Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 364 The fight between trapped beasts

Fuck! So shameless!!!

Seeing all the NPCs suddenly attacking A'Zhu, Wang Yuan was shocked and angry.

That’s it for players. After all, they are all here to play games. Interests come first. The benevolence, justice and morality in the game cannot restrain players.

But these NPCs are all real people in the game. Whether they are the Iron-faced Judge or the two heroes of the You clan, there are all famous martial arts figures in the world. At this time, they actually poisoned a dying girl. It is no wonder that Yunzhong behaved like this. Crane calls them bears.

Brother Qiao!

A'Zhu's life was hanging by a thread, and he burst into tears in shock.


Upon hearing this, Qiao Feng suddenly turned around and couldn't help but curse. He stretched out his right hand and used the magical skill of Capturing the Dragon.


Hearing a dragon roar, You Ju's flying shield was grabbed by Qiao Feng a few feet away before it could reach A'Zhu.

Stop Qiao Feng!

Shan Zheng roared and gave an attack order to the heroes in the courtyard. With a wave of his other hand, the five sons of the Shan family rushed forward and went straight to A'Zhu with their swords in hand.

Let's see who dares to stop me!

In desperation, Qiao Feng got drunk and lost his mind for a moment. He roared and his eyes turned red.

At this time, everyone from the Beggar Clan had already taken the lead. A short fat man held up a steel staff and struck the back of Qiao Feng's head from behind. Qiao Feng didn't even look back. He stretched his hand back and broke the neck of the short fat man with a click.

Elder Xi!!

Seeing Qiao Feng kill the short fat man, the masters of the Beggar Clan immediately became furious, and together with the masters of the martial arts, they attacked him.

At this time, Qiao Feng's eyes were red with alcohol, and he no longer showed any mercy. He rushed straight towards the hall, punching and palming with his right hand, and slashing with the blade and shield of his left hand. His power was unstoppable.

But I saw that the white wall was splattered with blood, and many corpses fell in the courtyard, some with their heads missing, some with their bodies broken. At this time, Qiao Feng could no longer show mercy to the old members of the Beggar Clan. There was no time to distinguish the opponent's face, his eyes were red, and he killed everyone he met. The masters in the village did not have a single general, and they killed mountains of corpses and seas of blood in an instant, and blood flowed into rivers.

Nine out of ten heroes who come to the Heroes' Banquet have killed someone with their own hands and are famous in the martial arts world. After all, they cannot just rely on friendship and bragging. Even if he has never killed anyone, he has seen a lot of murders and arson. Such a thrilling and fierce fight at this moment has never been seen in my life.

There was only one enemy, but he was like a mad tiger, like a ghost, slashing and killing randomly from east to west, charging and attacking wildly. Many masters came forward to fight, but were killed by him with faster, stronger, more ruthless and more precise moves.

None of the heroes are timid and fearful of death, but seeing that the enemy is so powerful and unstoppable in martial arts, blood and flesh are flying everywhere in the manor, heads are rolling around, and the only thing that can be heard is the screams of death, most of them People wanted to escape and wanted to leave as soon as possible. Whether Qiao Feng was guilty or not guilty, he didn't want to worry about it. (Hey, this large paragraph was copied.)

After overcoming numerous obstacles, Qiao Feng arrived in front of the court.

However, the Shan brothers finally took a step forward and rushed in front of A'Zhu.

Get out of my way!

Shan Zheng claimed to be selfless, but he acted so cruelly. Qiao Feng was very angry at him. He swung his left hand and took out the blade shield in his hand, heading straight for the Five Tigers of the Shan family.

not good!

Seeing Qiao Feng throwing a flying shield, the Shan brothers quickly raised their swords to block it.

This is exactly in line with the allusion of the mantis acting as a chariot.

Although the Shan family is famous in Shandong, its martial arts skills are just that.

Shan Zheng is somewhat capable, but his five sons are weak in boxing and kicking skills. To put it bluntly, they are more inclined to be village tyrants who take advantage of their sons' abundance to run rampant in the countryside... How can such a level of superficial kung fu be Qiao Feng's enemy? , let alone blocking Qiao Feng's drunken and angry attack.

With a click, the five brothers of the Shan family were cut in half by Qiao Feng, who was armed with a knife.

The round shield still had its strength, and with a scrape, it cut off another pillar in the hall. Sediment fell from the roof tiles.


There was a series of sounds of sandbags falling to the ground, the five tigers of the Shan family fell to the ground, blood spurted out, and Shan Zheng had no descendants...

Khitan evil dog, suffer death!

When You Ji saw Qiao Feng killing Shan Zheng's five sons with his brother's shield, he was very angry and threw his round shield at Qiao Feng angrily.

Qiao Feng stretched out his right palm suddenly.


You Ji's round shield was shattered by Qiao Feng's palm, and the fragments flew everywhere, killing several people again.

My shield!

The shield was destroyed, You Ji cried out in pain, and yelled, The shield is there, but the shield is dead, and the people are dead... Having suffered such a shame and humiliation today, what shame do we two brothers have to live in the world? He looked at each other with You Ju, The two of them both picked up the knives and guns on the ground and stabbed them into their hearts.

Hey! Aren't these two idiots?

When all the players saw this, their heads were filled with black lines. It was just that their equipment was broken. As for deleting their accounts? The eight million warriors in the disconnected city like you would have died long ago.

Daddy, daddy!

At this time, only loud crying and yelling could be heard, and a young man ran out and lay on top of the two corpses.

Wang Yuan couldn't help but sigh, he didn't know whether You Ju was his father or You Ji was his father, or both of them were his father.

Seeing that the You brothers committed suicide, Qiao Feng's expression froze, and a chill ran down his back. He suddenly woke up from the alcohol and regained consciousness.

This...why is this necessary...

Qiao Feng's eyes were in a trance. He really didn't want to hurt anyone...but yet he committed such a crime.


Qiao Feng was in a daze when he heard A'Zhu cough violently behind him.

At this time, Xue Muhua said: These days, she has been relying on your true energy to survive. Now that her breath is exhausted, why don't you continue to give her some true energy?

Humph, Xue Muhua said with some pride at this point: If she loses her breath, I'm afraid even the gods will be hard-pressed to save her.


Qiao Feng was in an extremely difficult situation, knowing that what Xue Muhua said was indeed true, but as long as he extended his hand to help A'Zhu survive, the surrounding heroes would immediately fight with each other. Some of these people have lost their sons, some have lost their friends, so how can they be merciful? But is it possible to just watch her die before her eyes?

Looking at the young man crying on the ground, and then at Shan Zheng who sent away five black-haired people at once, Qiao Feng felt very upset.

Qiao Feng lived a life of benevolence and compassion. Even though he was unrivaled in martial arts, he would never bully the weak or kill innocent people in vain... Now, in this battle, blood flowed into the Juxian Manor, and Qiao Feng suddenly felt a sense of sadness.

The helplessness of not wanting to kill but having to kill came to my mind.


Qiao Feng dropped half of the shield fragment in his hand on the ground, looked around and said, That's all, you can just take revenge and ask Doctor Xue again to save this innocent girl.

The heroes in the village were frightened by Qiao Feng. Qiao Feng had already put down his weapons, and no one dared to take a step forward.

Give my son his life!

At this time, there was only an angry roar, and Shan Zheng raised his sword and struck Qiao Feng on the shoulder.


The long knife fell, and the white bones of Qiao Feng's shoulder were exposed. Qiao Feng felt pain, his head felt slightly dizzy, and he knelt on the ground with a click sound.

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