Original War

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

On the huge ice field, only Shao Xuan was left.

The surroundings are very quiet.

Although it is usually surrounded by fog and can’t be far away, from time to time, you can hear the sounds of eagles of different sizes, or the sounds of giant beasts walking back and forth, or the movement of them gnawing on icicles.

But now, all the sounds that were heard every day in those days have disappeared.

Shao Xuan felt like he was in a state of isolation.

However, without those giant eagles, he also planned to take a good look at this ice sheet. After coming to this icefield, he didn’t dare to walk around because there were those giant eagles around. Now that the eagles are flying away, he doesn’t need to care. .

Even if the field of vision is limited, he has already recorded the approximate topography within the range of vision in his mind during the time when the fog dissipated.

Just be careful, it should be fine.

Shao Xuan walked on this ice field on the top of the mountain. Because of his usual habit, there was very little walking movement. In addition, the surrounding area was very quiet now. In the subconscious, Shao Xuan also relaxed his movements.

Although the feet are cautious, but the speed is not slow.

In front is the cliff abyss under which the eagle flocks. Naturally, Shao Xuan would not go forward, but walked horizontally along the ice field.

In order to prevent someone from accidentally falling into the abyss, Shao Xuan moved a little farther from the boundary.

The length of the vertical is already known, but how far the horizontal is is unknown. Even when the fog dissipated, Shao Xuan could not see the boundary.

There are still some large footprints on the ground of the ice sheet, and the icicles are all traces of pecking, some of which are large and some are small.

Shao Xuan also saw several very huge icicles in the middle of the journey. Such huge icicles will naturally be favored by larger eagles. You can see the traces on them. Most of the peck marks are on them. Above and above, it is not clear anymore, and close to the ground, there are only a few small peck marks or no peck marks, and the giant eagles don’t always lower their heads to bite.

Shao Xuan was walking and suddenly heard a sneer, which was not loud, but because the surroundings were too quiet, the sound was more pronounced.

This kind of sound is not the sound of giant eagles walking. When the giant eagles walk around here, most of them have a sense of heaviness and are very generous, and they don’t shy away from anything. But this kind of voice at the moment always made Shao Xuan feel a kind of caution.

The voice was getting closer, Shao Xuan hid behind a huge icicle, paying attention to the creatures that were getting closer and closer in the mist.

Gradually, Shao Xuan saw a long figure in the mist.


No, it’s not a snake.

It is not as long as a snake, and the way it walks is different from that of a snake. It looks more like a bug.

Stone bug?

Stone worms are more common in mountainous rocky areas.

But soon, Shao Xuan knew that he was wrong.

This is not a stone insect, but a fleshy insect that resembles a butterfly larva.

This worm was thicker than Shao Xuan’s thighs, nearly four meters long, and was snow-white all over, with a round head and a tight “neck” between the head and the body.

It seems to be no different from other butterfly larvae except for its larger size, but if you look closely, you can find many differences.

Many butterfly larvae that Shao Xuan saw in the hunting ground were three pairs of thoracic legs, four pairs of gastropods, and one pair of tail legs. The one in front of them was three pairs of thoracic legs, three pairs of gastropods, and three pairs of tail legs. The thoracic foot is very similar to the tail foot, but the gastropod is not.

The front ends of the thoracic and tail feet are hook-shaped, while the gastropods have suction cups. The scoff Shao Xuan heard just now was the sound of it crawling on the ice sheet.

A very strange bug.

Shao Xuan did not expect to see such a creature in such a cold place. Generally speaking, they should live in warmer regions.

Unsure whether this worm has attack power, Shao Xuan did not move, but stood quietly behind the icicle, observing the snow-white fleshy worm that was getting closer and closer.

It crawled for a while, then stopped for a while, then supported the ground with its stomach and tail feet, raised its front end, as if it was recognizing something, then determined a direction and continued to climb.

At this moment, he was coming in the direction of Shao Xuan.

Was discovered?

Shao Xuan was wary, silently placing his hand on the handle of the knife.

However, the worm stopped in front of the icicle, and then Shao Xuan heard a squeaking sound.

Feeling the vibration from the icicle, Shao Xuan knew that this worm was eating the icicle.

Its target was only icicles, and Shao Xuan was not found.

Shao Xuan and the insect, one is on this side of the icicle, and the other is on the other side. Shao Xuan didn’t have a probe to observe, he just judged the insect’s general behavior based on his hearing and the tremor from the icicle resting on his back.

The chuck sounded for about two hours, and the bug changed place to find other icicles, and Shao Xuan quietly followed. Sometimes, there is no cover from icicles, as long as Shao Xuan is more cautious, the worm will not notice Shao Xuan. In its eyes, it seems that it doesn’t care about everything else, and it’s all about searching for food.

Shao Xuan discovered that the icicles that the insect chose were thick, because most of the thick icicles were very long, and they were eaten by larger eagles, and the places where they were gnawed were mostly above the icicles. , Those close to the ground are rarely gnawed. And that insect, the target is the place where the thick icicle is close to the ground and is not eaten by the giant eagle.

Is it a cleanliness or fear of the smell left by the giant eagles?

Shao Xuan didn’t know.

However, after figuring out his preferences, Shao Xuan became more skillful when he followed.

Looking at the traces of the white insects on the icicles, Shao Xuan found that this insect eats much faster than him, and its bite force is not inferior to that of the giant eagles. It is just that each bite is very small and eats well. It’s fast, so the chucking sound is very intense.

When the surrounding light was getting darker and darker, and it was almost dusk, the worm stopped looking for food and went back to the place where it climbed.

Shao Xuan still followed it.

The farther you go, the thinner the fog, and there is basically no fog where you climbed onto the ice sheet.

At this time, Shao Xuan could see the appearance of the white worm more clearly.

Where does it come from? Where are you going now?

I saw the white worm arched its slender body after reaching the edge, and then stretched the front part of the body downward along the steep slope, and then moved the back of the body, the two ends touched, and when it moved, it bends and stretches. It looks like an arch bridge.

It has hooked thoracic feet and tail feet, tightly hooked to the ice and rocks, so that the body will not slide down the steep slope. Shao Xuan looked down and found that the white worm moved very fast and very stable. For it, such a steep slope was almost flat.

Looking at the sky, Shao Xuan did not follow, but turned back, leaning against an icicle, and after gnawing some ice cubes, he fell asleep.

The next day.

Shao Xuan saw the white worm again, and it climbed back to the ice field along the route it turned back yesterday, and began the same food-hunting journey as yesterday.

Shao Xuan continued. Shao Xuan hadn’t seen other creatures on the ice sheet. It was rare to encounter such a strange species. Shao Xuan planned to observe more.Every day, shortly after the sun rises, the white worm crawls up the ice sheet, looking for the thick parts of the icicles that have not been pecked by the giant eagle, and gnaws on them. Each icicle will only gnaw. One third of the cross section does not break the icicle.

After observing the white worm for five days, Shao Xuan planned to follow it to take a look when it went down the mountain.

Shao Xuan can also cope with such a steep slope.

The situation on the steep slope is much better than the ice sheet on the top of the mountain. The fog is not so thick. Even if there is fog, the place close to the mountain wall is very thin, and in many cases it can be directly exposed to the sun.

To be on the safe side, Shao Xuan was a little far away from the white worm, and then followed closely behind. But soon, Shao Xuan discovered that the speed of the white worm was much faster than when he was on the ice sheet. It didn’t take long before Shao Xuan was thrown away.

After thinking about it, Shao Xuan returned to the ice field again.

He changed his strategy. When the white worm climbed up the ice sheet again the next day, Shao Xuan did not follow it, but walked down the steep slope.

The white worm will leave traces of walking on the rocks and thick layers of ice and snow. As long as Shao Xuan follows these traces, he can know where it has gone down the mountain.

On the steep slope, where the white insects pass, there will be deep potholes, and there are traces of hooks under the potholes.

Look at the body length of the white worm, and then according to its walking pattern, you can quickly find it. In addition, Shao Xuan went down the mountain in the daytime, so such potholes are not hard to find.

Shao Xuan kept going down, from the top of the mountain, from time to time, a violent wind blew with many small ice particles directly on Shao Xuan’s body. Shao Xuan could only hold it and hold it tightly on the rock or the hard ice covering the rock. If it is an oversight, he will fall directly, and if he falls from here, he will undoubtedly die.

When flying up the mountain, Chacha and the big eagle spent nearly half a day, but Shao Xuan has spent more than half a day now, but he hasn’t even arrived one third.

However, right here, the trace of the white worm stopped descending, but moved along the horizontal line to other places.

Shao Xuan followed the traces and continued searching. Finally, beside a protruding rock, he saw a nest built of silk threads.

Shao Xuan knew that some meat insects would use spewed silk to stitch the two sides of the leaves together to form a “leaf nest”, or pull a layer of silk thread in a recessed place to build a simple nest. They hide in such nests when they are resting, and when it’s time for activity, they will come out to look for food.

In the hills around the tribe, this is often seen. Sometimes when you peel off a rolled leaf or a leaf that is folded inward, you will find a bug hiding in it.

And now, what Shao Xuan saw was the white worm that had built a nest here.

The silk is very transparent. What is peculiar is that these silks do not reflect light. If it weren’t for Shao Xuan to follow the traces and be blocked by this layer of silk, they would not be found.

I touched it and pulled it to see how it feels. It was not bad. Shao Xuan’s first reaction was that this kind of thread is just too suitable for trapping, but I don’t know how long these threads can last.

However, now Shao Xuan won’t move these threads for the time being, first observe the white worm, otherwise it would be bad to alarm it.

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