Original War

Chapter 625

Chapter 625 Wait, what are you going to do, Elder? !

In Yanhe Castle, in the meeting place, in the clearing in front of Yanhe Tower, among the three people facing the totem flame on the wall, the flame on one of them was obviously different from the others.

Even if the flames on the flames on the flames are strong or weak, the height of flames varies, but the difference is not very big.

However, Shao Xuan, who was originally standing in it, together with the current leader of Yanjiao and Wu, the flame suddenly rising from his body at this time scared everyone.

Just now, everyone who was shocked by the flames on Yanjiao Ren turned their attention to Shao Xuan because of the abnormal change there.

The flame body that suddenly rose up was almost as high as the Yanhe Tower, and then continued to be pulled up until it reached the height of the nearby area for everything to look up.

This is why Abuli changed from looking up to looking up. What he saw was the scene of Shao Xuan’s body rising up the flames.

After the high-impacting pillar of fire stopped rising, it began to spread around, the pillar of fire became thicker, and even a lot of flames floated out of it.

Regarding this incident, Yanjiao’s people calmed down only after being surprised, with joy in their eyes.

Shao Xuanneng steadily occupies the position of the big Elder. One person occupies all the six bone ornaments that only Elder is qualified to wear, and no one has the slightest complaint. That’s why.

Not everyone can wear this bone ornament.

The six bone ornaments were to show the will of the ancestors, and this flame giant would only show up when Shao Xuan wore it.

They held this sacrifice after the banquet, one of the purposes was to give an explanation to the ancestors who passed away. Now, the bone decoration has reflected, although the flame is not as solid as it used to be, everyone can see that this is the flame giant! The flame giant representing the first ancestor!

The will of the ancestors appeared!

This made the Yanjiao people present with excitement and tears in their eyes, but at the same time they felt at ease.

Their feelings at the moment are like a very hard-working student who handed in an answer sheet after doing their best. Then, a scoring teacher they had been looking forward to and admiring finally appeared and gave them a good comment. , It’s strange that they are unhappy.

The six bone ornaments left by Yanjiao’s first witch helped them a lot. Without these six bone ornaments and without the power of their ancestors, Yanjiao would not have merged so quickly and smoothly. Whether it was the shock of being chased by slave owners on the other side of the sea, or the return of the sea afterwards, they all borrowed the power of ancestral bone ornaments.

Only later, after breaking through the sea, the bone decoration seemed to run out of strength, and went into a dormant state, with few major fluctuations.

Originally, when they were planning this sacrifice, they never thought that the bone ornaments would suddenly exert their strength. This can be said to be an unexpected joy.

I don’t know if it is the reason why the strength of the bone decoration has not fully recovered. The flame body that gradually formed after being raised up, the flame appeared slightly scattered, not solid enough, and the human figure was not clear enough. But even so, everyone in Yanjiao was very satisfied, and they couldn’t wait to kneel and kowtow.

Outside the Yanhe trading area, inside the forest.

The tribes who came to the banquet left more or less people waiting outside. These people not only had to watch the movement in the Yanhe trading area, but also guard against suspicious situations outside the trading area.

In addition to them, there were some other uninvited people who followed the party to the banquet. They came because of curiosity, and they all lurked in the mountains and forests.

When the feast in the trading zone began, the scent of the food wafted out, causing the people hiding in the woods to run into water, and their stomachs couldn’t help crying. They could only drink some earthy water and chew. Hard jerky.

The flames that suddenly rose up in the trading area naturally attracted their attention.

“Yan…the Yanhe trading area…is on fire? What happened?!” Someone exclaimed.

Just now they only felt that there was a very uncomfortable atmosphere in the Yanhe trading area. For these, they understood that it was Yanjiao’s site after all. When they came to someone else’s site, they would always feel this way. They didn’t feel this way before. They still feel unaccustomed. But what is going on with this fierce flame?

“It won’t be… the people of Yanjiao tribe, finally can’t help but make a move?” The speaker compared his hand to a knife, and made a slashing motion diagonally downward.

“Isn’t it, Yanjiao’s people are so stupid? Also, those tribes that go in, those small tribes, don’t matter, are they like the Mang tribe, Thousand-mian tribe, and Weiba tribe, who will just be silent? Killed? There are still eagles of Hui and Tianshan tribes around, they are not close.”

There are indeed eagles of the Hui and Tianshan tribes nearby, but they are not hovering in the air, but a little far away from the Yanhe trading area, resting on trees or raised rocks, watching The movement of Yanhe trading zone.

They did not hear the whistle to signal the incident. None of the tribes who entered were whistling.

“Wait and see!”

The people lurking in the mountains and forests nervously stared at the movement on the other side of the trading area.

At this time, the people who saw this scene in the Yanhe trading area were equally surprised.

Especially in Yanhe Castle, those people who observe closely are in an extremely complicated mood. If it is said that the smell of fire produced by Yanjiao here has been surprising, and the incident of the “spontaneous combustion” of the people in Hou Yanjiao has shocked everyone, then now, the changes in Shao Xuan’s body are like a blazing fire. In the middle, another pot of oil was poured, scorching everyone’s nerves.

It is incomprehensible, unimaginable, and it is not the world they once understood at all, and the views they held in the past need to be changed.

Blood and fire are the same…

Only this reason can explain why the Yanjiao tribe has no fire, but it can cause such a movement. Even if they had just guessed, they still couldn’t calm down when they were really exposed to this. As for the situation they are seeing now, it cannot be explained simply by the source of blood and fire. This should be the unique ability of the flame horn, the power passed down from the ancestors of the flame horn cannot be obtained by outsiders.

They can only continue to watch from the side. Look at the big Elder of Yanhorn, what he wants to do.

At this time, Shao Xuan also did not expect that the dormant bone ornament would suddenly become active.

The power of totem, the power of inheritance, and that special power in the body are being quickly drawn away at this moment. The six bone ornaments hung in front of his chest were spinning like a whirlpool, sucking in the power provided by Shao Xuan.

This is different from the previous few times.

In the past, these six bone ornaments were either taken out on their own initiative and did not require much power from Shao Xuan, and the timing of their appearance was not chosen by Shao Xuan.

Or, Shao Xuan used his own power to stimulate the power of the bone decoration, just like the part after breaking the sea back, when the bone decoration can no longer be supported, Shao Xuan used his own power to support it.

But now, the emergence of bone decoration power was not inspired by Shao Xuan’s initiative, it can be said that it appeared spontaneously, but it needs Shao Xuan’s strength to support it.

The bone decoration has not recovered. Shao Xuan thought of the reason.

Probably it was the remnant ideas left by the ancestors on the bone ornaments, because they were too happy because of this significant feast, so they jumped out by themselves?

Among the bone decoration power that suddenly emerged, Shao Xuan’s emotions were also affected a bit because of the ancestor’s intentions, as if he was about to howl.

Sure enough, the ancestors should be very happy.

Under this emotional infection, Shao Xuan moved.

Everyone in Yanjiao: “…”

Their eyes moved from the tall flame giant to Shao Xuan, and their eyes changed from infinite reverence, to consternation, to fright.

and many more! What are you going to do, Elder? !

Don’t lift your feet! Be merciful!

We are still standing by your side, Elder, look at us!

Please don’t step on it! Don’t step on it!

The Yanjiao people present, whether they have seen Shao Xuan’s use of ancestral abilities with their own eyes, or those who heard the report later, when they saw Shao Xuan’s sudden movements at this time, they thought of something.

After seeing this scene, the former leaders and witches, as well as the bosses such as Duokang, turned pale with fright, except that they were covered by the flames, so they were not obvious.

If Shao Xuan lifted his foot and stepped on it, all the efforts he has made until now for the entire feast will be in vain. Instead of showing the strength of the Yanjiao tribe, he will be ridiculed.

If you get that kick at close range, you won’t die and you will be seriously injured, right?

Especially Zhengluo and Duokang who have witnessed the power of the flame giant, their hands are shaking. When they moved from their habitats on the seaside and moved from tribes to a chasing team sent by slave owners, they had seen Shao Xuan stomping on the ground with the help of ancestral bone ornaments. Then, the ground was like an earthquake. Generally split, and temporarily deterred the chasing team, preventing them from continuing to press on.

Can step on the ground, resist the king beast, and break through the sea. Can people like them bear this kind of power? !

When I thought of the ground that was trampled on and cracked, all the big stones were turned up, and then I thought of what would happen if I copied the situation here?

Recalling that when they went to the salt mine and met Wang Beast, they hadn’t seen Shao Xuan’s use of ancestral bones to decorate the power, they were all lifted off and buried in the snow, and their livers and gallbladders were shaking.

The more they thought about it, the more afraid they became, and Zheng Luo and others’ complexions turned paler.

Elder, please stop making trouble!

However, they looked at Shao Xuan’s appearance, not as if they wanted to come here on purpose. Probably, it seems, maybe, is the meaning of the ancestors?

They now want the past to stop Shao Xuan’s next behavior, but because of their respect for their ancestors, they dare not act at will. After hesitating, I saw that Shao Xuan moved again.

This time, Shao Xuan did not move his feet, but instead moved his hands.

Shao Xuan’s arms that fell to his side seemed to be raised randomly, and the vague flame body in the air also seemed to have raised his arms at this time.

Seeing such a situation, everyone in Yanjiao breathed a sigh of relief. In the past, the flame giants representing the ancestors also raised their arms in the past during the sacrifice, as if they were cheering, so their hanging hearts were let go.

It turns out that our ancestors wanted to cheer and scared us…wait!



what! ! !

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