these three states. “

While Ace explained the main points of the experiment to the apprentices in detail, he organized the apprentices to prepare.

In the design of this experiment, Ace plans to conduct a qualitative study first to confirm the similarities and differences between the three states, and then conduct a quantitative study to confirm the number of people and the quality of apprentices is the most appropriate.

Conditions such as time, climate, environment, etc., Ace believes that the impact is minimal, and experiments can be carried out later, but the magical environment may have an impact, and that is the next experiment.

Regarding the experiment of spiritual network linking, impossible can get results in just a few times. This must be a long-term and continuous process.

Ace used the soul spell to “hint” the apprentices’ mental condition, making them extremely sober and calm.

Afterwards, Ace waited quietly, slowly releasing the suggestion effect, and found that the apprentices had maintained a basic sobriety and calm for a long time. Together they opened the magic book, turned to page 2, and pressed hard on the spiritual imprint.


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