Original War

Chapter 579

Chapter 579: An Old Friend

When the tribe crossed the river and went to the homeland, many children were still young. Four years later, some of them have become totem warriors.

Knowing what the other side is, the destination of the tribe’s trip is also there. The frustration in the hearts of the Yanjiao people who lived on the other side of the river in the past disappeared.

During this period of time, their mood was ups and downs, and they were always upset. Even if the crisis passed, there was no place to live, like duckweed without roots, it would always be impossible to settle down.

And now, finally let go.

The old place can’t go back, it’s okay, they have another old place!

Yes, for the entire Yanjiao tribe, the home of the Fierce Beast Forest is the home of all the Yanjiao people, but for some of them, the place on the other side of the river is also another old place in their hearts.

Even though there have been some changes in the past movement of the venue, even if you can’t see the whole picture from the other side here, they can still recognize many familiar places.

Yes, there is another homeland in their hearts!

Ao, Ta, Guihe, and Mai and other big and small bosses at this time can imagine the mood at this time, there is really a kind of excitement.

“Boss! We… shall we go back?” someone asked chokedly.

The word “go back” moved many people’s hearts, and they couldn’t help but smile.

Ao’s face also rarely showed nostalgia, “Yes, go back.”

“Oh–” someone in the team cried out strangely.

“Haha! Go back!!”

Some young soldiers also jumped up excitedly. I thought I would find another strange place to live in, but I didn’t expect that I would come back here again. They were still children when they left. Four years later, they have been out hunting with the hunting team for a year or two.

Seeing them excited, the people in Zhengluo became much calmer. After all, they had never lived there, and all the news they knew was only learned from other people.

“Where is the place where you used to live?” Zheng Luo asked Shao Xuan, “I didn’t expect such a change to happen!”

However, thinking that there is also a large mountain forest over there, it is a place full of beasts that are not inferior to the beast mountain forest, there are even king beast activities, and there are more strange places, Zheng Luo and others not only feel scared. , On the contrary, gearing up, eyes shining brightly.

“Good place!” Duokang only glanced over there, then made a comment. Although it is impossible to see the place he has heard of now, with his years of hunting experience, it must be a satisfying place! There is a dangerous smell in the wind coming from the opposite bank, which is really exciting!

“There are fierce beasts over there!” Duokang is itching again.

For people who hunt for a living, hunting has become a habit in their daily life. Once this habit is broken, and if not in contact for a long time, his hands will feel itchy. I miss the smell of the jungle.

Hearing Duokang’s words, Fu Shi next to him smiled, “You can smell the ferocious beasts here?”

“Of course!” Duokang vowed, “The smell is similar to that of the beast mountain forest!”

Fu Shi smiled and didn’t say much, turned his head to look at Shao Xuan, “Can you smell it?”

Shao Xuan stared at the other side with thoughtful eyes, “Yes, I can feel there are fierce beasts over there.” After a pause, Shao Xuan added, “That smell is quite familiar.”

As soon as Shao Xuan’s voice fell, Caesar also squeezed over, looked towards the other side for a while, then raised his head and howled.

Caesar’s sudden voice frightened the Flame Horned Man who was in the memory, and then smiled again: “Even Caesar remembers the place before.”

“Of course, Caesar also grew up there before.” The smile on Mai’s face couldn’t be hidden. He remembered that several of the tribe’s fierce beasts that used the engraving secret technique to engrave also grew up there. People will miss those who get up, and naturally so will the beasts.

However, Shao Xuan didn’t look at it that way. Caesar’s voice just now didn’t mean he missed it. Just before he could speak, Ao over there couldn’t wait to ask Xiang Fushi again.

“You didn’t go over and take a look?”

After all, the big river is gone, the two sides are so close, and the river is not deep. He saw crocodiles in the river just now, it means that there are at least no threatening beasts in the river, otherwise the crocodiles will not Activities inside so comfortably.

Speaking of this, Fu Shi smiled helplessly, “Why didn’t it go over? In fact, when seeing such a huge change in the river, everyone thought about whether to go over and take a look. After all, you can see some life on the mountain over there. At the time, our leader was still thinking about the traces of the past, since there is also a tribe on the opposite side, and everyone is so close, we have to say hello, and by the way, see if anyone on the opposite side needs help.”

There are indeed traces of life on the opposite side, houses, and pillars that act as sundials, and some other things that can be seen unnaturally at a glance, but the disaster has just passed, and the movement of the earth has slowed down, and many tribes have been seriously affected. , The person on the opposite side has not appeared, so they just thought about it, and went over and took a look.

Therefore, at that time, the Maze tribe sent a group of people to ride the crocodiles. They don’t know whether there are still some threatening creatures in the river. What crocodiles are not afraid of may not be afraid of people. Stepping on the crocodiles is the safest thing in the past.

“But later, we just went ashore, shouted a few words, and were driven back.” Fu Shi sighed.

“Come back?!” Ao’s voice was raised suddenly, and both eyebrows were almost erected, and his whole body instantly released a clear murderous intent, “Someone over there?!”

The first thought of several other bosses was similar to Ao. Could someone take advantage of the great changes in the river and pass by first? Want to rob them of Yanjiao’s site? !

It’s okay to say it in other places, but there is another old place in the hearts of half of the Yanjiao people, how can others covet it? !

Regardless of who the person is in the past, fight if you can’t drive away, or kill if you can’t fight away!

This is no longer an ordinary territorial dispute, this is another inverse scale of Yanjiao. The contact is dead!

Seeing the murderous aura suddenly rising in Yanjiao’s team, Fu Shi quickly explained, “No, we haven’t seen anyone in the past, it was just driven by the fierce beast.”

“Ferocious beast?”

Without the protection of fire, the fierce beast would pass over there, and it made sense. The murderous aura in the Yanhorn team was slightly restrained, but it was also confiscated, and the fierce beast was not good either! Kill it anyway!

“What does the fierce beast look like?” Ao asked badly.

Several people in Yanjiao touched the hilt of the knife. They were thinking about how to slaughter them. They listened to Fu Shi and said, “We only saw one, it’s a big eagle, but it’s fierce. They will come out to patrol every day.”

“Eagle?” Ao Lue was silent, flying type is indeed not good for hunting.

“Look, it’s coming again!” a gang warrior next to Fu Shi yelled, pointing to the sky.

“Hey, why did it fly here!?” Fu Shi exclaimed. Isn’t that eagle just guarding the other side? Why are you flying here suddenly now? Rushing so fast!

Upon seeing this, the people in the tribe and Yanjiao all picked up swords, axes, bows and arrows.

“Wait, everyone, don’t attack, it’s an old friend!” Shao Xuan hurriedly stopped.

“Old friend?” Ao didn’t react at first, then he thought of something, his eyes widened suddenly and looked towards the sky.

Caesar screamed excitedly again towards the sky, but, as the figure in the sky flew closer and closer, Caesar’s howling voice changed in tone in the middle, as if forcibly making a bend, raising the ending with doubts.

Huh? It looks a lot bigger.

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