Original War

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

The effect caused by the locked battle beast was more intense than Shao Xuan expected.

One is that Shao Xuan underestimated the ability of that “sapphire”, and the other is Tianshi.

When the moon is full, when the beasts are most prone to riots,

But the slave owners just like the beasts fighting each other in rage. For them, the fighting in this situation is fierce enough and beautiful enough.

I just don’t know, after experiencing this collective riot of fighting beasts, when they go to Colosseum City again, will there be a psychological shadow?

Shao Xuan stood on the high sand ridge, looking at the resident of Fallen City in the distance and the Colosseum City further away.

This night, Lei and Tuo rarely had a good night’s sleep. During the time they were arrested, they had been on guard, their nerves were tense, and they were always on guard. Until now, with Shao Xuan and Cha Cha, they finally relaxed. You can recover quickly only after sleeping well.

After midnight, Shao Xuan saw a bird flying into the Fallen City. Not long afterward, a small group of people hurried to the Fallen City, watching them run quietly but quickly. Shao Xuan guessed that these people were the Fallen Ye Kings. The person sent out to investigate the news.

Something must have happened that made these people rush back so anxiously.

The next day, Shao Xuan went to find Su Gu alone without taking Lei and Tuo. He asked them to find a place to rest first, and heal their injuries. He first determined whether anyone was chasing them three. Especially Dao Fu, Shao Xuan showed such a hand in the Colosseum, even if other people didn’t care, Dao Fu would definitely have an idea.

It’s always good to be careful when such a storm may be more intense.

However, what Shao Xuan did not expect was that he learned from Su Gu that surprised him.

“King Baishi is dead?!”

“Well, someone rushed to report overnight last night, and my father came to me and told me not to leave the station, and I will leave here as soon as possible.” Su Gu said a little tiredly. Originally, he was curious about why Shao Xuan could make the fire of slavery, but under such a general situation, a tribe is relatively less important. What’s more, Su Gu still needs Shao Xuan’s help now, so naturally it is impossible to push too tightly.

Shao Xuan thought about what Su Gu had just said.

Baishi City Lord, the king of that city, was actually killed? I was still angry at the Colosseum yesterday, why was he slaughtered when he went back?

“Do you know who killed it?” Shao Xuan asked.

Su Gu shook his head, “I don’t know.”

“How about the sword?” Shao Xuan asked again.

“I don’t know, but I heard that of the three close guards of King Baishi, one died.” After a pause, Su Gu said again: “It seems that the one that died was not the sword.”

After the Colosseum riots, the lord of the city was killed again, and this battle of the beasts was destined to not go on.

When the news was first heard, the Snowy King still yelled to find out why the fighting beasts rioted, and how the Lord of One City was killed. However, in the afternoon, there was another news that the Snowy King left with someone.

In the original words of the Snow King: “Daddy is in a hurry, whoever cares will take care of it, anyway, Daddy doesn’t care!”

“What happened to make the Xueyuan King so anxious?” Shao Xuan wondered.

“I heard that there seems to be an extremely important thing missing in Snow City.” Su Gu said.

“Very important thing?” Shao Xuan asked.

“I don’t know what it is, I’m still investigating. However, it is said that it may be related to your tribe people.” Su Gu said.

Shao Xuan’s eyelids twitched. What secret purpose do people from other tribes have? His previous guess was to find metal ores. Could it be that they have succeeded?

The people from the Yu tribe and the Tianshan tribe who came back with them that day had already left overnight, and they didn’t greet the people from Luoye City. They couldn’t find anyone if they wanted to ask.

“If it’s really related to your tribesmen, then you have to avoid them early. We, Luoye City, have taken in a lot of tribesmen.” Su Gu said.

Things were the same as Su Gu said, when the afternoon was approaching dusk, the King of Fallen Leaves gathered the men and horses and took everyone to leave. There was no one left in the station.

Originally, Shao Xuan wanted Chacha to take Lei and Tuo to leave first, but Su Gu offered to let Lei and Tuo go with them. The two days before and after the full moon was very dangerous in the desert, it was better to be careful.

After thinking about it, Shao Xuan agreed.

On the day he left the Beast Beast Desert, the King of Fallen Leaves saw the three of them without saying a word.

As for White Rock City, after their king was killed, the young masters and the little slave owners of White Rock City left with the slaves. It was too dangerous, so I had to return to the city first and then fight for the throne.

Not only White Rock City and Fallen Leaf City, but people from several other cities also left one after another, seeming to realize the upcoming storm and walk in a hurry.

The people in several cities left, leaving only the original guard of the Colosseum City. The guards of the three cities are already guarding each other.

The guards who stayed in a snowfield city went out to release water at night, and the desert at night was brightly illuminated by the moon in the sky.

The guard walked over to a beast pit. There are a lot of beast corpses accumulated in the pit, most of them are the losers of the last two days of fighting with the beasts. If they were in the past, these beast corpses would be divided among the slaves to eat, but now, they have all been evacuated, and the remaining beast corpses Too many, they are still in the beast pits one by one, and after ten days, there will be only bones left. There are scavengers and other insects around here, which will digest these corpses.

While yawning, the guard looked around and found no people from other cities except his own comrade not far away. This relieved him a lot, and he planned to pee in.

As he was about to pee, he suddenly heard some delicate sounds. I quickly looked around and found no other abnormalities, and then listened carefully. Those sounds were all from under the Beast Beast Pit.

Could it be that there are still fighting beasts in the pit that haven’t died?

Thinking of the riots in the Colosseum City, the guard swallowed, holding the handle of the knife in his hand, and stretched his neck to look in. Then, he saw that some black beetles emerged from the pit of the beast, one after another, and soon even the corpses stacked on the top were also wrapped.

If that’s the case, then the guard found that the corpse in the pit was rapidly “thinning”, and the originally strong muscles were becoming shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even if he saw the scavengers in the desert quickly destroy the carcass, it was caused by the joint action of many birds and other animals of various sizes. But now, in this pit, there is only one kind of beetle, and they are crazy. Nibbled, the black armor on his back reflected the cool white light of the moon, densely packed.

He has guarded the Colosseum City for so many years and has never seen such a scene. As in previous years, it would take about ten days for such a large number of corpses, but depending on the situation at this time, it will take less than ten days, and you don’t have to wait for the sun to come out tomorrow. These corpses will be wiped out and only left. Hard bones and thick scales are gone.

A cold sweat broke out from behind the guard standing outside the pit, feeling that his scalp was frozen, shouting, ran to his accomplices, and talked about what was happening in the fighting beast pit.

“Bug? You said that kind of little beetle? Isn’t it?” Some people doubted.

“Really, really! If you don’t believe me, go and see!”

When the other guards were puzzled, they planned to go over and have a look. They were really frightened by the recent events, and one or two alone did not dare to run around.

However, when they came to look in a group, there were no more black beetles in the pit, and none of them were seen. However, if the corpses of the beasts had obvious signs of being eaten, they would have shriveled a lot.

“Why… Why is it gone? It was there just now!” The guard walked around the pit, looking for it, but didn’t find one.

Under the sand, a group of beetles that had just eaten the corpse of the beast had already left, followed by a big blue beetle, and left the Colosseum City.

The next day, when the sun rose, in Colosseum City, only a few seemingly harmless beetles were still rolling dung balls, but most of them had disappeared.

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