Original War

Chapter 728

Chapter 728

The arrival of the Dishan tribes did not affect the people on the Yanhe trading area. Even most practitioners did not know that there was such a team coming from the seaside of the lower reaches of the Yanhe River. The Dishan tribes didn’t like it. I didn’t go to the trading area to see where there were many strangers.

The people in the Yanjiao tribe were gradually attracted by other things after discussing for a few days. However, the people of Dishan tribe made Shao Xuan think a lot, even a few days after they left, Shao Xuan Still thinking.

The fundamental reason for the changes in the people of the Dishan tribe is the change of fire. It’s just that Shao Xuan used to think that fire is only related to power, but now, the people of the Dishan tribe tell him the ability of fire. Not only that! The mysteriousness of fire is far beyond his imagination.

The change of fire can affect the totem, the power in the tribal people, and even change the human form!

Even if the Dishan tribe is in a special situation, it cannot be denied that fire is the core factor in this.

Thinking deeper, since fire can change the form of humans, can it also change the form of beasts?

On the surface of the Yanhe River, the pterodactyl was swimming on the surface of the water. With the help of the force of the wind, the lifted wings moved the body like a sail to swim on the surface of the river. On the branch of a tree on the bank, those that were already able to fly The dead leaf birds stood in rows on the branches and looked at the river, waiting for the pterodactyl to catch fish for them.

If it hadn’t been frozen, the pterosaur shouldn’t have lived. In this period, there are no dinosaurs in the mountains and the sky is no longer the world of pterosaurs. Those who have survived from ancient times can see the characteristics of that era, such as Those crocodiles, such as some other beasts or plants, only occupy a small part of the many lives.

Of course, these are only on the surface.

What if the giant beasts that existed were not all extinct, but transformed into another creature for other reasons?

Man can become a mermaid, a kind of beast, or another kind of beast.

The pterosaur is afraid of fire. It may have been frightened by fire before it was frozen. Then, at that time, did the fire start to cause large-scale mutations? Is it also for this reason that the pterosaur is so afraid of fire?

The time has passed for too long, and Shao Xuan can only guess the truth at that time. As for the surviving pterosaur, let alone that it can’t speak, even if it can, it may not know more.

Fire seed is indeed a mysterious thing, and there is another power in Shao Xuan’s body, the mask that can bring out the white fire. Where did the strange stone that brought him to this world come from?

Shao Xuan sighed, such a profound question, if I didn’t understand it for a while, I didn’t want to think about it.

Before the people from the Dishan tribe left, Shao Xuan asked about the route map from the seaside to here. He Bian can’t remember most of the details, but there are many people in Dishan. One person remembers a little. In general, there are not many. , But it can be regarded as filling up a blank on the map, where there are dangers, and where there are tributaries, I have made a rough description, at least in the future, if the people of Yanjiao will sail downstream, they will not be too passive.

When Tiny left, they took away the big shell. They might use it on the way back. If Tiny suddenly becomes half-man, half-fish and can’t change back for a while, they can stay in the shell for a little longer, at least After swimming tired, you can rest in the shell. Dishan people mostly sleep on shells. Hebian and the others don’t want Diandian to sleep on the raft directly. The raft is so uncomfortable, it is better to sleep on the shell.

Before leaving, I gave the twenty fist-sized pearls in the shell to Shao Xuan. Xuan did not see the twenty pearls.

The twenty pearls were carefully selected and had a certain therapeutic effect on common diseases. When they were put in, they might also want to make Dian Dian feel better. Unfortunately, those pearls had no effect on Dian Dian’s condition. .

By the time she returned, she had recovered, and she didn’t need these twenty pearls anymore, so she gave all the twenty pearls carefully selected by the Dishan tribe witch to Shao Xuan as a gift.

The pearls with colorful halo are different in color and look beautiful. Shao Xuan has no use for these, so I took them up the mountain and gave them to Guize directly. Girls should like these beautiful things more.

On this day, Shao Xuan took the second supplementary map he had just drawn up the mountain to find Guize. Guize was busy working in the medicine store. There was a bowl made of shells on the table. There was some white powder in the bowl, but Shao Xuan looked familiar with the larger slag.

Shao Xuan lifted his foot into the house and saw Guize holding a large black pearl and placing it in a stone mortar on the ground. The stone is a rare stone, very hard, and will not affect the efficacy of the medicine. For generations of witches, they have been placed in the medicine store to grind Medicinal herbs.

Now, Guize put the dizzy black pearl into the mortar on the ground.

There is no need for Guize to say more, waiting for a tortoise leg next to step on it.

Hearing a squeaky sound, when the tortoise’s legs are raised again, only powder is left.

Shao Xuan: “…”

Seeing Shao Xuan coming in, Gui Ze was still very excited and sighed, “These beads are much better than shells!”

“…That’s great.” Shao Xuan put the map in his hand on the table where the animal skin rolls were piled up in the corner, and after Guize was busy, he would sort and store the animal skin rolls.

Guize was busy dispensing medicine, and Shao Xuan didn’t bother in the medicine store. When he came out, he saw Duokang who had just returned from hunting and was about to go to the trading area.

“I heard that the Changzhou tribe is preparing to go to sea recently. No, I heard that Zhengluo got the news a few days ago. Judging by the time, they should have already set off.” Duokang said.

“Changzhou Tribe intends to open up a sea silk road.” Shao Xuan looked into the distance, where the Changzhou Tribe went to sea.

With the fusion of fire, the tribal people have become more free to move, and their ambitions that have been trapped have also escalated. After the last voyage, the Changzhou tribe had completely released the ambitions in his heart. Shao Xuan was not surprised by such actions. As early as the last time they sailed, the people of the Changzhou tribe began desperately learning the language and writing there.

Not only the Changzhou tribe, but the major tribes have begun to infiltrate the sea.

The war in the desert is fierce?

Intense is good, easy to move. When the two sides are fighting hot, no one pays attention to them, and they don’t pass there anyway.

The Changzhou tribe set off again, taking the jade and silk clothing of the Mang and Weiba tribes to another continent. This time their destination is not the mountains and dense forests, but places with more people, such as cities. such as.

The jade of the Mang tribe is of good quality and has beneficial effects on people. If you bring it over there, the slave owners will like it very much. The spider silk clothing of the Weiba tribe is also extremely rare. Rare things can always occupy a higher position in the hearts of slave owners. They like to use rare things to prove their noble status.

The Changzhou tribe, as well as the Mang tribe and the Weiba tribe, hope to use these things in exchange for more gold.

The nuclear seed only landed on that continent. There is no nuclear seed here. The gold objects in their hands alone cannot meet the demand. Therefore, they will exchange what they have in hand for gold objects to achieve higher value.

Speaking of gold…

Shao Xuan did not go to the trading area with Duokang, but came to a mountain far away from where he lived.

Few beasts come here, and the beasts passing by will deliberately avoid this place.

There are people guarding the mountain, more people guarding the thousand grains of gold than the farmland. The guards are tight, and there are many traps hidden in the woods.

Seeing Shao Xuan, the vigilance in the eyes of those guarding there faded.

“Is this time going well?” Shao Xuan asked.

“There was no abnormality. Thirty days ago, the casting room came over and dragged away a batch of stones. The next day they added it. No one went in for these 30 days.” The guard told Shao Xuan about the recent events. Condition.

There is a cave dug out on this mountain. Nuclei are stored in the cave. The ore for casting gold is shipped out from here, but it is not very frequent. It will only come here every 30 or 50 days. Take a batch of stone that can be forged, and then fill in the prepared stone.

The reason Shao Xuan came now was because he remembered the crystals placed there. At the beginning, they exchanged a lot of large crystals from the people of the Mani tribe, and Shao Xuan asked them to send a batch of crystals in. Compared with other stones, crystals change much more slowly, so before that, Shao Xuan didn’t let anyone remove the crystals inside.

Calculate the time now, it should be fine.

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