Original War

Chapter 663

Chapter 663

Shao Xuan walked at the bottom of the lake, not fast, the same speed and the same track as when Jing Wu was at the bottom of the lake before. He did plan to, if he couldn’t find the real eye, he would grab a universal eye, and it would not be a waste of time to go to the bottom of the pond.

But when he was walking around the bottom of the pool, he suddenly felt that he was being watched by someone. It seemed that in the darkness, someone had been paying attention to his whereabouts. This attention was not from Miu, nor from Jing Wu. The two people’s eyes were drawn by Shao Xuan. He could even perceive that both Miao and Jing Wu were looking at him, but this third line of sight was not cast from above. , But at the bottom of the pool!

Shao Xuan looked around his body through his eyelids.

There are more and more light spots, and there are no less than 20 eyes in this area near him!

However, the brightness of most of these did not meet Shao Xuan’s requirements, and those ground eyes were at best only high-quality ground eyes, not even universal pupils.

Shao Xuan couldn’t see the entire situation of the entire Central Mire. Say it is not big, it is compared with some large natural lakes, it is not small, it is compared with the artificially excavated, it is nearly twice the size of the artificial lake at the foot of the Yanjiao main mountain!

This is also the reason why the crystal tribe has a large area but less land, and the quagmire accounts for too much proportion.

The farther away from Shao Xuan’s position, the blurry the light spot. In short, even if there is a brighter spot, if it is too far away from Shao Xuan, Shao Xuan cannot tell what kind of ground it is. Just like watching the stars at night, darker stars do not mean it. It doesn’t light up by itself, just because of the distance.

The ground eye does not swim slowly in the quagmire, the more advanced the ground eye, the faster it can reach.

Earth eyes are a special kind of animal. They can also perceive the existence of people. Even when Shao Xuan is walking, many noticed Shao Xuan. Shao Xuan’s feeling is not strong, far inferior to the one in the dark.

There is no murderousness, no inclination, and it doesn’t even seem to have any emotion. In the quagmire of the crystal tribe, apart from the ground eye, there are no other aggressive dangerous beasts.

Shao Xuan is now wondering, if the line of sight in the quagmire comes from a ground eye, what level has it reached?

He has already felt Wanxiang Tongdi’s eyes, a stronger sight than Wanxiang Tongdi’s eyes…

Is it true eyesight?

If it’s really eye-catching, why doesn’t the crystal witch outside tell me?

Could it be difficult to see where the Crystal Witch is?

Thinking of this, Shao Xuan moved in the direction where the line of sight shot over.

The emission source of that line of sight changed with Shao Xuan’s movements. Every time Shao Xuan approached, it quickly ran away, keeping the distance from Shao Xuan within a certain range, and this range, Shao Xuan thought It’s not easy to see its true face. After several trackings, Shao Xuan only locked one point, but because of the distance, Shao Xuan didn’t know how bright it really was, so he could only compare it with other eyes over there. Judging, that is at least the brightness of the universal pupil level. Just because there are more and more light spots in the quagmire, that spot is easily overlooked.

Shao Xuan continued to chase the light spot, and if it was lost, he would judge the source of the line of sight based on his perception.

After walking around the quagmire, Shao Xuan stepped on the steps at the bottom of the lake and breathed out.

After the suffocation in his chest disappeared, Shao Xuan said to Wei et al., who had been walking along the quagmire, “I might run a bit bigger later, you loose the rope.”

Although they didn’t understand Shao Xuan’s words, the so-called running a little bit bigger, how big is this “big”, but Wei and the others still loosened the rope.

Generally, the people of the Jing tribe go into the quagmire. One end of the rope is tied to the person who goes down the quagmire, and the other end is tied to a wooden stake. The stakes are deeply tied to the edge of the quagmire, and the exposed part of the ground is almost six meters away. The other end of the rope is just one third above the stake, and there is a basket on the stake, and the basket is placed in it. A large roll of straw rope.

There are a total of ten such stakes, which are distributed in ten positions of the quagmire. In the past, if someone went down, they would only move in that position. If they exceeded the range, the rope that was pulled by more people would easily make knots at the bottom of the pond. After all, the whole crystal In the tribe, except for the person with the third eye, everyone else must rely on the rope for traction. If the rope is knotted, they will also have a lot of trouble.

But now, only Shao Xuan is in the quagmire. The reason why he can walk around in Tandi is because the rope he sets on him is not fixed, but is held by Wei and the others. Shao Xuan walks around in Tandi. At that time, they just ran along.

Now, Shao Xuan tells Wei and the others to stop holding the rope, and he also untie the rope tied to his body. If he runs around the quagmire then, maybe the rope will tie himself up. The center of the central quagmire is a solid ground, just like a small island in a lake. The location in the quagmire is piled up with stones, and there is a fire pond of the Jing tribe. The Jing tribe people who encounter force majeure danger will also go there to take refuge. . Therefore, if the rope is tied, Shao Xuan will be hindered if he wants to track the target.

Now that it has been determined that Shao Xuan will not have a problem walking around the bottom of the pool, everyone in Yanjiao doesn’t have to worry much even if they let go of the rope. They are even guessing whether Shao Xuan can catch a universal eye.

The Crystal Witch, who was sitting in the same place watching the excitement, finally stood up. Just now because he was only sitting in the same place, he did not see all the movements of Shao Xuan clearly, but he felt that Shao Xuan must have discovered something, or that Shao Xuan had discovered something. Xuan has already set his goal.

Is it the universal eye? No, it’s not. The position that Shao Xuan was chasing just now was far away from the fast-moving universal pupil’s eye. The position was wrong, and it could not be the universal pupil’s eye.

So, did Shao Xuan discover another universal eye?

Not right, according to what he saw just now, Shao Xuan also missed several other Wanxiang pupil eyes.

What is Shao Xuan chasing after?

It was precisely because he didn’t understand that Jing Wu couldn’t sit still, and he planned to follow it.

Seeing Crystal Witch standing up, I heard that the Flame Horned Man who was in the quagmire was about to grab his eyes. The people of the Jing Tribe were all of a sudden, following behind Crystal Witch, intending to take a look at the Flame Horned Man in the end. Can it be successfully caught?

After Shao Xuan took a few deep breaths, he sank to the bottom of the pool.

This time, without the rope pulling, he didn’t have to worry about getting around the middle of the pond, so the speed was faster.

The night is getting deeper and beyond the quagmire, because the moon is like the day, everything on the ground can be seen clearly.

There are more and more ground eyes in the quagmire, and the bright moon hangs high, they also seem to be excited. People standing by the quagmire can often see some ground eyes rushing out of the water because of the high-speed rotating body throwing the muddy water to the surface. Many people were splashed with mud stars on the shore.

“It would be great if there was a net with a long handle,” Dori said.

“There is something in the net, but without the permission of Jing Wu, no one from the Jing tribe dared to do it.” Tuo made a nuisance toward the Jing tribe behind.

Duoli looked over, and indeed many Jing tribe people were eager to try, but unfortunately they didn’t dare to move before getting permission.

“Even if there are nets with long handles, you can’t get them. They are too fast.” The prestige attacked. Those ground eyes that rushed out of the quagmire did not jump high, and they were fast, almost all of them flashed away, leaving only the muddy water that was thrown out.

What are they going to say, Dori, Wei suddenly said: “Stop talking, follow along!”

Over there, the Crystal Witch had already started to move. Obviously, the people at the bottom of the pool had already moved. They could not detect the situation under the quagmire, and even after Shao Xuan went down, they could not even perceive Shao Xuan’s breath. If they were on the shore, they could only judge Shao Xuan’s position based on the movements of the crystal witch.

As a result, a group of people who could not see the situation at the bottom of the lake could only follow Wu and walk around the quagmire. Soon, there were obvious fluctuations in the quagmire, and that was because the people at the bottom of the quagmire were moving fast, driving the mud to follow.

Running in the quagmire is far less convenient than the ground, and sometimes there is a sense of powerlessness, which is far from the tracking effect on the ground. However, after chasing around the quagmire for a lap, Shao Xuan also got some tricks and accelerated from the second lap.

Outside the quagmire, the people of Yanjiao and the people of the Jing Tribe ran a circle with Jing Wu, then the second circle, the third circle…

The eye on the center of Jing Wu’s brow was wide open, as if he was staring hard, the blue veins on his forehead were bulging out from staring too hard, and the expression on his face became more and more complicated and tangled.

After following Wu for the fourth lap around the quagmire, some people couldn’t help it, especially the people in Yanjiao, who looked at Jing Wu with resentment.

Three eyes, somehow, explain it!

Can’t you see the scene under the quagmire with your third eye? Can’t you say more? Why do you wrinkle your face and play deeply!

If Jing Wu knew what everyone was thinking at this time, he would definitely cry out for injustice, because he had no idea what Shao Xuan was chasing after!

He could only see that Shao Xuan was constantly chasing something, but he could not be sure what it was. There are indeed a lot of ground eyes in the direction that Shao Xuan is chasing, but most of them are only ground eyes that contain the ground eye stones. Several times the crystal witch thought that Shao Xuan would shoot at Wanxiang Tong’s ground eye that was already very close to him. , Shao Xuan ran in another direction, completely ignoring the sound of the universal eyes.

What is it? What are you chasing after?

Is there anything else I can’t see with my third eye? Jing Wu was puzzled.

It shouldn’t be!

When Jing Wu was very tangled, Miu also widened his eyes for the third time in Jing Wu’s room, watching the movement under the quagmire. He couldn’t go out and run, and what he saw was not complete.

At the beginning, like Jing Wu, Miao didn’t understand what Shao Xuan was chasing at all. Until the second lap and after the third lap, the surprise on Miao’s face grew thicker and he saw the target Shao Xuan was chasing. It’s just that he wasn’t sure what it was.

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