Original War

Chapter 621

Chapter 621

The matter has been explained clearly, the misunderstanding has been resolved, and the cheek that jumped out is thick enough, and after a loud “Oh”, he calmly returned to his seat and continued to eat.

He didn’t feel that his behavior just now was worthy of shame. Although it seemed reckless, he knew some problems in his mind.

Who can be the leader, who can live with the tribe to this day, can he be a stupid stupid who doesn’t have a brain?

The reason why he ate so much chili powder so easily just now… He just ate too much, and when it was rare to eat for nothing, of course he ate desperately, and he didn’t think that the three bowls were filled with poison. He saw Come, Yan Jiao won’t do anything here.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that the taste of the chili powder was too special, so he couldn’t control it, so he jumped out, his nose and tears were so spicy, his mouth was like a fire burning, and the soup didn’t make it spicy even after drinking the soup. The taste rushed down, it was because he had wrapped too much chili powder just now.

Knowing that it is not poisonous, after the relief of the soup, although there is still a spicy taste in the mouth, it is no longer as uncomfortable as before, but there is a feeling of…reluctant to give up?

Tried chili powder, and then tried another seasoning powder. This time he was a little more careful and didn’t dip too much.

After tasting it, it was not spicy, but I don’t know if I was overwhelmed by chili powder, so the leader turned to chili powder again. He hissed and gasped, and he couldn’t stop sniffing. The flushed face was covered with sweat. After getting used to it, it was quite energetic. He is already addicted to eating, and he is immersed in it. Even if a large group of beauties are here, he will not attract his attention at all.

Someone next to me wanted to persuade: “Chief, don’t eat spicy food, your image is detrimental!”

“No, no, don’t stop me, I have to dip a bit!”

At the venue, some people tried to try seasoning powders other than salt, some like spicy ones, and some like non-spicy ones.

The meat that was delivered was not fully cooked, but it was given to them to use it freely, whichever they like can be cut from large pieces and sprinkled with seasoning powder to continue roasting.

With so many tricks in Yanjiao, in addition to showing off, it is also a promotion. By the way, tell these people that if you are interested in these food and condiments, you will come to the Yanhe trading area more in the future.

Needless to say about Yanjiao, people with flexible brains have already begun to move their minds. For example, people from the Pu tribe, who are more sensitive to this aspect, have flashes of light in their eyes. After careful attempts, some people begin to gather and exchange directions in the future.

It will take time to continue roasting the undercooked barbecue, and it will not be finished too soon, and in this gap, another dish is presented.

This time it’s not meat, but a washed Chinese cabbage! The emerald green cabbage leaves are wrapped tightly and densely, and the cabbage gang below can clearly see the full water it possesses.

A tribe puts a vegetable ball, although there is only one, but those cabbage balls are very large, and stand taller than people. They are divided into pieces and eaten. Everyone does not talk about the whole leaf, but half of the leaf is edible. Arrived.

You can blanch these cabbage in the soup if you want to eat them raw.

“Is this the kind of new crop you discovered back then?” the leader of the Hui tribe asked Xiang Yanjiao.

“Not bad.” Everyone in Yanjiao was quite proud.

This feast is to show off. The Chinese cabbage that was discovered and planted by one’s own tribe but not available in other tribes must of course be presented at this feast. Chinese cabbage is also Yanjiao’s great wealth and ostentatious capital.

The freshness of cabbage takes away the greasy feeling of eating meat before. After four rounds of meat, it is really good to come to such a cabbage. Even people who do not like vegetarian food have to admit that this cabbage came just right.

Some people admire that Yanjiao has its own unique crops, but for the tribes in front of the seats, this is nothing. Each of their tribes has more than one unique crop, and people from other tribes want to learn from They can only trade for the fruits that have been harvested, and they still cannot get seeds or cannot be planted again to prevent this uniqueness from disappearing.

Therefore, this cabbage in Yanjiao, they really didn’t To put in one’s eyes.

Yan Jiao can only come up with this trick? Thought some people.

But the next thing surprised the person who had just calmed down again.

After the cabbage, what was brought into the venue was a half-person tall terracotta jar, one in front of each tribe.

After uncovering the animal skin covering the mouth of the bottle and pulling out the cork blocking the mouth of the jar, a sweet and mellow smell wafted out.

“This is…” Someone wondered.

“This is our own wine made by Yanjiao.” Guihe smiled and poured the wine in the bottle into the golden wine vessel.

This was brought over after the installation of this part of Yanjiao, and it was not the original pottery for making wine.

The wine looks not clear enough, but the body is coordinated, smells strong, and it feels sweet and mellow in the mouth. It constantly stimulates the salivary glands in the mouth and the intestines and stomachs in the body. After a sip, I feel that I can continue to eat more. Meat.

Although these wines still have many shortcomings, they are already rare here. Not comparable to those tribes with thousands of years of brewing experience, superb skills, and talents, it can also support a scene in this feast.

Some of the tribes in Yanhe have never tasted the taste of wine at all. This is a very profound experience for them. Even if they knew that there was wine, they couldn’t exchange enough leftovers because the wine was too expensive. Now, Yan Jiao will even put out wine!



They had come to the feast at Yanjiao. Think about those tribes who have received the news of the Yanhe feast but are afraid to come here because they are worried that Yanjiao has another plan. When those people know about it, they will regret it and hit the tree. What a great opportunity to eat and drink for free, why not come?

A bunch of idiots! Those who don’t know how to take advantage are idiots!

Many people are surprised by the recognition that Yanjiao can also make wine. And the Pu tribe people with a keen sense of businessmen, once again gathered together to discuss.

Guanghou, the leader of the Pu tribe, who looks like a horned frog, has a frightening splendor in his eyes. The big mouth is pulled up to the sides of his cheeks because of his master’s good mood. It looks bigger. Eat A piece of freshly roasted meat, another sip of wine, and a few laughs: “Okay!”

I don’t know whether he really praised the dishes and wine, or was happy with the business opportunities in it, or both.

Without waiting for these people to continue to think about their thoughts, new dishes, to play again.

This time, it was a big pot of porridge.

In fact, many tribes don’t eat porridge because they don’t have their own grains. Instead, they find wild vegetables and wild fruits in the forest and stew them in a pot. For example, the people of the Tuan tribe.

People who have farmland to grow grains eat different porridge from before. Most of the time they cook porridge with the same kind of grains, and occasionally use a mixture of several, and they don’t use too much. But the porridge scooped out from the earthenware pot in front of me came in several colors, and at a glance, it was obvious that there were many kinds of cooked things in it, and the grains were different in size, shape, and color.

“This is…” Everyone looked in the direction of Yanjiao’s seat, waiting for the introduction.

“This is…” Guihe looked at Shao Xuan to his side, he suddenly couldn’t remember what it was called.

“Eight Treasure Congee.” Shao Xuan said.

“Yes, this eight-treasure porridge! It is made from eight kinds of precious grains. You can taste it. You won’t be able to taste these after you leave the Yanhe trading area.” Guihe said in a loud voice.

Mu Lu, the leader of the Changzhou tribe, raised his eyebrows, and his men had already scooped out a bowl for him. He slowly picked up a spoonful with the spoon in the bowl and sent it to his mouth.

The porridge has the aroma and taste of several kinds of grains. Together, it does not feel impetuous and chaotic. On the contrary, it has a unique and peaceful flavor. Eight kinds of grains, some are soft and sticky, some are very chewy, eat in one bite, and after swallowing twice, you can chew again.

With just one bite, logging can stop many things.

Several large tribes often gave gifts to each other before. Therefore, the unique crops grown by their respective tribes will also be given away. It can be said that they have eaten all the things they planted, but Yan Yan The “Eight Treasure Congee” that Jiao took out contained eight excellent crops, none of them had ever eaten!

Not one kind, not two kinds, but eight kinds! !

Where did Yanjiao get these eight types?

Tribal people have always regarded grain very seriously, and grain is wealth. The doubts in front of them made them quite tangled.

Cabbage, home-brewed wine, and now the eight-treasure porridge, Yanjiao Ren, how deep do they hide?

Regarding the suspicious glances from all parties, Yanjiao Ren smiled without saying a word, and drank the porridge quietly.

The eight kinds of grains in it are all grown from seeds brought over from the sea. People who are good at planting Yanjiao have put a lot of thought into this. The eight grains with the largest yields are also the eight with the strongest adaptability after being brought over for planting. The yields are large, and after leaving some in the tribe, they can be brought out to add more light to the Yanhe Feast. As for the less-yield ones, they are more precious, and of course they are kept for their own people.

Those who can be selected by Jiju are naturally much better than ordinary grains. How many generations of the Ji family have focused on this, not to mention the newly discovered wild fine grains, even those planted in the own farm, thousands of years have passed. I don’t know how many generations of improvements have been made, and the results are naturally fine products. In normal times, except for special guests, Yanjiao Ren would never take out these things.

To boast of a feast is to boast of one’s wealth. This word has both praise and derogation, and it has different meanings for different tribes.

Some people don’t care about their ability, boasting and getting into debt after boasting, one boasting, three years of clear soup, and even getting into a lot of trouble, pretending not to be guilty.

And some people really show off by their strength, and they show off the surplus property they own that they can truly divide.

Yan Jiao dared to take out these, and he was not afraid of being missed. If you don’t even have the courage to show off, and you are always afraid of this defense, how can you do a feast?

Therefore, Yanjiao’s current attitude is that daddy has the money to do this well, and has the strength to support this rich feast, and is not afraid of who will grab it. In terms of stepping back 10,000 steps, even if they lose the site, they can do it. Kill it again. There is no primitive fire in Yanjiao, so you don’t worry about being destroyed, and if you dare to come, you must do a day of frantic revenge by Yanjiao.

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