Original War

Chapter 646

Chapter 646 Go!

When the ceremony was over, the sun was still high in the sky, and the scorching light shone on the ground.

A dense layer of sweat has appeared on the people of the Gu tribe, but now they don’t even have the thought of wiping sweat, and silently follow the assigned tasks and go everywhere.

Once the action begins, chase with a spear, draw a bow and draw an arrow, and noose around the rope, everything will start to work as planned. They are very nervous. This will be their tribe’s first confrontation with a fierce beast of that level for the first time in a thousand years.

When all the people everywhere were in ambush, the witch stood alone by the firepit and picked up an object. It was a hard round cake woven from dense hemp fibers, the diameter of which was about the same length as the palm of the hand, and a knuckle. The thickness of the round cake is connected to a long handle, and Qiu Wu is holding it with his hand.

He raised his arm and turned the round cake facing forward, which was in the direction of Yanhe. After facing up, he moved slowly. When he moved to a certain place, the Wu Wu stopped his movements and raised his eyes in that direction. Looking directly at the past, his vision is like a sharp blade, passing through the woods in front, and shooting directly towards the Yan River.

Gu Wu kept that action, not moving. In the fire pond behind him, the net that had been piled up into a mountain had already been taken away. In the empty fire pond, there was only a blaze of light, just like the only flower that opened in a huge flower bed. .


The flame shook sharply.

Immediately, from the Yan River in the distance, the sound of water waves beating against the river bank, and the dense sound of the rapid jet of river water hitting the woods can also be heard.


Wu Wu held the handle with his fingers and exerted force again. Not to mention other people, he was also nervous, but as a Wu Wu, he couldn’t mess around with himself, and had to stay awake and calm.

The reason why he decided to do it today is because he believes that this day will be the best time to do it. The weather is fine, there is no rain, it will not interfere with their actions, the air humidity is appropriate, it will not be too humid, and it will not be too dry. This will keep the soldiers in their best condition. Most importantly, this day, the start The success rate is the highest. The so-called right time and place are indispensable.

That giant beast will not come out during the day. Even if it doesn’t want to wait any longer, the time to attack must be at night. However, the night is too restrictive for the Gu tribe. Therefore, the witch has to be at such a time. “Led” the behemoth that had never really appeared.

The method he used to lure the lurking behemoth out was nothing more than using the special secret skills of the Gu tribe to increase the hatred in the behemoth’s heart. Once the hatred buried in his heart multiplied several times, the cautious mind of the behemoth could no longer stop the anger that was about to erupt, and reason would be gone.

The sound of the crashing water is getting louder and louder. Even if the situation is not visible because of the shelter of the woods, the witch can guess what happened on the river bank from the sound he heard.

The first step is to “lead” and succeed!

Gu Wu breathed out a little, but he didn’t dare to relax a bit, his eyes were still staring straight there, and the fingers holding the round cake handle were trembling. This was beyond his control. This step required a lot of strength to face. Such a behemoth, he can only do his best.


There was a tremor from the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The tremor became louder and faster.

Go ashore!

Even if the woods on the Yanhe River are dense, they cannot be compared with the ancient mountain forests on the other side. The deforestation brought about by tribal survival has resulted in not many ancient trees here, and such forests are just like a huge beast. Obstacles. They can’t even move through the gaps in the woods.

The huge body chose to rampage violently, like an armored car, knocking down all the obstacles in front and stepping on it.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Wu spit out a word: “Cha!”

The sound is not loud. Generally speaking, people who are a little far away can’t hear it at all. But at this time, all the warriors of the Gu tribe who were ambushing everywhere heard this instruction. This is a modest “chasing”. The words sounded in their minds.

The silk bone was hidden in the woods, looking at the giant beast that finally showed its true body, a drop of sweat slipped from the forehead, and his heart was beating violently.

This is the first time he has encountered such a huge beast. He has also seen the horn bones of those beasts in the Yanhe trading area of ​​Yanhorn. Shocked, not to panic. And now, what they are facing is a living, powerful giant beast!

Don’t panic, be calm, calm!

With the change of mood, the silk bone’s trembling arms quickly stabilized, drawing bows and arrows, and doing it in one go, without any hesitation or doubt, still as confident and decisive as the previous hunting.

The warriors of the Jin tribe hiding in other places in the woods, after the silk bone took the lead in the attack, also moved one after another. Many people would still be stunned by the behemoth, and the shots were out of standard, but it didn’t matter, it was just the beginning.

No matter how difficult it is, they must meet it!

This giant beast has been testing them with those small beasts before, so why didn’t they use the giant beast’s excessive caution from me Ascension? The emergence of the small fierce beasts a few days ago has allowed them to adapt initially and know some skills to deal with fierce beasts.

They are no more than their ancestors thousands of years ago. They have not come into contact with many fierce beasts and have poor experience. If there hadn’t been the catastrophe of last year, they would continue to be isolated from the fierce beasts, but now they must face a new living environment. This is their first hurdle!

Gritting their teeth, the people of the Gu tribe have adjusted the power of the totem in the body to the peak, trying their best to stimulate all the power in the body.

Dozens of figures dashed in the woods, flashing past like meteors, and every time they moved, there would always be arrows attacking the behemoth that seemed to have cast a strong shield all over it.

Clang clang clang!

The dense arrows hit the giant beast, making a clanging sound like golden stones.

The slightly longer neck of the giant beast looked like a flaw, but this place that was easily attacked by hunters was still tightly protected by armor-like scales.

The arrow of the stone head shot on the scales of the epidermis of the giant beast. The arrow was damaged and the arrow was blocked. The giant beast was unharmed, with only a few light traces at most.

The giant beast shook his head to avoid the arrows that were shot into the eyes, and the pupils in his eyes were sharp and cold like sword-tips, and the sights that swept around were filled with madness and anger.

After being “inspired” by the witch, it looked more ferocious. Every piece of scales on its body seemed to be filled with thick Killing intent. In its half-opened mouth, the fangs broke the tree it was bitten by, and the branches of the tree trunk. Becomes fragile and easily crushed.

Just one face to face, the people of the Gu tribe knew that the strength of the two sides was very different, and the gap was too big. If it was based on the traditional and ordinary hunting methods, it would not be a deadly battle, but the result of a deadly battle.

It’s not easy to succeed!

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