Original War

Chapter 365

Chapter 365: Exaggerated Necklace

After separating from Jiju, Shao Xuan continued to drive along the target direction, knowing that there was a Yanjiao tribe, and he felt a lot more at ease. Even if it was far away from the Yanjiao tribe, Shao Xuan felt relaxed.

Without Jiju, Shao Xuan’s footwork speeded up a lot. During the process, he saw some plants and made some herbs, and prepared some poison and healing medicine. Shao Xuan learned it from Jiju.

When encountering good stone, some spare stone tools were made. This is the advantage of stone tools. They are made on the spot and do not need to be forged. Shao Xuan also polished a pot with a large basin. Of course, it was much deeper than the basin. It was used to boil soup and medicine. Two “ears” were left on both sides of the stone pot. After the stone pot was used, the straw rope came out from here. The two “ears” pass through, and then are carried on the back, with the pot on the road, ready to use.

This arid mountain range is indeed very big. It was only on the fourth day after Shao Xuan separated from Jiju that he gradually saw the dense grassland. After passing the mountain, the terrain became flat. Looking at it, it is a vast grassland. I don’t know if it is. The reason for this season is that there is already little rain here, and although there is a lot of grass growing on the ground, it is still biased towards drought.

Trees suitable for the grassland environment are piled together or isolated in the middle of an empty grassland, which is also a major feature of the grassland here. There are also rivers on the grasslands, but they are not too big. Along the curved river bank, there are some unnamed trees distributed in corridors on both sides.

Compared to this vast grassland, there are not many trees growing here, but the grass is rich and diverse. Even if Shao Xuan followed Jiju to know a lot of woods and grasses, there are many strangers here. Shao Xuan didn’t have the detoxification physique like Jiju, so he didn’t dare to eat randomly, and he would choose carefully even when he was resting. Regardless of this seemingly ordinary grassland, there are many murderous opportunities in the dark. Sometimes, a small grass can kill a person.

Buffalo herds lined up and wandered slowly on the grassland. Even the sharpest predator on the grassland wanted to drag a bison from the herd, and he had to think about ways. This wild, strong herd did not It’s not easy to deal with, especially the few bisons on the periphery, which are obviously much larger than those in the center of the herd. The sharp black horns with lines are the first weapon to face the enemy.

Seeing Shao Xuan, the surrounding bison stomped their powerful hooves. The thick and powerful limbs and the hooves like iron palms stomped on the grass, easily stepping on a hoof-shaped pit.

They are demonstrating and warning Shao Xuan.

A predator resembling a lion hidden behind the xerophyte bushes, seeing this scene, it reluctantly took away its sight from the cow herd and moved it to Shao Xuan, only to face Shao Xuan. Looking over, the hair on its back exploded, and instinct made it avoid this seemingly small human. In the end it decided to continue to guard the herd and wait for a suitable time to attack.

Shao Xuan created a suitable hunting opportunity for the big cat. He first threw some pungent herbs in the cattle herd to cause restlessness in the cattle, and then seized the opportunity to slaughter a bison, and then ran away with the cattle. . And the big cat hiding behind the bushes also got a chance to get a bargain.

After eating some roasted cows, Shao Xuan took out the stone pot, went to the river to scoop some water, thought about it, and put a little “thousand grains of gold”. Thousands of gold thrown into the pot, most of which were incomplete grains that he had come over from Jiju and were bitten by wild mice. In Jiju’s words, it is unlikely that these will survive if they are planted, but they can be eaten. .

Shao Xuan did not dislike these grains being bitten by wild mice. After peeling the shells, he threw the golden grains into the pot and boiled them. Although there are too few grains compared to this pot of water, the boiling soup is a little turbid yellow with a light fragrance, which is very attractive. After eating too much meat, I drink such a pot. It is also a good enjoyment.

The cooked grains are soft and waxy in the mouth and have a good taste. Once the soup is drunk into his stomach, Shao Xuan feels much more refreshed. No wonder Jiju doesn’t like the meat of those wild beasts. It is indeed much better to eat the meat of wild beasts.

However, no matter how good he was to his body, Shao Xuan only had a thousand grains on hand. A thousand grains, it sounds like a lot, but it’s only a little bit when you put it together. Shao Xuan said that he wanted to try to grow a thousand grains of gold, not just for fun. He really has this idea. If he can plant it successfully, he will return later. When you go to the sea, you can also take a group back to improve the life of the tribe.

After eating and resting, Shao Xuan brought his equipment and continued on his way.

The topography of the grassland is slightly undulating, and sometimes some raised low hills can be seen in the wilderness, and occasionally some ant dens can be seen.

Seven days after Shao Xuan stepped into the grassland.

Under the clear sky, several horsemen galloped on the grassland, and tamed horses set foot on the slightly arid grassland all the way to smoke and dust. Those people were probably in a competition. When riding on horses, they had a kind of duel. The fierceness and atmosphere.

The people on the horses are dressed in clothes made of fur and cloth. The long hair is not cut short, and the hair is tied into a few pigtails after weaving. The hairstyles of men and women are similar, and the faces are painted with some patterns.

Shao Xuan carried two roasted bison thighs and a stone pot with a large basin on his back. He walked easily on the grassland. Compared with the fast running and tense atmosphere over there, Shao Xuan was a stranger who appeared here. People appear to be extraordinarily leisurely, and this abrupt painting style cannot be ignored by people riding horses.

The young man in the front strangled his horse when he approached Shao Xuan. When the people behind him saw this, they stopped one after another, and looked at Shao Xuan with scrutiny eyes. Among them, two young men also held daggers stuck in their waists and pulled out some, and some put their hands on the knives hanging on the side of the horse.

After sweeping the head of Shao Xuan, his eyes became more cautious, but his face was not so serious. He smiled and asked where Shao Xuan came from.

Seeing that the leader is like this, the others looked at each other and all changed their expressions. The young man who had touched the knife just moved his hand away without moving, and the one who pulled out the dagger inserted the dagger back into the skin on his waist. They kept their eyes on the very special necklace hanging on Shao Xuan’s neck for a while, and then, just like the others, they showed their white teeth and looked at Shao Xuan with a smile on their faces.

The “necklace” hanging around Shao Xuan’s neck is actually made of the big horns of bison and the fangs or claws of other predators. For this group of people, those who can hunt these prairie beasts and those who can easily drive with so much weight are enough to make them think more before taking action.

Don’t look at this group of people with friendly smiles when chatting with Shao Xuan, that is because Shao Xuan is not easy to provoke. Don’t mess with those who are not easy to provoke, and focus on making friends, while those who are easy to bully will grab directly and kill directly after grabbing. Bullying and fearing hardship, The Weak are Prey to the Strong. In such a primitive environment, it always exists. This is why Shao Xuan left souvenirs to make exaggerated necklaces after hunting.

After talking to those people, Shao Xuan didn’t directly say which tribe he belonged to. He only said that he came back after going out and training. He couldn’t remember the way. He asked about the surrounding terrain and used a corbel as a reward. .

The tribe of these people is nearby, and they know the surrounding area. After receiving a corbel from Shao Xuan, I heard Shao Xuan say that the tribe is in the depths of dense mountains and forests. He also vacated a horse for Shao Xuan and took Shao Xuan over. Although they haven’t been to farther places, so far they have only been active in the grasslands near the tribe, but they have also heard the elders talk about those dense mountain forests. When they get better, they will have a chance to be taken out, so They still know some necessary geographic locations.

“Keep walking from here, and over a few mountains, you should be able to see it,” said the leading young man.

They can only lead the way here, it is impossible to go further, it is dangerous to go far. Look at Shao Xuan, who is the same age as theirs, alone can drive on this perilous grassland, and still live well, people who were a little dissatisfied before can have to hold back.

“Thanks.” After riding the horse for a while, he got off the horse and thanked him, Shao Xuan put on his equipment and continued walking.

After walking through the grassland and over a mountain range, I finally saw the scenery I was looking for.

Standing on a high mountain, looking at the dense green in the distance, breathing the moist air, Shao Xuan swung the stone pot back and went down the mountain.

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