Original War

Chapter 467

Chapter 467

There was a sneer in the salt cave, like the sound of friction between rocks, wishing to reach the bottom of people’s hearts.

The ground under my feet trembled with these chicks, and the white frost spread rapidly from the pit where the fire crystals were dug to the outside, like an unstoppable current, strongly spreading towards the surroundings.

The leaders of the Liehu and the Sen tribe had no other thoughts at this time, they just wanted to leave here quickly. They panicked in their hearts and their faces were bleak. Perhaps they have realized what is down here, and they want to say regret. They regret it more than the people in Yanjiao. They just dig the fire crystal when they dig the fire crystal. Why do they dig so deep below?

If they had discovered that there was an uncontestable behemoth below, they would definitely be very careful. Even if there was a blizzard outside, they would go back to the tribe with the fire crystals that had been dug up all night, abandon the salt mine, and abandon everything here. Things, never come again!

It’s just that at this moment, it’s useless for them to regret.

They have opened the fierce door under the blizzard.

“Run, get out of here!” Liehu’s leader shouted. No longer calm, but with panic and a despair that he himself didn’t want to believe.

The people of the other Fierce Fox tribes and Sen tribes in the cave did not know what had happened, but at the moment just now, they suddenly felt a heart tremor, a heart tremor full of oppression and fear. For a moment, resisting People with pressure differences have weakened legs.

After hearing the words of the leader of Liehu, the cave suddenly became chaotic. Some people pushed away the stone blocking the wind and rushed out, while others chose to shrink against the wall.

Those who lay in the cave, those who were sleeping, or those who had not had time to react, those who were rushed out in a panic stepped directly on the ground, wailing, but no one looked at him more. Even if someone wants to help, they can’t help. At this time, no matter how slow people are, they also realize that there has been an abnormal change in the cave. In other words, it is a life in the mountains and forests, and they still have the basic ability to predict the crisis.

A strong and strong person will force the person in the front to squeeze away, because the width of the hole is limited, it was okay when there was no accident before, and now when something happens, I want to rush out, and one of them is blocked directly. , People are about to squeeze out of shape.

The leader of Liehu ran out from the depths of the cave, stepped on the head of the person in the cave, and rushed out. At this time, other people realized that it could still be like this, and jumped up. Some jumped too high, bumped into the top of the hole and bleeds, without even wiping the blood, and continued to rush forward. Some people directly push away because the person in front is in the way.

The cave became more and more chaotic.

The more anxious and irritable the people around you are, the more they feel that there must be greater danger. Do you run out without seeing the leader?


In the lower salt cave, the white frost continued to spread quickly to the outside. Some people blocked behind felt that the temperature around their bodies dropped sharply, and the exhaled water vapor instantly condensed, and their skin was frozen into blocks without any temperature. Fortunately, they have already left some, not close to the pit where the fire crystals were dug, which is much better than those who were directly frozen.

This change does not only spread in the salt cave of Liehu. In the salt cave of the Mori tribe, more than 500 people who were found by Liehu and their two tribes with salt were placed here. The Yanhorne who came to the salt mine was killed. In this cave there are also people from the Fiery Fox and the Sen tribe. They are guarding deeper, where there are salt mines that have not been mined. They are guarding to prevent them from being taken away by those outsiders. At the same time, they are also monitored to prevent them from going too. Dig down. There are more than a thousand people in the cave.

When frost was found in the lower cave, the guards felt that something was wrong. They felt the power of their surroundings that made their scalp numb, and the ground under their feet was trembling differently. Listening to the sneer sound from the rock, Run away and leave this cold place.

Similar changes have taken place in the other three caves, and the pit dug at Yanjiao already has white frost.

Seeing those, Shao Xuan and the three leaders hurriedly avoided.

The change was too sudden and too fast, and the ground under the feet quickly covered with a layer of hoarfrost. There was no place for them to avoid in the cave, and they could only step on the hoarfrost.

Fortunately, this change only occurred in the salt caves at the lower level. Although the salt caves at the upper level were also cold, they were much better in comparison.

Zheng Luo moved his feet with difficulty, leading the soldiers from the salt cave below to walk up.

The chill of the soles of the feet jumped up from the leg bones, and the blood vessels seemed to be full of ice scum.

“Escape?” Zheng Luo asked Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan shook his head reflexively, then returned to his senses, and said: “I don’t know what it is, but it’s not a good idea to run out like this instinctively.”

“Then stay in the cave first, Duokang, let the soldiers be quiet and hide their aura, just like when lurking in the forest, don’t show murderous aura!” Zheng Luo said solemnly.

After the initial panic, Zheng Luo is now a little calmer, but his voice is still a bit trembling. It is the first time that he has faced such a situation. He doesn’t know what to do, but when Shao Xuan said so, he did.

The leaders of Taihe and Shanfeng are the same. Now they don’t dare to doubt Shao Xuan. They don’t know exactly how to choose. They will do whatever they see Yanjiao.

In the upper salt cave, because people from the lower salt cave joined, there were almost no aisles to and from, and Zhengluo and the others were all crowded out of the crowd when they walked over.

However, there were three leaders in the battle, no one dared to mess around, and when they saw them, they all made room for them to move around.

When he came to the entrance of the cave, Shao Xuan slightly pushed away the stone blocking the entrance of the cave. They will clear the snow near the entrance of the cave in a few moments. Although it has not been long before it is half a person tall, it does not stop them from looking into the distance, but the viewing angle is limited and cannot be seen wider.

“Someone has gone out over there.” Zheng Luo said, listening to the movement from a distance. He had heard someone screaming at Liehu.

“Go out and have a look?” Tae’s leader asked. Although afraid and worried, but also curious.

“Wait!” Shao Xuan stopped them, “Listen.”


The rock acts as a medium to transmit the sound, as if something is moving under the feet.

There was silence in the cave, and everyone else had been told. At this time, it was also full of crisis, holding your breath. Therefore, the sneer sounded very clearly in the cave, and the hair on the back of the person stood upright.

“It’s a big guy! I really don’t go out? The upper salt cave is not as strong as the lower one. What should I do if it collapses?” said the leader of the mountain wind.

Zhengluo and the others looked at Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan is under great pressure now, and his choice will determine the fate of these nearly three thousand people.

Intuition, trust intuition.

“Stay in the cave.” Shao Xuan said again.

“Then stay in the cave!” Zhengluo gestured towards Duokang.

Duokang swallowed, then turned around and squeezed into the cave, telling the other Yanjiao people about Zhengluo’s decision. People who don’t usually pause when facing fierce beasts in the forest, but now their hands are shaking.

The leaders of Tae He and Shan Feng glanced at each other, struggling in their eyes. The upper salt cave is really not that strong, especially the place close to the entrance of the cave, otherwise it will not be crushed so much. This level cannot withstand the attack of the giant beast, let alone the king beast level. It can collapse with a single pump. If the cave collapses, these people will have to bury them all, but if they run away before the giant beast comes out, maybe there is still a glimmer of life?

Who wants to stay here to face the king beast? Waiting to die? ! You will freeze to death if you don’t collapse, right? !


As soon as the leader of Shanfeng said two words, the leader of Taihe said to the person next to him: “Like Yanjiao, we go in and inform everyone that we will do what the people of Yanjiao do!”

The leader of Shanfeng was so stuck before he finished speaking, he wanted to say that they should run away, but now…

Hesitate, still hesitate!

“Chief!” The people around Lanmu, the leader of the mountain wind tribe, have begun to urge them. They are also divided on both sides. Some people agree with the approach of Yanjiao and Taihe. Some people think that since the people of Liehu have escaped, they have also escaped. Forget it, take advantage of it now.

“We still…”

Before Lan Mu finished speaking, the sneer began to grow louder, and the ground vibration became more violent.

“It’s coming out!” Shao Xuan whispered.

Out? How to do? We are still going to run away! Lan Mu was anxious.

There was only a bang, the ground trembled, and the snow wall outside the cave was shaken. The cleared road was once again buried tightly by the snow that fell from the earthquake. At this moment, they couldn’t see the situation outside, and the entrance of the hole was pitch black.


A long sound like rough salt grains being violently swept away by the wind and scraping the rock, resounded between the heavens and the earth. It was a bit hoarse at first, but it was sharp, like a substance, piercing the nerves in people’s brains. The goose bumps all over his body appeared, the uncontrollable tremor rose from his bones, and the hair was eager to stand upright.

The sound wave spread and penetrated into the cave. The soldiers with slightly lower strength shed blood in their ears, and their expressions were in a trance. After a while, they recovered. Only for a while, their ears were affected, and the people next to him spoke to him in a low voice. He couldn’t hear it either, he could only look at the shape of his mouth.

In the long whistling sound, the sound wave was like a fierce gust of wind, which lifted almost all the snow in the salt mines.

The average snow layer on the salt mine is nearly ten meters high. It is broken into pieces and generally turned into snow masses of different sizes, like a backflow of time, flying into the sky again and being swept away by the air currents.

The snow that had pressed the entrance of the cave tightly just now lost most of it in an instant.

Shao Xuan stretched out his hand and pushed away the snow that was stuck in the gap between the stones at the entrance of the cave. A cold wind blew into the cave from the gap. At this time, he was not too cold. The few people closest to the entrance of the cave, including the three leaders, Grabbing the rocks, or standing on tiptoes, I saw the situation in the distance from the gap.

The snow at the entrance of the cave fell from ten meters to less than two meters.

A white python-like behemoth rushed upwards diagonally from a place in the salt mine. When it leaped into the air, its body was still shaking, arbitrarily disturbing the violent storm and snow. It seemed that this kind of weather, for it, was not What difficult environment, on the contrary, this kind of weather makes it very happy, and it jumps up with joy.

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