Original War

Chapter 412

Chapter 412 Two Suns

Shao Xuan returned to the helper Jiaheng to share some of the burden.

The monkeys in this area are not so friendly. Although they are not big, they are very difficult to deal with. According to Gong Jiaheng, these monkeys like to eat human brains. He once found several human corpses in this forest. It was cranially opened.

Who can be found here, who is the weak?

Therefore, if you can’t head-to-head with this group of monkeys, you will suffer a big loss, and leaving as soon as possible is the most correct way. Since the two are walking together, they must always help each other.

Originally, Gong Jiaheng thought that Shao Xuan, a young man who came to this place for the first time, would encounter a lot of difficulties. He would take action at the right time, not only to save some Face, but also to beat this kid, but he didn’t want to. coming.

For this reason, when the two ran away from the area occupied by the monkeys, Gong Jiaheng’s expression was a little stiff, and he didn’t know what to say. When he thought of making an excuse to go with him, his old face blushed and only dryly said thank you.

In the woods behind them, there were unwilling screams of monkeys and the sound of beating branches. They seemed very angry. They were not stopped by any intruder, and they were thrown far away by two of them. They even had human skin. Did not touch.

After leaving the monkey’s site, the two of them have been on their way. There is no need for Shao Xuan to find any more. Gong Jiaheng directly leads the way. He has been here so many times and is familiar with it.

There are some rivers that are not too wide around, similar to those seen in the hunting grounds at Yanjiao. You will see riverbeds in the dry season. I don’t know which tributary this branched from and extends to here.

There are some smaller crocodiles and other aquatic animals. Life is here. It is not yet the season when the river is dry. From time to time, I can hear the various sounds of animals in and around the river.

An anaconda was slowly moving in the grass by the river, lazily, and ignored other animals around it because it had eaten enough. When Shao Xuan passed it not far away, he saw a bulge and swelling on the anaconda. According to the shape, it was probably that the anaconda had just swallowed a crocodile.

For the first part of the road, Gong Jiaheng had told Shao Xuan what he needed to pay attention to, so there was no need for Gong Jiaheng to remind him. Shao Xuan safely avoided the hidden predators.

Shao Xuan did a great job. It didn’t look like someone who came here for the first time. Because of this, Gong Jiaheng never found the opportunity to give Shao Xuan advice. This made Gong Jiaheng feel even more that he proposed it. The excuse of accompanying is really unnecessary, and my heart is very depressed. I can only sigh, Life’s tribesmen in the mountains and forests are really suitable for jungle operations.

Two days after departure.

“At this speed, we can reach the resting place before dark.” Gong Jiaheng said.

Because he often comes here, there are also several Gongjiaheng places along the road as fixed resting places. When he was looking for Gongjia Mountain, he found a cave on a certain mountain, which was very suitable as a resting place. At that time, there were a lot of snakes and insects in the cave. He also specially used medicinal powder to get rid of them. Every time he left, he would smoke them there again to prevent him from becoming a nest of snakes and insects when he left.

Before the sun went down, the two of them reached the mountain mentioned by Gong Jiaheng. The mountain was steep and there were various moist mosses on the mountain wall. It was relatively slippery to step on, but it was not for the two of Shao Xuan. problem.

“That’s it!” Gong Jiaheng looked at the big stone blocking the entrance of the cave. There are still some traces of green powder. This is the medicine he sprinkled when he went back last time. It hasn’t completely disappeared yet, indicating that there should be none in the cave. What insects and snakes enter, there is no need to waste medicine to get rid of them.

“Take it, I will remove the stone.” Gong Jiaheng handed his own package to Shao Xuan, moved his shoulders, put his hands on the stone, and slammed it to the other side. This stone was heavier than the crocodile he was hunting, and it was still somewhat difficult to push up.

Suddenly, Gong Jiaheng felt the resistance light, and the stone moved quickly to the other side.

“Hey, I didn’t let you hold things, you push…” Gong Jiaheng originally wanted to say that Shao Xuan just hold the things properly. Why did he push the stone?

Because of material constraints, he is very precious to the weapons in the package, and it is difficult to find them if they are lost. However, many of the flying woods here are over curious and love to steal things, but they can’t throw things down and push stones. However, Gong Jiaheng turned his head and found that Shao Xuan was holding all of the two men’s things in one hand and did not put it down. The other hand was pressed against the stone and pushed.

“Push… well.” Gong Jiaheng only suffocated these words in the end. Xindao: The strength is great, ah? !

However, as a fellow practitioner, with the help of Shao Xuan, Gong Jiaheng really felt that the search this time was a lot easier.

It used to take at least three days to get here from departure, but now it’s only two days. Gong Jiaheng has to admit that Shao Xuan is a little capable.

After burning the fire, while it was still dark, he went out to hunt a small beast, and after handling it outside, he brought it back to the cave for roasting and eating.

“When I first came here, I was thinking about building a house, but later I found out that it was more convenient to find a cave.” Gong Jiaheng said as he barbecued.

“Our tribe also lived in caves when they went out hunting.” Shao Xuan said about the situation during hunting.

In the past, Gong Jiaheng didn’t understand Jungle Hunting Life. After he experienced 20 years, he was no longer curious and didn’t ask much.

It was a bit cold at night, the wind outside was very strong, the entrance of the cave was not deep, and the burning fire was bounced by the wind. Shao Xuan walked to the entrance of the cave and moved the stone to keep the gap smaller to avoid the night wind blowing in and affecting the fire.

Seeing that Shao Xuan easily moved such a big stone, Gong Jiaheng felt sour in his heart: “You Yanjiao people, all have such great strength?”

“Well, our tribe is more human.”

“Very suitable for forging. Speaking of it, I seem to have heard the name of your tribe before, but it took too long to remember.” In the past, Gongjiaheng focused on casting and forging, and many things just listened to others casually. To talk about it, I don’t know more about it, and I’m not interested in it. Later, when I look for Gongjiashan, the information is even more blocked.

After a full meal, Gong Jiaheng extinguished the fire and planned to rest, but he saw that Shao Xuan took out a luminous spar, and then took out a roll of animal skins and a strange-shaped round pen. Write and draw on the animal skin scroll.

“What are you writing?” Gong Jiaheng asked.

“Supplement the map.” Shao Xuandao.

“What do you do with the map? How many times are you going to come?”

“do not know.”

“It would be nice to be able to go back alive. Don’t think too much. As a real Xenophobia, I haven’t found it after 20 years. Do you still want to find it once? But it doesn’t matter if you can’t find it. It’s an experience.” Gong Jiaheng said in a comforting tone. In fact, he himself is looking forward to finding it all at once, but after the strikes, Gong Jiaheng is ready to fight for a long time and will not give up. If it is not because he is too far away to trade with other tribes to obtain materials, Gong Jiaheng is ready to fight. Jiaheng wants to live here directly.

However, Gong Jiaheng was still a little curious about the map drawn by Shao Xuan, so he leaned over to look at it. He has seen Shao Xuan’s map drawn by cracking the moiré. At that time, it was only a few very rudimentary strokes. Now it is a lot richer. The places they pass by are monkey forests, ponds, shrub areas, and even Several high mountains are marked.

“Why is it empty here?” Gong Jia Heng Index pointed to somewhere on the animal skin roll.

“I haven’t been there.”

“I’ve been there! Let me tell you…” Gong Jia Heng pointed to the blank spot on the map and started talking. He had been there while looking for Gongjia Mountain. Although it had been for several years, he still had a vague impression.

After speaking, Gong Jiaheng said again: “When I go back, let me draw a copy of your map.” Shao Xuan appreciates some simple and effective ways of marking maps, and he also wants to get a copy.

“Okay.” Since Gong Jiaheng is so refreshing, Shao Xuan is not awkward, “I will draw another copy for you when the time comes.”

Hearing Shao Xuan’s words, Gong Jiaheng was satisfied. At this time, he also felt all the exhaustion hit, and he was full of sleepiness.

“Go to bed early. If you don’t take a lot of rest, your kid will feel better!” After two days of rushing down, I was very exhausted both physically and psychologically. It was like playing a gold medal for more than ten days. Just one night’s time was enough to rest. Very hasty, is this kid still staying up all night?

“Yeah.” Shao Xuan continued to write swiftly.

Upon seeing this, Gong Jiaheng didn’t say much, making this kid regret it.

However, when Gong Jiaheng woke up the next day, he found that Shao Xuan was in better spirits than him, and even went out hunting early in the morning, dragging the prey back for breakfast.

What Gong Jiaheng wanted to say, so Shao Xuan asked suspiciously: “Master Gong Jia, why are there two suns outside?!”

When I came yesterday, although it was close to sunset, there was indeed only one sun. In the past, Shao Xuan only saw one. After going out hunting this morning, he found that there were actually two suns in the sky! Where did the other pop out?

When asked by Shao Xuan, Gong Jiaheng didn’t care why Shao Xuan’s resilience was so strong, and a deep smile appeared on his face: “You are scared when you only have two suns? If you find that there are more suns in the sky later, How are you staying?”

Shao Xuan was silent for a while, and tentatively asked, “Illusion?”

Gong Jiaheng was even more surprised. If other people heard that they would encounter more suns in the future, not to mention being frightened, they would also ask the reason. Unexpectedly, Shao Xuan would tell the core in one gulp.

“That’s right.” Gong Jiaheng walked out of the cave, looked up at the sky and two suns, and said with emotion: “If Gongjia Mountain is so easy to find, there won’t be countless people buried here!”

Whether it is the people in the mountains or forests or the people in the cities controlled by the slave owners, they use the sun’s movement to determine the position and timing, but what if the sun’s movement changes? Now the two suns in the sky will not affect their forward path, but the further behind, the more such illusions, the more difficult it is to judge, and the decision will be seriously disturbed.

Although the two suns in the sky are not far apart at this time, it is really hard to judge for those who are not familiar with it.

“Do you know which sun is real?” When Gong Jiaheng asked this, he couldn’t help but feel a little smug in his eyes. However, thinking of Shao Xuan’s divination skills, he was a little expectant, “Why don’t you divination one?”

Gong Jiaheng went to find the straw rope, and Shao Xuan closed and opened his eyes over there, looking at the sky, and then pointing to the sun slightly to the left: “That’s real.”

Gong Jiaheng took a piece of straw rope, happily going to pass it to Shao Xuan, to watch the divination skills, and by the way, consider Shao Xuan’s divination level, but when he heard the words, he stopped and threw the straw rope down.

“How do you judge?” Gong Jiaheng asked.

“Guess it.”


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