Original War

Chapter 384

Chapter 384 Elder Mighty

The clouds in the sky blocked the sun, and the ground became darker.

The mountain forest covered with sunlight seemed to be silent a little bit.

The trees next to the sandy ground are very tall, which is what Shao Xuan is most satisfied with. Shao Xuan considered the type of tree, wood, root grip, etc., and the time he spent on the tree was actually looking for the best starting point.

Facing such a troublesome beast, it would definitely suffer from brute force. Now it is hunting, and what Shao Xuan intends to try is the next set.

Today’s weather and the surrounding environment are very suitable for the set, hiding in the tree, Shao Xuan looked at the bone beast lying on the shore, and his mind was intertwined with lines, combined with the terrain and environment to outline the appearance of a chain, and finally formed one. The complete set.

However, the theory is still the theory, and it is necessary to be careful in practice. The protective insect skin that was worn next to the body is no longer wearing. When he was in the desert, Shao Xuan used it to cover the seeds and asked Tuo to bring them back to the tribe. Without a personal protection, it is natural to be more cautious. If you are injured, you will suffer.

The worm skin is gone, and the thread is still there. After finding the first set point, Shao Xuan threw out the stone nail tied with the silk thread.

The sound of the stone nails on the ground made the bone beast that was eating vigilant, and the diastolic bones instantly shrank, and the body shrank a circle, but it appeared to be harder, like a shield.

Found that only a tiny human being rushed over, the Bone Rock Beast roared, raised its claws and patted it.

Shao Xuan dodged and did not move away. Shaking his hand again, the shrunken boomerang was tied with a silk thread and traversed an arc, winding around a thick tree trunk on the edge of the sand.

Shao Xuan did not use the knife directly. Although he had the opportunity to slash the bone stone beast several times, this kind of injury may not really hurt the bone stone beast. At most, it would break through its thick skin, with little effect. , On the contrary, it would completely anger the giant beast. It was impossible to imagine what the violent beast would do. The unpredictability was too high, and Shao Xuan did not take that risk.

Quickly and flexibly avoiding the palm of the bone stone beast, the figure looks erratic in the eyes of others.

When Tao Zheng and others watched Shao Xuan’s movements, their foreheads were sweating anxiously. In their opinion, Shao Xuan really was a fright at the time of life and death. It was not Shao Xuan’s soul that was frightened, but the one who was frightened was frightened. Bystanders like Tao Zheng, for fear that if one is not careful, Shao Xuan will become the fish that was trampled into flesh by the bone stone beast.

After being avoided by Shao Xuan time and time again, the Bone Stone Beast became irritated, and his arm swing was much stronger. One arm pulled over and the huge tree trunk was snapped. Even if it didn’t break, there would be a big gap, and the crown above it was crumbling. .


Another tree was cut off.

However, Shao Xuan still didn’t directly release the sword, and still focused on avoiding, taking the bone and stone beasts everywhere.

“What the hell is he doing?” Hao couldn’t help but said.

Tao Zheng and others next to him were also at a loss. The initial anxiety has faded a lot. Seeing Shao Xuan avoiding, it can be seen that he actually has the ability to directly avoid the chase of the bone stone beast, but he is still there with the calcaneus. Stone beasts go around.

“Let’s keep looking, if it feels wrong, Shao Xuan has the ability to escape. Besides, Shao Xuan didn’t let us intervene now.” Tao Zheng said.

“What is he dumping?” Wu Zhan asked, who had been silent.

“Knife? Spearhead dart? It’s not like it. How can anyone throw those to other places instead of towards the prey.” Tao Zheng shook his head.

A large thick cloud layer is still blocking the sunlight, and the forest is a little dark. I can’t see clearly there, and it’s impossible to see every detail, but it’s not easy to get close. It may not only disrupt Shao Xuan’s plan. , Will expose yourself to the attack range of the Bone Rock Beast.

Therefore, even if everyone has their own guesses, they can’t go directly and look closely.

At this time, over there, Shao Xuan stepped on the tree trunk and ran up a few steps vertically, turning over and leaping up, while below, the bone stone beast opened its mouth wide, revealing the barbed fangs and waiting there.

“Ah!” Seeing this scene, a young soldier couldn’t help but yell. The ability to move in the air is no better than that on land, and it is difficult to avoid it.

Tao Zheng was also anxiously ready to rush over, complaining in his heart. It’s all this time, why didn’t he ask for help?

Shao Xuan looked at the bone beast that quickly moved below his landing place and opened its huge mouth to wait for the prey to come, with a smile in his eyes. Sometimes, the switch between hunter and prey is just a momentary thing.

Into the set!

Shao Xuan’s falling body was getting closer and closer to the beast’s mouth. He could even smell the bloody breath of the bone-stone beast, and could see the messy bird hair between the bone-stone beast’s hook-like teeth.

However, when the bone stone beast was about to open his mouth to swallow the fallen prey, he jumped on the prey again!

The sweaty Tao Zheng and the others did not see Shao Xuan fall directly into the open beast’s mouth, but saw that when he was approaching the beast’s mouth, Shao Xuan in the air jumped up again. .

Jump up in the air again?

How can it be?

Everyone opened their eyes wider again, wanting to see more clearly.

Over there, Shao Xuan not only jumped up, but also jumped up step by step! It seems that there are supporting steps in the air.

Not only the Bone Stone Beast was dumbfounded, but Tao Zheng and the others were also eager to stare out their eyes.

How can this be? !

The wind blows.

In the sky, a large thick cloud layer floated, and the sun blocked out again little by little, and the golden light swept toward this mountain forest again.

Tao Zheng’s people saw that around the Bone Stone Beast, thin lines reflecting golden light appeared.

String? !

Shao Xuan jumped up on the line! What lines did he throw out before?

It’s just that, why does Shao Xuan want to make these lines?

Lines glowing with golden light surrounded the bone and stone beasts, and Shao Xuan had already jumped to the most suitable height.

The time is just right.

A stone rolled into the palm of the hand and slid between the fingers. Shao Xuan flicked his fingers and shot this small stone out.


The tension of the silk thread vibrated.

It was like touching a switch, and then, a tight sound like strangling and cutting burst out again and again, like the harsh sound of nails scratching on hard objects, and the goose bumps of Tao Zheng and others all over his body. They all went straight out and couldn’t help shaking.

Just as a loose cocoon shrinks again, the bone beast in it is tied up by a tightened thread.

The Bone Stone Beast struggled with its powerful brute force, and the more it struggled, the harsher the surrounding sound became.

There seemed to be a burnt smell of wood burning around.

Boom boom boom!

As several voices sounded, some tall trees around the sandstone ground were severed. Some were cut off from the part close to the ground, while others were cut off from the part close to the canopy.


The strength of the Bone Stone Beast pulled a dozen towering trees to pieces, and because of its unstable balance, it fell to the ground on its side.

This is the moment waiting!

Shao Xuan didn’t want to rely on these silk threads to completely tie up the brute force and bones of the behemoth, he just wanted to use this method to drag the behemoth and trip over it!

Brought to a tree by the force of the silk thread, the power of the totem in Shao Xuan’s body soared to its peak, and the colored mud on his face could not completely conceal the exposed totem pattern, and the raised muscles on both arms kept beating. , The legs are accumulating, and the force bursts out instantly, the tree trunk under the feet makes a light creak, and the body has been pushed out.

Shao Xuan rushed at an extremely fast speed, and in the blink of an eye he rushed from the tree to the Bone Stone Beast, hitting him with a punch.

The Bone Stone Beast that had just tripped raised its head slightly, and then faced the fist wind that was swept straight in. The vibrating airflow made its eyes narrow.


Tao Zheng and the others who saw this scene trembled together, just listen to the sound, you know how sturdy punch it was.

He looked at the bone-rock beast whose head was sunk into the sand and stone, and thought of the horror beast that had been hit by a head in the tribe before, and the muscles on his face twitched sharply. He didn’t see it with his own eyes at that time, but now he really sees it, and the feeling in his heart is very strong. What a cruel fist!

“This this……”

Before Tao Zheng finished “this”, there was another punch over there.

The head of the Bone Stone Beast was struggling to lift up a little when it was smashed on the ground, and it was smashed in again.

Hao who had once taught Shao Xuanli: “…”

The jaws of Tao Zheng and others were about to fall to the ground, and they couldn’t wait to raise their arms and shout “Elder mighty”!

Immediately after they saw Shao Xuan’s fight, they rubbed their fists, ran to the side and picked up a huge boulder used by the bone stone beast to cover up. They also threw it up and weighed it, and then another stone slammed it over.

The stone is cracked, and the head of the Bone Stone Beast is still in good condition.

Still struggling?

OK, come again!

Watching Shao Xuan hit stone after stone, Tao Zheng and others couldn’t help but cry sympathy for the bone-rock beast in their hearts. Why collect so many stones? Self-inflicted!

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