Original War

Chapter 740

Chapter 740

Gong Jia Ren felt a little flustered.

He is now lying on the back of the big beetle that almost nailed him, because the injury was so serious that he didn’t recover so quickly even after taking the medicine. Either he was carried or he was lying on the back of the worm.

Before Gong Jiaren could decide by himself, Shao Xuan picked it up and threw the beetle on his back.

Originally they planned to set off in the next morning, but Shao Xuanjie Shengbu Yan found that the day was not a good time, there would be sandstorms on the way they were going, so they rested during the day and set off at night.

In fact, they prefer to drive at night. The temperature is low at night and they can catch some sand beasts that go out for food. They used to drive during the day because the tracking bug only moves during the day. Walk during the day. Now that they have found the armor toughness, they no longer need to rely on that flying insect.

Worker armor can’t remember the road, but Sapphire remembers it. Shao Xuan and the others only need to follow this big beetle.

I have to say that having such a big beetle saves everyone a lot of energy.

The sand lizards wrapped in the ball had been eaten by the sapphire. It wanted to give them to Shao Xuan, but Shao Xuan threw them to eat. Sapphire does not need much water. It has long been accustomed to the desert environment and is not as prone to lack of water like humans.

Gong Jiaren feels that Gong Jiaheng’s suggestion is indeed good. Yanjiao Ren does not look weak. He only heard that Yanjiao Ren slapped the head of the Lu family in the royal city. He had not seen it personally. , I just heard about the Yanjiao Ren. Because of this, he agreed when Gong Jiaheng proposed to find the Yanjiao Ren. After all, they have a strong backing, and the chances that they can live stably are better. .

Now, he has felt this convenience.

At night, the beetle’s carapace was like metal, very cold, and the worker’s armor was tenacious and weak, but it had not healed from serious injuries. He asked Shao Xuan for a piece of animal skin to cushion him, thinking about the situation of his five companions after he left. The big beetle took away only the five sand lizards that appeared behind, and the sand lizard they killed together remained there. It should allow five people to eat a meal without starving to death.

But when they came to the place where Gongjiaren was taken away, they didn’t see those five people.

“Leave?” Tuo said.

After all, two days have passed, and those people will not stay in one place forever.

“No, they should be around. They could not drag the sand lizard away, but they finally caught the prey. They would not waste it. Instead, they would find a place to hide, eat the sand beast, and regain its strength. , And then hurry up.” Gong Jiaren said. This is his speculation based on the temperaments of those five people.

“But there is no one around.” Shao Xuan said.

Wen Yan Gong Jia frowned tightly, and he worried that after he left, the five people encountered other troubles.

Shao Xuan looked around, then walked towards one place, pushing away the sand from the ground with a knife in his hand.

Gong Jia’s tough gaze stayed on the knife Shao Xuan was holding for a few seconds. He had seen Shao Xuan’s knife when he first woke up. Although the workmanship seemed rough to him, he had to admit, It was a good knife, but he had never seen that kind of material.

If it weren’t for the eagerness to find a companion, he would definitely ask more about the knife. Even now, his gaze would stay uncontrollably on the knife for a few more seconds.

Looking away from the knife, Gong Jia tenaciously looked towards the sand, where there was a skeleton, the sand lizard, the sand lizard that was killed by their combined efforts.

“Still here!” Gong Jia Ren’s heart was even more worried.

If there were no accidents, those people would not give up the sand lizard. In other words, the five people encountered other things, so that they could not hide the sand lizard. The sand lizard has been taken away by other deserts. The animal gnawed so much that only the skeleton was left.

The movement of sand on the desert can easily cover up traces. What’s more, two days later, even the large pits made by the sapphire sand lizards have been filled in, and they could not find more traces to track.

“What to do?” Ta looked at Shao Xuan.

“You can only use the old method, let the sapphire find someone.” The sense of smell of insects is stronger than that of humans. Insects can smell the smells that people can’t smell. But insects can smell far away, although sapphires are not as good as those specially used for tracking. Like flying insects, but it’s better than nothing.

Gong Jiaren was about to say something when he felt a shock. It was the sapphire smashing the ground with his two forelimbs.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It wasn’t the murderous and unscrupulous smash when hunting sand lizards. It was more like sending out a signal, with regularity, controlling the angle when smashing it down, and it did not raise a large amount of sand.

“What is it doing?” Gongjia was puzzled. The beetle searched for people in this way? Never heard of it.

“It’s just happy.” Shao Xuan looked at Sapphire’s two hind legs kicking on the sand and said.

When Sapphire is happy, he will kick his hind legs like kicking a ball. Shao Xuan understands this very well.

“Happy? What is it happy about?”

It’s not just the armor toughness, others don’t understand it either.

Shao Xuan didn’t explain much, but pointed down: “Look at the ground.”


What’s on the ground?

Everyone looked down.

In addition to sand or sand.

“No!” Ta suddenly said.

An inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly rose, like ice with a chill passing by from behind, causing the goose bumps on the tower to appear one after another.

Intuitive people with rich hunting experience have similar feelings.

There was silence around, except for the small sound of the wind blowing the sand, there was no other sound, it seemed that all the living things around were far away.

The worker’s armour lying on the worm’s back shivered inexplicably. Although the beetle’s back armour was hot from the sun, but he always felt that there was a chill in his bones that was rushing out. Intuitively, he is not as good as the Flame Horned Man, but after all, after living in the desert for so many days, he can more or less react.

They stared at the sand intently, waiting to see what was under the sand.


There were some small sounds coming, and there was not much movement in every place, but there were so many places, it seemed that something was rushing out underground.


It’s closer.

A bit of black emerged from the yellow sand.

Then, two black points, three points, four points…ten points…a hundred points…thousands…

The dense black dots covered the original yellow sand.

Gong Jiaren took a deep breath and looked at the scene in front of him, his voice was trembling: “This, this is…”

Worm tide!

This is one of the worms in the legendary desert disaster!

More and more black beetles are emerging, and it hasn’t stopped!

No yellow sand can be seen in the vicinity, and the sand is gradually being eroded by black in the distance.

Especially around the big beetles, the beetles gather more and more.

The strongest feeling was naturally the toughness of the armor lying on the sapphire carapace. He felt that he didn’t even have the strength to sit up, and drops of sweat dripped from his forehead.

Most of the people in Yanjiao have encountered such a situation. When they came to the desert to pick up people on the coast, they also encountered an insect influx. Therefore, they knew that as long as there are sapphires, the insect influx will not affect them. The reason for the threat, which was not so good just now, is purely the body’s conditioned response to the crisis. Insect tides are more difficult to deal with than fierce beasts, and they feel that these insects are more dangerous when they meet again this time.

Worker Armor looked around nervously, but found that except for a few people, most of the Yanhorners were calm, without panic or alert in their eyes, but with a little interest.

After thinking about it, Gong Jiaren also understood that he was lying on the back of the big beetle! And these little beetles appearing now are in the same group as this big one, and may even obey this big beetle!

It turned out to be a false alarm. Worker Armor took a long breath, but halfway through his breath, it suddenly occurred to him that his companions would not encounter the worm infestation and were eaten directly?

The little beetles on the ground burrowed under the sand again not long after they came out. They don’t like to move on the sand during the day, especially when the sun is high.

When the little beetles all got into the sand, the worker armor said toughly: “My companions, will they encounter insects here?”

“No.” Shao Xuan affirmed.

Indeed, if those companions of the armored toughness encounter insects, with their current abilities, they will not be able to escape at all, only to be eaten. But here, there is no human skeleton. Take a step back, even if the beetles will The bones are gone, but why is the skeleton of the sand lizard still there?

Therefore, the only explanation is that the five people did not encounter the insect infestation.

Since there was no insect infestation, it must have left because of something.

Shao Xuan let Sapphire track, it can find people based on smell.

So, the big blue beetle passed in one direction after turning a few times on the sand.

“Follow it.” Shao Xuan greeted the others to follow.

After chasing for a certain distance, Shao Xuan took out Wan Xiangtong and looked at it, “That direction is not towards Yanling. If you go over there, you should encounter Sand Pirates.”

“They won’t go to Sand Pirate’s side. Unless they have to go.” Gong Jia’s heart sank, which is not good news.

Did you take refuge in Sand Pirates?

In a desperate situation, it is not impossible to find a force to rely on. Just a few days after entering the desert, someone in their team did this. However, Gongjiaren believes that the five people are being forced this time. Yes, it was forcibly taken away by sand thieves, not to seek refuge.

No matter what the truth is, look there and you will always know the answer.

Originally, Gong Jiaren was worried that Yanjiaren would not want to provoke sandpirates and could not choose, but halfway through he heard those Yanjiao people talking about robbing sandpirates, and he swallowed it back if he thought about it.

Thinking of the big beetle under him, and thinking about the influx of insects that might follow under this piece of sand, Gong Jiaren suddenly became not afraid.

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