Original War

Chapter 540

Chapter 540

On a strange tree, there are no leaves or forks, just like bare wooden stakes standing there, but with hundreds of fist-sized holes on it.


The swinging axe brought the rapid wind down and fell the strange-growing tree.

“This is the last one.” Qu Ce wiped the sweat from his forehead, and with a few axes, he chopped the tree into several sections. With the chopped down, there was a fist-big hole in the tree. A bud-like thing stretched out, and the two closed leaves opened wide, as if they were about to bite.

It was this kind of tree. Today, a piece of flesh was bitten from a warrior of the Mang tribe, and it was poisonous. Phytotoxins can prevent blood from clotting. If the wound is allowed to do so without applying medicine, the blood will continue to flow.

After cutting the tree into small pieces, the large flower buds on the tree fell weakly as if they had lost their strength. Only then did Qu Ce picked up the wooden pieces and threw them into the woven net, saving them for fire. As long as the “buds” are picked, this kind of tree burns very easily and is suitable for firewood.

They followed Shao Xuan and other Yanjiao people into this place where the mountains stood, and then found a place to settle on another mountain not far from Yanling people.

A little higher on the mountainside, there is an underground cave, where they are all resting now.

Standing on the mountainside and looking at the mountain in front, if the life of Yanling is on fire, they can still see the smoke over there.

Qu Ce dragged a net bag of chopped firewood back to the resting place. There was a flat boulder with a wide opening under the boulder. Qu Ce had to bend his knees when he entered.

It looks very narrow on the outside, but after entering it, it is much more spacious.

More than fifty people were accommodated, some roasted meat and fresh fruits were also placed, and the cave was not crowded.

However, because it is an underground stone cave, the surrounding ventilation holes can’t bring more light. When staying inside, you can only rely on water and moon stones.

“It’s so hot, it’s so hot!” Qu Ce flung the bag full of firewood and lay on the ground in the cave to rest.

The cold stone cave bottom made Qu Ce, who had been busy all day long, sighed in comfort.

When the temperature outside gets higher and higher, the inside of the cave is indeed much cooler. In such weather, it is easy to forget that it should actually be winter.

The people in the cave surrounded Shao Xuan, ignoring the Qu Ce, but staring at the movements of Shao Xuan’s hands. The younger, slightly lower-ranked people in the team couldn’t get in at all, so they could only scratch their heads beside them, and listened to the discussion of the few people inside, and it was very tickling, but there was no other way but to wait beside them.

“Not finished yet?” Qu Ce asked the person who was pushed aside, who was a young warrior from the Weiba tribe.

“It should be soon.” The humanity.

When Qu Ce went out of the cave to chop wood, someone brought back a trap, which was removed from the trap set by the slaves of the Yanling. Although it was removed, the trap remained mostly intact. It was just because there were some complicated knots and structures in it. Many people wanted to split it out to study and speculate, but there was nowhere to start. In the end, Shao Xuan stood up and picked it up. Next to this matter.

At first glance, the trap was set in dense grass. There were bait and lasso for catching, as well as some combination of parts made of gold. It looked like a trap specially made for something.

What are the people from Yanling City looking for? Green-faced fangs!

Shao Xuan had already told everyone that the people in Yanling were looking for blue-faced fangs, but there were so many strange animals in the mountains and forests. After searching, they did not see any suspected blue-faced fangs.

They have been here for two days. They have not met the slaves of Yanling City, nor have they seen the so-called blue-faced fangs. If they had not seen the people of Yanling City stationed here, and they still stayed here for a long time, other tribes People who do not believe Shao Xuan’s words.

Shao Xuan said about the blue face and fangs, but only revealed that they learned the news from the “pirate” population.

Yanjiao did catch the “pirates”. Several other tribes knew about this. Therefore, they believed part of Shao Xuan’s words, but the people in Yanling City were looking for blue-faced fangs, what is the use? Shao Xuan did not say that the other four people in Yanjiao were also tight-lipped.

No matter what the truth is, if they want to understand the purpose of Yanling City’s slave owners, they must know what those blue-faced fangs are. Several tribes regard desert slave owners as their most threatening opponents, and Yanling’s every move affects their nerves.

So now, when Shao Xuan was dismantling the trap, people from several tribes gathered around. In terms of catching beasts in the trap, the people of Yanjiao were better, and they were willing to wait for Shao Xuan’s explanation.

Shao Xuan looked at the trap that had been dismantled, and let out a long breath, “Okay.”

“How?!” the waiting person asked impatiently.

Shao Xuan picked up a handful of blue grass that was completely solved in the trap. “This should be the favorite food of’Blue Face Tusks’, so the talents of Yanling will use it as bait. Depending on the size of this trap, the Blue Face Tusk should not Big.”

Standing up and making gestures, Shao Xuandao: “The body shape range should be from this height to this height.”

According to the results of Shao Xuan’s speculation, the height of the blue-faced fangs beasts should not exceed their chests. Of course it may be higher, but the answer given by this trap is so.

“It should still have horns, probably in this position.” Shao Xuan picked up a burned branch and drew it on the ground of the cave.

The paintings that Pirate Qi gave them were too abstract. Even though they were exactly the same as the original paintings, they couldn’t see the specific appearance of the blue-faced fangs. Shao Xuan just summarized them and painted them based on the information he had learned.

The people around Shao Xuan craned their necks one by one, staring at the painting on the ground with wide eyes, as if to imprint it deeply in their minds.

“Can only one trap be inferred accurately? Or, let’s go and tear down another trap?” Huang Ye suggested.

“Go again? It’s not impossible, it’s easy to be noticed by the people in Yanling.” Some people hesitated.

“Do you think they really don’t know?” Shao Xuan threw away the branch in his hand and looked at the trap that had been dismantled. “This trap may have been deliberately left behind.”

“Intentionally? Why? Did they change the trap and want to fool us?” Spring Leaf asked.

“Not so much. I think the people from Yanling want us to look for them even more.”

“how you said that?”

“Because they can’t find it!”

The three words “not found” were deliberately emphasized by Shao Xuan.

The blue-faced fangs are indeed hard to find, otherwise the hunting team of Yanjiao won’t have any gains. The slaves in Yanling City should have been carefully selected, and there were pirates following them, even if the slaves did not notice, the pirates must have noticed their existence.

He noticed that their group of people followed, but they still regarded it as if they hadn’t seen it. The two sides had never met, but instead left a trap for catching beasts near here, saying that Shao Xuan didn’t believe it if he had no other thoughts.

“That said, the people from Yanling have not been here these past two days because they know we are here?” Gu Zhi circled the place, thinking, “This is also a good thing, everyone finds their own.”

“That’s OK, based on Shao Xuan Elder’s paintings. Everyone started looking for this…blue-faced fangs.” Huang Ye said, looking at Shao Xuan, “Does Shao Xuan Elder have anything to say?”

“Nothing else, just to make everyone mentally prepared.” Shao Xuandao.

“What are you going to prepare?” The people in the cave looked at Shao Xuan.

“According to what Gula and the others saw in the sky, the people in Yanling have built houses and walls. It looks like they have been prepared to stay here for a long time.”

Preparations for a long time here?

There was a moment of silence in the cave.

All the slaves in Yanling can live in wooden houses. Are you really ready to sleep in the cave all the time?

“Well, build a house.” Huang Ye suggested.

People from the Yu tribe have something to say at this time, and there is a rare opportunity to perform, “It is too eye-catching to build on the ground, it is better to build on a tree in the woods, and it is difficult to be discovered by doing some cover-ups.”

“Then you build a house, let’s look for it first, and see where there is this kind of grass around here.” Spring Leaf distributed the handful of grass that Shao Xuan handed over to everyone. Now that he knows that the green-faced fangs like to eat this kind of grass, then Going to find a place where a lot of this kind of grass grows, he doesn’t believe he can’t wait for one!

Acting separately, all the people in the cave went out at once, leaving only a few injured people behind. If an abnormal situation is found, just blow the whistle.

Shao Xuan and the five people acted together. Without the others, Duokang couldn’t hold back any words.

“Shao Xuan, really don’t worry that those people will catch all the blue-faced fangs?” Duokang didn’t like to cooperate with the people of those tribes, and didn’t trust him.

“If you can find it, then.” There were only five people who came by Yanjiao. Since the other people’s target is also the blue-faced fangs, there is no need to hide them, because the most important thing now is to determine whether the blue-faced fangs are really here. If there are really blue-faced fangs, there will be more flaming horns in the future as opportunities, anyway, they will live in the forest of the beasts.

Dokang thinks about it too, no more words.

The kind of grass obtained in the trap does not seem to be distinctive at first glance, but if you observe carefully, you will find that it is different from many similar-looking grasses in the forest. The biggest difference is that when you get close to sniff it, you can Smell a faint fragrance, which distinguishes it from other grasses.

The difficulty is that there are so many similar grasses in the mountains and forests. What should I do if I am poisoned?

As people who often hunt in the mountains and forests, the eyesight of the Yanjiao Five is still better, better than the others, but they have always found the night to go back to the stone cave, but only to find five trees, on the whole mountain, until now they only Five trees can be found, the growth rate is terribly low, and the possibility of blue-faced fangs appearing here is much lower.

“No hurry, continue tomorrow.” Shao Xuan comforted.

Outside, the people of the Yu tribe are very efficient. They have built small houses on the trees, each of which is about ten or so flat. They are covered with vines and branches. It is indeed not easy to notice.

However, compared to those, the five people in Yanjiao still prefer to be in the cave.

This night, half of the people were outside, and half were still in the cave.

Compared to other people who couldn’t sleep at night, Shao Xuan slept well, and he had a rare dream. (624564)

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