Original War

Chapter 171

Chapter 171 Visitor Yan Shuo

Although Shao Xuan was very curious about the slaves and slave owners who appeared here, Shao Xuan also had to follow the long journey team first.

The slave owner has a lot of houses here. At such an intersection, there are many teams coming and going. Every day, there are many people who come here like the expedition team of the Pu tribe. He will charge a certain “fee”. .

All the work is done by the slaves.

But Shao Xuan discovered that the slaves who were despised by the Pu tribes were in poor health, but compared to those tourists, they had something more.

By the way, power is power!

Those slaves have more power than tourists! It doesn’t have to be strength, it may be something else, speed, or reaction, or something else.

The suffering and numbness of those slaves turned a blind eye to the contempt of the surroundings.

To become a slave, he abandoned all his past beliefs. From now on, he believes in only one-his master.

The night is getting darker.

Fanning didn’t keep telling the slave owner that he still needed to arrange a team.

The place to stay temporarily is not so good, the space is small, and everyone is crowded inside. This is also better than feeding mosquitoes by the river. Moreover, at night, it is not very safe outside. If you can go out, you will be chopped off by the travellers. I heard that some crazy tourists will eat people when they are hungry. Although you shouldn’t be afraid of them, it’s always good to be defensive.

As for chatting, there is no need for Shao Xuan to worry about it. This animal can live in hunting grounds. Here, the beasts pose no threat to it. Even if it is in danger, it will look for Shao Xuan.

At this time, in the surrounding areas, in the houses of various shapes that Shao Xuan had seen before, the fires were lit one by one, and the people who went out to work came back with the fruits of the day’s work. Some came back from the mountain forest, and some came back from the river where the expedition team stopped. They would also do coolie, but the payment was very small.

A thin figure walked quickly through the night, waving the wooden stick in his hand quickly, driving away the buzzing slap-sized mosquitoes.

When he came to a small wooden house, he removed a thick plank, stepped in, and then quickly moved the plank back to block the mosquitoes outside.

“came back?!”

In the room, an equally skinny woman sat there with a small child in her arms, looking tired. The child in the woman’s arms is sleeping.

In the corner, there is a wooden board lying flat, that is the bed, on which there is a thin figure sleeping.

“Yeah.” The man who had just returned from outside put aside the animal skin that had been pierced for several holes, and took out today’s harvest.

It is some fruits in the mountains, as well as a fish and a rabbit.

The beasts around, all that can be hunted have been almost hunted, and if they are farther away, their ability is limited, and if they go, they will die. As for the fruit, there are a lot of them, and they have already been picked before they are ripe. I was lucky today, and found a few big fruits in a corner that is not easy to be noticed.

Seeing the fish and rabbits, the woman’s eyes brightened, which was considered good.

The woman put the child in her arms carefully on the wooden bed, and put the fish and rabbit into the pot for cooking, because these two were slaughtered and cleaned outside, and there is no need to deal with them when they are brought back. Just cook them directly.

When I came back, I bit the fruit a little bit. After a while, the woman put one of the juicy ones on the wooden bed and put it to the mouth of the one-year-old child.

With food, the child didn’t sleep anymore, holding the fruit and eating quietly.

The woman gave her daughter on the wooden bed two more fruits: “Eat some first.”

“How about today?” the woman asked.

The man sighed and shook his head.

There were ten other people who came here with their family. Three of them joined other tribes. One stayed behind. The other two were driven out and failed to survive. Four were killed when they went into the mountains to hunt in groups. The beast stayed; the two became slaves. The remaining one, plus their home, has stayed here for almost ten years.

“If it doesn’t work, I plan to find someone to leave with me. Let’s change another place. I have already talked to them today.” The man said.

As he was talking, the wooden board blocking the door was slapped.

“Yan Shuo, open the door!”

As soon as he heard this sound, the man’s tense muscles just relaxed, put down the stone knife with a lot of gaps in his hand, got up, and moved the board away.

People who come in from outside are shorter than Yan Shuo, thinner than Yan Shuo, skinny, bloodshot in their eyes, short of breath, as if making some kind of decision.

“What’s the matter?” Yan Shuo asked.

The other party came in and raised his head suddenly, because the emotions were too agitated, and the expressions on his face were a bit distorted.

“Yan Shuo, I… plan to… go there!” The man said, looking in one direction.

Yan Shuo’s eyes widened because of surprise.

“I… can’t stand it anymore! I met them today, and they have strength again.” The man said, and by the way, he showed Yan Shuo his broken arm today. This arm, if it is as it is now To calculate, it is impossible to recover in a short time.

Yan Shuo knew who “they” was referring to, who had become slaves among the people who came here earlier. And the person in front of him, the direction he just looked at, is where the slaves in this area are.

Yan Shuo opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say. I originally wanted everyone to leave together, find a better place and try to live, but didn’t want to. The other party had already given up and couldn’t make it anymore. The feeling of powerlessness is indeed desperate.

“Okay, I’ll go,” the man walked to the door and paused, turning his back to Yan Shuo, and tilting his head slightly: “Make a decision early, and don’t think about the impossible.”

When the man left, Yan Shuo sat there quietly, watching the fire in the fire, silently.

When his eyes were fixed on the fire, the muscles on Yan Shuo’s face twitched twice, and the meridians on the arms that were not thick were clearly visible. The strangest thing is that there are unclear lines on Yan Shuo’s face. If Shao Xuan is here, he will definitely recognize it. This is the totem pattern on the face of the Yanjiao tribe totem warrior!

However, compared with the totem warriors of the Yanjiao tribe, the totem pattern on Yan Shuo’s face is not clear and unstable, sometimes slightly clear, and sometimes completely hidden. On the naked upper body and arms, no lines appeared.

Yan Shuo always felt that his own power should be much more than that, but because he was a tourist and had no fire, he could not become a true totem warrior.

He knew that his own ancestor belonged to the Yanjiao tribe. In the words handed down from generation to generation, everyone remembered the Yanjiao tribe and the tribe’s totem.

“Daddy said that the Yanjiao Tribe is still there,” Yan Shuo said in a low voice.

“The people of the Yanjiao tribe are all powerful warriors. They can easily carry a bear. The double-horned totem pattern with flames can cover the whole body. The fire flames of the Yanjiao tribe can cover an entire mountain…”

Yan Shuo just muttered to himself in a low voice at first, his tone was calm, as if he was telling a story, but gradually, his tone became depressed and his eyes were red.

Because of obsession, Yan Shuo’s ancestors all gave the juniors a word “yan” or “horn” in their names, just to let them remember the name of their tribe. If they can find the tribe one day, their My wish is over. Therefore, descendants are not allowed to join any other tribe, are not allowed to be slaves, and even if they die, they are not allowed to betray the own tribe.

But after so many years, the Yanjiao tribe is no longer remembered by people. No one around has heard of such a tribe. No matter how many times Yan Shuo said that the own tribe is still there and the fire is still there, others just don’t believe it.

However, Yan Shuo’s strength is indeed greater than that of others, and a faint totem pattern will be revealed. This is an important reason for being able to persist until now.

But now, he felt at a loss.

All the other ten people who came here together failed to survive, and now only their homes are left.


If there are not enough people, if their home leaves alone, they will probably die before they have walked far.

Someone left the first two days, but the next day he was found dead by the river not far away. The blood on his body was sucked dry, and the mosquitoes sucked it. Half of his body had been bitten by the beasts that came out at night in the nearby mountains and forests. If it were another day, even the bones would not be left.

Even if Yan Shuo’s strength is greater than others, it is relative to tourists, and for those totem warriors, it may not be enough to see.


Only with strength can life be better in such a world!

This is why many tourists who can’t stand it choose to become slaves. Although they lost their freedom and lost a lot of them as slaves, they could gain strength from the slave owner!

Just, how to choose?

Should we continue to go on searching for or waiting for news from the Yanjiao tribe, or, just like those who can’t survive, find a tribe for refuge, or become a slave?

No, no!

Yan Shuo held his head in both hands.

Can’t give up, can’t! Dad said, the tribe is still there, it’s still there!

The woman sitting on the wooden plank looked at her husband like this, hesitated to speak, and wanted to be comforted, but she felt that she should choose another path like other people?

However, when the woman was about to speak, she found that some lines on her husband’s body extended down the face and neck, and on the arms, some flame-like patterns started from the shoulders, extended to the entire upper arm, and then passed. elbow……

“That…that…” The woman was too shocked to speak.

Yan Shuo, who was holding his head thinking, raised his head, with red bloodshot eyes in his eyes. He was a little confused when he saw his wife’s appearance, but when he looked at him in the direction pointed by his wife, he also looked at him. To the totem patterns that have spread.

Since he was born, there has been nothing but the faint totem patterns on his face when he was a teenager, but now, these totem patterns…

Those patterns, like the firewood that has been prepared for a long time and have not been ignited, are now lit one by one. Although it is not clear, the rough pattern can still be seen.

Yan Shuo remembered what his father said: “You have to believe that in our blood, the power is still there. It just sleeps all the time. When the time is right, it will gradually wake up… …”

At the same time, Shao Xuan, who was resting with his eyes closed in a small room with others, suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Yan Shuo.

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