Original War

Chapter 125

Chapter 125 The Cubs in the Tribe

When the spear was hunting, when he saw the creatures with four teeth, he thought they were similar to wild boars and fierce beasts.

He saw several wild boars with four teeth. He finally caught a cub and brought it back, but was told that it was not a wild boar, but another wild boar that looked a bit like a wild boar. With two pairs of four teeth, there is no thick hair on his body, and it looks a bit fierce.

I thought it was a cub of a fierce beast, but I didn’t expect it to be just a beast.

I was disappointed when I knew that Hou Spear, but instead of slaughtering the cub for food, he raised it, and went down the mountain to seek advice from Shao Xuan about the breeding method.

Many people ridiculed the spear secretly. As the eldest grandson of the leader and the son of the big boss, he wanted to raise a creature like this. Compared with other people raising wolves, tigers and leopards, the spear raised is more like preparing food.

The spear gave the creature that resembled a deer and dolphin a name, called “four teeth”. This was probably the obsession of the spear. Fortunately, the cub caught was a male, and the four-toothed beast could not be found. , This kind of creature that will have four teeth when it grows up, let’s save it for the time being.

At the beginning, there were many people who came to Shao Xuan, but gradually, there were fewer people. After a few hunts, less than one-tenth of the people who came to Shao Xuan to discuss the breeding experience at the beginning, and the remaining 90%. , Keep raising, and eat the cubs.

However, people in the tribe are new to raising, and there are still many improprieties. Sometimes they can’t control it, and some are impatient or the method is wrong.

Of course, not all cubs are suitable to be “hounds” nature beasts. Even though their species is generally fierce, but for some individuals, it may have physical defects, or be more timid than others by nature, or even There are other quirks, etc., even after training, it may not be qualified.

Although it is very difficult and fewer and fewer people want to keep raising cubs, some people in the tribe persisted.

One day, after Wu had walked in the tribe, he called Shao Xuan to talk.

Wu couldn’t stand it anymore, it was a mess, and the hidden dangers were too great. What he hopes to get is a hunting beast with qualified strength and loyalty, not a traitor who has sturdy power and ferocity, raised but bites the tribe.

The quality of the training method determines the quality of the beasts to be trained in the future.

After that, Shao Xuan found a suitable open space at the foot of the mountain, and made a large stone slab standing there as a drawing board. As long as he didn’t go hunting, he would concentrate on explaining there every few days. On the two days when the two hunting teams alternate, he would also take the time to talk about it. After all, he couldn’t explain it to the other hunting team at the beginning of the hunt.

“If you want them to learn what you teach, when training, the passwords and gestures given to them must be pulled before the straw rope, so that they can remember, what do the passwords and gestures you give them mean? . If you have not called out the command to make a gesture, and you pull the straw rope around their necks first, their memory of the straw rope will be deeper than your password. Come on, Caesar, come and demonstrate… Now, it’s like so……”Shao Xuan saw the people of the tribe more than once, pulling the cubs he brought back while shouting the password. Unfortunately, the training effect was minimal.

“I will tell you several methods. First, mechanical stimulation. To put it bluntly, it is to use certain means to force them to perform the actions you require. For example, you want it to lie in the grass, in order to prevent it from getting up. To walk around, you can press it with your hand, and in this way, you can make them lie in the grass. After repeated training like this, they will form a correct sense of action when they hear the command… ”

Shao Xuanzheng said, a young soldier about his age held the cub he had captured with one hand, and said, “Like this?”

“…You’re not called pressing, that’s called pinching.”

Shao Xuan told them all these details.

In addition, Shao Xuan also talked to them about food stimulation methods, and training methods that combine mechanics and rewards.

For many people in the tribe, the most unacceptable thing is the food reward law. In their opinion, food is so precious that they are reluctant to bear it. In the past, everyone caught such cubs and ate them directly, but now they have to divide them. Give them food? Simply unacceptable!

However, there are still people who are willing, and most of them are young fighters. For example, Moore and Spear are very willing.

Moore’s current situation is similar to that of Shao Xuangang at the beginning. As for the spears, there are too many soldiers in the family, and they never lack food. It is not a problem for him to get some food to feed the cubs.

Sometimes, when Shao Xuan talked about imitation training, he would call Caesar over to give them a demonstration, so that the cubs could get along with Caesar more.

Among them, several young wolves will follow Caesar to perform similar actions. However, the four teeth of Mor’s cave lion and spear are more difficult. The former is rebellious, and the latter is simply a foodie and a slacker.

Moore’s cave lion was named 獠, which is quite different from the lions that Shao Xuan had seen in his life.

Most cave lions are independent lives. They live in caves in the mountains and are not hunting in groups. Because they often face some fierce large beasts such as cave bears, their strength is naturally not weak, but they are not easy to tame.

Both Mohr and Spear spend more effort than others, depending on whether they have that patience.

As the days passed, fewer and fewer beast cubs were initially brought back in the tribe, but the ones left grew up day by day.

After Shao Xuan’s explanations and demonstrations, young fighters are gradually changing their training methods. Today, when walking in the tribe, you often see young fighters with cubs. They usually gather together to beat up and chat. , Will also bring the cubs he raises.

At the beginning, they were tied with straw ropes. Gradually, some of the cubs’ straw ropes around their necks were removed. They did not run around. Every time they went out, they followed the young soldiers closely. Dependence training was not a waste of effort. of.

Sometimes, the young warriors of two hunting teams raising cubs will compare each other to see who raises them more successfully.

There are some old people in the tribe who have not hunted for many years. They still have a worried mind. They sleep at night and worry that the beasts in the tribe will come out and bite.

Among them, there are some people whose injuries and disability are bestowed by the ferocious beasts in the mountains and forests. Even if the tribe raises only some beasts that are not very threatening, they are still fully guarded and gather with old comrades in arms. At the time, these veterans discussed to report to the big boss or the leader to see if they could tell the tribe boys not to raise these beasts.

However, the two big bosses have children in their families, and the grandson of the boss also has a bald pig! I heard that the bald pig ate a lot of the Medicinal herbs hidden in the tower. You see, every day, the face of the tower is as bad as ash. Didn’t that bald pig be slaughtered?

The worry in the hearts of a group of veteran warriors, their beards are almost worrisome, and still can’t think of a reasonable reason to slaughter the cubs, but the group of young people in the tribe are still actively raising them every day.

When the veteran soldiers were discussing privately, the tower was holding the stone knife tightly on the mountain, and his forehead was straight with anger. Because he was holding back his anger, his whole body was trembling.

In front of him, the bald pig raised by his son ate a pack of Medicinal herbs he placed under the stone bench, and that pack of Medicinal herbs is actually insect-proof, and a large number of insects can be killed by smoking. And the bald pig in front of him, after eating it, didn’t fart, still rushing around.

How many times is this already? After this guy woke up, he looked for food everywhere, his nose was still good, and the things were not well hidden. I don’t know if I ate too much, now Sifang is a bit stronger than the other cubs in the tribe.

It’s not that the tower didn’t want to kill the four teeth, but because of Face. After the four teeth were slaughtered, the people on the Guihe side would definitely laugh at them.

“Eat any more, I will kill you!” Ta said.

The four teeth who were chewing Medicinal herbs looked up at the tower and called out, “Huh!”

Ta thinks that this bald pig is really too bad to kill. Why did the spear get such a thing back? !

Think of the Caesar raised by Shao Xuan, be more obedient, compare it, how do you think that the bald pig in front of you is a waste of wood.

The spear who had just returned from the training ground, saw that his father was angry again, and quickly took out Sifang.

“Tie it to me! Tie it with a thicker straw rope and don’t let it out again! Or I will beat you to death!” The tower shouted at the back of the spear.

Holding the four-toothed spear rushing out, I thought: It caused trouble, why should I be beaten? !

Somewhere on the mountainside.

Moore had a cold face, looking at the bitten and tattered animal skins on the bed, and looked sideways under the table against the wall.

“You come out!”

The group hiding under the table shrank again.

Moore held the handle of the knife and thought, should I just slaughter it?

In the tribe, there are many people who are in trouble because of raising cubs, but Shao Xuan doesn’t have time to care now.

While studying the ancient scrolls of engraving secret techniques, Shao Xuan discovered one thing. His Ascension, which played a leading role, was not a totem, but another force in his body.

What is the egg-shaped thing that encircles the totem, or the weird stone that brought itself into this world in the first place?

The soldiers said that the totem dominates the strength in everyone’s body, but Shao Xuan faintly felt that the totem in his mind could not pass the “egg”. ”Scope.

The energy absorbed by the fire crystal is more like an auxiliary function, which can speed up recovery, but cannot Ascension, because the totem cannot play a dominant role.

Putting down the animal skin roll, Shao Xuan rubbed his eyebrows, “What the hell does the stone do?”

At this time, Caesar came with a wooden box in his mouth, the wooden box was tied with straw rope, and Caesar bit the straw rope directly.

In the wooden box, there were stone tools polished by Old Ke during this period. Shao Xuan spent too much time studying the ancient scrolls, so Old Ke polished a batch and asked Caesar to pick it up.

Taking the wooden box, Shao Xuan patted Caesar’s wolf head, “It’s about to set off again, will you follow?”

Caesar immediately took a step forward. and!

Shao Xuan rolled up the transcribed animal skin and put it away.

There is no accompanying hound on the scroll, so let’s have a accompanying hound.

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