Original War

Chapter 306

Chapter 306-The King of the Desert

When the quicksand beast shoveled its mouth, the other slaves had already fled to the oasis. As soon as the leading slave rushed into the oasis, he was kicked and vomited blood by Akashi.

Attracting such a beast to the oasis, Chishi was so angry that his fists squeezed. If it wasn’t because they belonged to the Second Young Master but his own men, he would have chopped it early.

“Ready!” Akaishi shouted.

The guards of the oasis all stared there nervously. Quicksand beasts can be defeated, but each victory will pay a heavy price.

Over there, the quicksand beast that had digested a bite of food looked in the direction of the oasis, and its golden eyes stared at the people guarding the oasis. Even in the hot weather, people feel like being in an ice field at this time.

This is a murderous thing. Yan Jiao three people said in their hearts.

The quicksand beast staring at the oasis did not come over immediately, nor did it pull out the other half of its body buried under the sand. Instead, it slowly shook the half of its body exposed to the ground, with its head still slightly moving up and down.

This is not agreeing with anything, nor is it counting the number of people, but a signal of attack.

“Be careful!” Akaishi roared.

Even if he didn’t know this kind of creature, Shao Xuan could intuitively judge what reaction he should make next. Without the slightest hesitation, when the quicksand beast nodded again, he shouted to remind Lei Hetuo: “Retreat!”

Suddenly bending his knees and kicking the ground, Shao Xuan quickly bounced away, and at the position where he was standing, a sand arrow composed of sand was shot there, exploded, and the rapid splashing sand hit the person, just like the number. The tip of a tens of thousands of swords was like a scratch, and the slave who could not avoid it in time couldn’t help crying out in pain.

It was the sand ejected from the mouth of the quicksand beast, and it was the explosion-like effect caused by the sand spit out of the mouth just before it shoveled.

Shao Xuan didn’t need to worry about Lei and Tuo’s reaction. Shao Xuan believed this. On the other side of Su Gu, there was a black stone guarding him, he had already retreated, not to mention Shao Xuan’s worry.

Taking Lei and Tuo to retreat to Su Gu’s side, Shao Xuan asked, “What are the weaknesses of the Quicksand Beast?”

“Weakness?” Wushi didn’t know, “Generally, when we encounter a quicksand beast, we will attack its eyes.”

This is also the method they often use when encountering other beasts. As for the weaknesses of the quicksand beasts, Wushi really doesn’t know. Not only Wushi, no one else knows. Even, because of the great love and high evaluation of the big slave owners for the skins and bones of the quicksand beasts, the slaves have deified such a beast, thinking that this is the king of the beasts in the desert. There is no absolute weakness, only Use manpower and quantity to fight.

Shao Xuan and the three looked at each other, helpless, they still had to find a way to target the quicksand beast by themselves.

When there is no direct confrontation, one has to outwit. Since it is outsmart, of course it is based on the weakness of the prey.

Shao Xuan and the three people first watched by the side, anyway, this is not their place, it is not distressed if it is destroyed. What’s more, this was caused by the slave owners and slaves of Fallen Leaf City, and it was a matter of them.

Over there, Akaishi has led people to compete with the quicksand beasts that attacked the oasis.

The archer wanted to shoot the quicksand beast’s eyes, but he was always avoided by the quicksand beasts that had been prepared for a long time. The hard scale armor and raised bones around the quicksand beast’s eyes have a strong protective effect, and the defense is amazing. After a series of arrow attacks, none of them hit its eyes, and the arrows were too thin, and the material was only wood and stone, and the attack power against the quicksand beast was limited.

Shao Xuan jumped on the roof of the stone soil house and looked over there.

Many reptiles do not have such hard scales on their abdomens, but the quicksand beasts do not belong to this category. The slightly lighter abdomen is also covered with a thick layer of defense.

The long and flat body, standing nearly 20 meters high, is huge, but flexible in movement, avoiding the attacks of the slaves, and constantly harvesting the lives of the slaves. The half of the body buried under the sand drives the sand on the ground, and it looks like it’s in the water, and the sand rises up in waves.

The thick-armed spear pierced the quicksand beast’s head with a piercing sound. It missed the eyes and pierced other places on the head. Even if it could break through the protection of the surface layer of scales, it would not be a problem for the quicksand beast. It doesn’t hurt.

Squinted eyes were under the protruding orbital bones, only a gap was exposed, and the golden luster flowed out from this gap. However, Shao Xuan didn’t feel any sense of Sacred at all, but only found it tricky.

Some of the desert beasts that were still active around have all disappeared, including the black beetles who are always dangling in front of them, either running away or hiding deeply under the sand.

After the slaves guarding the oasis launched another attack, the quicksand beast not only did not leave, but seemed even more angry.

Today, this quicksand beast seemed to have taken gunpowder, and those who stared at the oasis would not let it go.

A terrifying scream, like a storm blowing through a narrow gap, sounded in front of this oasis.

The quicksand beast opened its big mouth and screamed. On its neck, there were some folds close to the neck. At this moment, these folds were all unfolded with the scream of the quicksand beast. Stretching made the original color of these folds a little lighter, and the hard scales on the folds exuded a golden luster in the sun, like a cloak lifted by the king when he was on the scene, dazzling people’s eyes. Especially the golden horns on its head, seem to be breaking through all obstacles, sharp and fierce.

“It’s so beautiful!” Su Gu sighed beside him.

Hearing Su Gu’s sigh, the blue veins on Shao Xuan’s forehead collapsed. At this time, he still made this kind of emotion. Is this brain sand or lack of heart?

The three people in Yanjiao were already on guard before seeing the beast. This was due to their intuition and experience in hunting the beast for so many years. When they saw the quicksand beast that rushed out, The Ascension has been raised to the highest level. If they encounter such a beast in the forest, they will not face it, but will leave immediately.

Lei and Tuo looked at the battle on the edge of the oasis and felt uncomfortable. The quicksand beast seemed to be mad, and his body had already begun to be injured. Some of the scales on the skin were broken apart by intensive attacks, and even blood was left, but there was no sign of it. The appearance of retreating.

Looking at the slaves who had just escaped, the two couldn’t help thinking: Are those people who provoked this quicksand beast mad? Or is it that quicksand beasts are irritable and beastly like this?

Shao Xuan didn’t think about the reason why the quicksand beast was so crazy. Wushi and Su Gu said that the quicksand beast is known as the king of beasts in the desert and has no absolute weakness, but Shao Xuan still wants to observe it.

In his mind, the flame of the totem became weaker and lighter, and the egg-shaped shell was already lit. In Shao Xuan’s vision, the dazzling sunlight and the sandy yellow beasts and land became dark.

In Shao Xuan’s field of vision, the quicksand beast with golden luster was left with a dense layer of scale armor at the moment.

I have to say that the defense of the quicksand beast is almost impeccable, and the eyes have been shrunk into a slit, leaving the slaves with extremely limited attack opportunities. In other places, there are hard and hard scale armor, and even the open neck folds are covered by small and dense scale armor.

If it weren’t for the compact and intensive attacks of those slaves that made it jealous, I’m afraid it would have just rushed in.

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