Original War

Chapter 693

Chapter 693: A Letter to an Old Neighbor

The words of Zhengluo and Shao Xuan seemed to be playing a riddle. Ao and others didn’t understand it at all. However, Duokang thought of something after Zhengluo, and his face was very happy. “You mean, let Changle’s People go to bring letters to people in Tahe? Do you want to persuade them to come over?”

When other people listened to Dokang’s talk, they also understood. Although Ao and the others have not met the people of Taihe, they have also heard about the Taihe tribe. The brothers who came from the sea have a lot of evaluations of the Taihe tribe, and what impressed Ao the most is: the Taihe tribe is a man good neighbour.

Shao Xuan said “too few people”. Everyone understands that with the rapid ascending popularity of the Yanhe trading area, the Yanjiao tribe has begun to look a little weak. The reason is that the population is too small, the manpower is not enough, and there are not many reliable helpers. Once the number of long-distance teams coming over increases and conflicts arise, it will be a fierce battle.

Fortunately, because of Wang Beast and Shao Xuan’s previous use of Changle Liwei, people with all kinds of thoughts can stop for a while, but it is not a long-term solution.

It is impossible for them to make children who have just learned to walk become fighters who can participate in hunting and fighting within a year. Ascension has a large population, which cannot be done in a short time. As for the reliable helper, the one who can truly make Yanjiao “reliable”, among all the tribes along the river that he touched, is just one enchantment tribe, and the Yu tribe cannot be counted.

However, there are not many people in the Enemy Tribe.

Now that Shao Xuan proposed this, everyone in the room was quite moved.

“Although the people in Tahe are sometimes unpleasant, they are still worthy of trust. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have been neighbors with them for so many years, and they were the ancestors when we picked them.” Zhengluo said. They used to quarrel with people in Taihe often, but they were all small quarrels, and when they encountered major events, they were still united, just like what happened in the salt mines.

The salt mines have been abandoned because of the appearance of the salt beasts. There are salt beasts there. No one dares to dig the salt mines. Without the horns, the life of the people in Tahe will probably be a lot harder. The combination of these tribes is enough to prevent other tribes in the forest from taking action against them, but if only Tahe is the only one, there is not much deterrence.

“It’s indeed a good way, but what if they don’t want to come over?” Ao asked.

“Clarify the situation here, they should be willing. Of course, it still depends on their own decision.” Zheng Luo felt that the possibility that the people from Tahe would be willing to come over is very high. The Taihe tribe also moved their nests several times. They will not have deep feelings for the land. From the tribal interests, moving here is also beneficial to the Taihe.

In fact, after the cataclysm of heaven and earth, he learned that the two continents were approaching, Zhengluo also wanted to go over there and meet people from Taihe, persuading them to move over, and everyone could continue to be neighbors, but he also knew the slaves on the other side of the sea. The masters are tightly guarded against the horns, and the desert situation near the sea is quite weird, so they can only give up, and with the establishment of the Yanhe trading zone, everyone is very busy now, and there is no time to travel far. Now that Shao Xuan raised it, Zheng Luo also saw an opportunity.

People in Changle can be said to be the most suitable for sending letters. People on the other side of the sea will definitely regard the Yanjiao people as their key targets. If there is a Yanjiao people in the past, they will definitely be arrested as soon as possible, but what if the people in the past are from Changle?

This kind of role is annoying for people and dogs, and everyone on the other side of the sea wants to stay far away.


“What if the people in Changle are unwilling to do?”

“Also, how to ensure that the people in Changle do not do other things?”

This organization with a not-so-good reputation is indeed worrying.

“The people in Changle, although they are as annoying as the thief, they are different from the thief in that they value the group.” Shao Xuan said, “the thief usually acts alone, while the people in Changle are not. In this way, they cooperated very tacitly. Moreover, when they appeared on the farmland, they would rather be exposed in advance, but also catch the companions who fell from the longwing bird. It can be seen that they still care about the people inside.”

“Also, I photographed five people at the time. One of them was seriously injured and unconscious, one injured in both legs and unable to move. Of the other three people, except for a broken arm, the other two had only minor injuries. They were able to leave directly first. Yes, I was the only one there at the time. The three of them fled separately and had a great chance, but they did not abandon the accomplices who could not escape. So I was thinking that no matter what their lives or deaths, there will definitely be people from Changle who will come again. If you keep their lives, you can still negotiate terms with the people in Changle.”

Listening to Shao Xuan’s explanation, other people nodded one after another. That’s right.

Ao originally guarded against the people in Changle, but now he hopes that they will come quickly so that they can carry out the plan you mentioned Shao Xuan.

“Then, for the letter to Taihe, everyone should prepare first.” Shao Xuan said.

Others also understand that regardless of whether they are familiar with the people in Tahe, they have to take out their own attitude so that the people in Tahe can see their sincerity. If only Zhengluo and Duokang leave messages in the letter, they may not let them. The people in Taihe fully believe that, after all, Zheng Luo is no longer the leader, and Duokang is just one of the two big bosses.

After the discussion, Ao called to Shao Xuan, “The bat has already left, but it took a bag of grains, not the largest one, but a small bag.”

After harvesting a thousand grains of gold, someone soon picked up the grains from the ears and put them in another bag.

The bags for storing thousands of grains of gold are all large bags, but Shao Xuan asked them to use small bags to pack some, but when Ao went to check in the evening, he found that a small bag was missing. The small bag was about the size of a human head.

A window was opened in the warehouse, and there were many people guarding it outside. The only one who could quietly go in and take away a thousand grains of gold was probably the only bat.

“And, I didn’t see it tonight. Is it still nearby?” Ao asked.

“Not anymore.” Shao Xuan didn’t perceive the existence of the leader bat, maybe it took the bag of millet back to Bat Mountain in the forest.

“Could it be that it was just to help us? It didn’t take away a lot of grains.” Ao said with emotion.

Shao Xuan glanced at him, “You think too much, it just thinks that these things belong to it, and we are just the little brother who collects food for it. Why do you protect the land of a thousand grains of gold? As one of the favorite foods, do not allow other people or birds or animals to approach. The typical behavior of animal protection. As for why only a small bag is taken away, because it is so convenient to move, and the big bag is not convenient to fly. From here to Bat Mountain, The distance is not close.”

“Then it will come back and take away other thousand grains of gold?” Ao asked.

“I don’t know, you can count it every day.”

“If we eat a thousand grains of gold, will it be angry?” Ao continued to worry. He didn’t dare to eat the things he planted, and he was really frustrated.

“It shouldn’t. If we are not allowed to touch a thousand grains of gold, it will have threatening behavior.” The beasts protect their food. They would rather rot their own things than be snatched away by irrelevant people or beasts. At least for now, the leader bat did not exclude the Yanhorne from his own.

“I’m relieved.”

After resolving the doubts in his heart, Ao finally relaxed and began to prepare for the next thing. People in Changle didn’t know how long it would take to arrive.

The Wuhe Five who were locked up in the cave had a hard time. The soup was cold, the meat was charred and hard and it was unpalatable. There was no hay on the ground, let alone the animal skins. Fortunately, it’s not particularly cold at this time, but the temperature at night is much lower than during the day. In such a place, it is indeed a prisoner’s treatment if you can’t eat enough to sleep.

However, as long as there is something to eat, Wuhe and the others don’t expect Yanjiao to treat them kindly, just waiting for someone to redeem it.

Across the stone pillars, Wuhe looked at the Yan-horned people not far away. They were guarding them. Now, those people are boiling the broth, and the rich aroma seems to be warm, floating in the cave. throughout.

Wuhe took a deep breath, feeling even more hungry. He moved his gaze away from the soup pot, diverted his attention, and planned to focus on other things.

What the few Yanjiao people were saying, Wuhe couldn’t hear clearly, but he could see the movements of the few Yanjiao people’s lips to guess what they were saying.

“Hey, the flame giants that Big Elder got out at that time took them down with a slap. Do you know their faces when they were tied up? They were like bird feces! Hahaha!” a flame horn warrior was saying .

Interpretation of Wuhe: “…” This is very familiar.

Continue to observe the Yanjiao people guarding there, Wuhe found that those Yanjiao people also mentioned the word “pirate”, which seemed to be the name of a tribe.

“It feels like the people in Changle are the same as the thieves. People can’t wait to slash them. In fact, if it weren’t for the big Elder, we would have done it. However, the thieves seem to be more difficult to catch. Until now, we have only caught them. One thief from Changle caught five of them…” The content of what the other Flame Horned warrior said to his companion made Wuhe very upset.


What is “pirate”? Can you compare with Changle? How can it be better than Changle among the Yanjiao population?

Is there anyone competing with them in Changle?

Every day Wuhe tried every means to find out about the “pirates” from the guarded population, and waited for other people in Changle to rescue them.

On the fifth day when Wuhe Five were arrested, the people from Changle finally arrived. But not here in Yanjiao, but in the Yanhe trading area, they will not let people from Changle enter the headquarters of Yanjiao.

Shao Xuan took the animal skin roll full of words on the mountain, put it in a bamboo tube, and covered it. This is a letter that everyone has compiled and written to the old neighbor Taihe tribe over the past five days.

In the darkness, Shao Xuan walked towards the Yanhe trading area, and at the same time was carrying Wuhe, who was handcuffed. To prove that these people are still alive, of course, he must take a living person over. Among the five people, Wuhe seems to be the cause. At the core of the leading role, the mental state is also the best, and the most suitable is to bring no harmony.

Wuhe was very happy when he learned that someone had come to rescue them. Although he was ashamed of Changle because of the failure of the operation, but when he thought that he would be able to get out of the cage soon, he swept away the faintness of the previous few days, looking forward to it. To the past.

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