Original Wizard

Chapter 112

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In the future, the formal establishment and development of the wizarding organization will become more and more obvious. Personal feelings will not help in this torrent, and the position will determine everything.

In the middle of the night, in the hospice, Ollie was covered with a thin blanket and was sleeping soundly on the straw mat with Arnie’s arm, and was suddenly awakened by the hint of the magic book.

Arnie and Ollie opened their eyes and found the vicissitudes of Knight Ancesta.

Arnie just wanted to yell, Ancesta stretched out his big hand and covered his mouth firmly, he could only make a wu wu sound.

Under Ancesta’s eyes, the three walked out of the almshouse quietly.

“Uncle Melancholy, do you want to suffocate me?”

After leaving the almshouse, Arnie whispered.

“I really don’t worry about you foolish discipline. If you yelled out just now, wouldn’t you wake up the entire almshouse?”

Ancesta said angrily.

The three gathered together to discuss the message from this magic book.

“Be cautious. You two have not exchanged the sub-spell’magic fluctuation cover’, you must exchange it immediately. Especially Arnie, you must learn it as soon as possible, otherwise in the current environment, you may lose your life.”

On the other side, Ace taking advantage of the night, controlled some of the soldiers and officers near the patrol hospital. After detailed inquiry, he learned that Dickens Rhone, who was in charge of this defense area, came from Wangcheng.

Dickens was sent by the royal family to assist in the investigation of the devils believers, but Legion did not arrange for him to hunt down the devils believers. He was placed on duty in this area. I heard that he would inspect the hospital several times every day.

“From the current situation, I should not have been found, nor did Dana. This is 10000 of the misfortune.”

“But you can’t take it lightly. Wait to confirm whether the underground magic laboratory has been discovered. If it is not discovered, I should not rush to appear. Anyway, everyone thinks that I am out to practice medicine. It is better to appear directly in Northern State in a few years.”

Later, Ace transformed into a general resident doctor and entered the hospital naturally.

After some inspections, Ace confirmed that the warning rune array he had placed had not been triggered, and from the backyard of the hospital, via secretly thought, took the mechanical magic ladder into the underground magic laboratory.

The control layer of the magic book on the negative layer is placed with a huge crystal ball densely covered with rune arrays. There is a thin layer of ash on the entire layer. Ace carefully perceives it. After confirming that there is no problem, he uses the “clean and new” spell to clean this layer.

He followed the same pattern, inspected and cleaned the other layers, and then returned to the negative layer.

The up ahead of the glass ball is a copy of the nuclear Heart Demon book made by Ace.

He pressed his hand on the copy of the nuclear Heart Demon law book, a picture flashed, heroes attacked at night, contractors died tragically in groups, and a large number of magic books self-destructed.

Those faces were shocked, angry, regretful, annoyed, and sad.

Ace was silent and said in a calm tone after a while: “The wizarding organization is in its embryonic form, and the gods have forged a blood feud with us. The facts are already clear, this is a war, an irreconcilable war.”

He first enters the 3rd floor, where a large number of low-level monsters sacrificed by the apprentices are imprisoned, and a large amount of monster materials are piled up in the central altar.

Ace used his burning hand to clean up the decayed materials. After organizing the remaining materials, Ace set out to sort out the sacrifice materials needed for the projection ceremony.

The experience in the Lar Mountains gave him a new idea of ​​the mirror ceremony. He took out a part of the purified non-polluting soul powder from his stomach and prepared to add it to the sacrifice material.

The soul powder of this powerful low-level monster should be of higher quality than the Spirit Physique, which has not disappeared from ordinary low-level monsters. The pseudo Spirit Physique used to form the mirror image should make the mirror spirit stronger.

Regarding the materials that make up the mirrored body, Ace also has new ideas. I wish there are surplus materials used for the magic of ceremony. These materials can greatly enhance the physical qualities of strength, agility, physique, etc., used to form the mirrored body, should make the new mirror Physical fitness is stronger.

After finishing the sacrifice materials, Ace entered the projection room on the 2nd floor and looked at the magic array composed of dense runes and magic lines. Instead of mirroring the ceremony immediately, he performed a more detailed look at the 4 magic arrays, especially the contract magic array. Modifications.

“In the final analysis, the collective life composed of the mirror image and the ontology that cannot be at the same frequency at all times can only be regarded as a pseudo collective life. The true collective life should be able to be synchronized at all times. Although each individual has a personality, the common part should be time. Synchronous.”

“So, if you can’t synchronize all the time, you can only set more constraints and backdoors on the contract and the entire ceremony.”

After getting ready, Ace mobilized magic power and injected magic array.

As the lines on the magic array light up and the rune flashes, Ace begins to follow the rhythm of the magic to perform rituals.

As the magic of the entire projection room gradually gathered, a huge illusory shadow balance rose from the contract magic array.

He cut his wrist with a knife, tears and blood with inherent magical power flowed, following the magic lines, into the projection magic array.

He chanted the contract prayer in a strange tone and pronunciation to the balance.

An invisible whisper appeared, and a faintly discernible smell of sulfur, Ace’s eyes flashed blood red, and the whisper made him emotional, and the whole person became crazy and irritable.

The balance turned into a sickle, his fleshy body fell in the body magic array, the soul floated out, the sickle swept across with a regular force, and Ace’s Spirit Physique had a wound in his stomach, and blood-like substance flowed out.

Ace didn’t stop, his soul murmured to himself, actually pulling out a section of emotion from Spirit Physique, and throwing it into the blood of the soul together.

Then the soul blood turned into a villain, standing in the projection demon array, Ace’s blood emerged from the demon array, the sacrifice material turned into mist, and the blood was swallowed by the villain together with the blood.

Ace’s soul returned to his body. He looked weakly at the villain in front of him, slowly swelling and turning into a fleshy ball, and finally walked out of the red fruit man like Ace.

Ontology Ace looked at the new mirror image and touched his slightly aching stomach.

“I didn’t even reflect the wound on my body this time. Is it because my soul strength has been greatly improved after the blessing ceremony?”

In mental perception, Spirit Physique’s wound has not healed yet, but no fluid is discharged anymore.

The body Ace does not care about the mirror image, sitting there and directly meditating.

Accompanied by the spell model of the advanced wizard apprentice Meditation Method, the surrounding magic slowly revolves around Ace, repairing the wounds of his soul.

After a long time, Ace felt that the overall spirit strength had become full, but the soul wound had not yet recovered, and it would take some time to gradually heal.

He looked at the mirror image in front of him and began to homophony. Needless to say, he immediately sensed the other’s thoughts and was able to correct it to a certain extent.

This mirror image is very special. In addition to leaving the back door, Ace entrusted part of his emotions to the mirror image, which temporarily avoided the influence of whispers.

When the mirror image returns to the subject, the emotion will also return, and when he can resolve the strange whisper, he will get back his emotion.

Now he is the resolute flame spreader Ace, and he will use the most determined will to dominate the war between wizards and gods.

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