Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 314 More money is needed

Ten thousand gold? What ten thousand gold?

In the channel, Ding Laoxian and Song Yang also came out after seeing the news about Mario.

Although Ding Lao It's out of sight.

But ten thousand gold is a huge sum of money for anyone. Even a super wealthy person like Feiyun Taxue would find it very troublesome to come up with so much money at this stage.

Now that I heard Mario talking about ten thousand gold, I was very curious.

Not to mention Song Yang, since this girl appeared on the scene, has there ever been a time when she didn't eat and drink? Even if he goes out to make a carriage, he has to borrow money from Wang Yuan. All the women in the rabble are poor, and Song Yang is definitely Qingqi poor... He can be called the first of the three poor dogs.

In Song Yang's eyes, ten thousand gold is no longer a huge sum of money. To Song Yang, this number is called a dream, a dream.

Huashan Sword Discussing! Someone offered us 10,000 gold to take it with us. Wang Yuan simply stated Feiyun Taxue's request on the channel.

Huashan Sword Discussing? When? Ding Laoxian suddenly said excitedly: It seems I have to reserve some medicine...

As expected, he is a businessman who sticks to his profession.

One month later! Wang Yuan said.

That's okay, take me with you then! Song Yang said excitedly: My classes should be finished in a month, and I want to make money with you.

Song Yang's purpose in playing games is very simple, just to make money. It was for this purpose that he joined the game. However, things didn't work out as he wished. As a genius, Song Yang was tricked into the Xiaoyao sect as soon as he entered the game. I have been on an isolated mission and have been playing games for more than 20 days. I have never seen the world, let alone making money.

Although he can barely survive by cheating on food and drink, now that he finally has a chance to realize his dream, you can imagine Song Yang's mood.

Well... Wang Yuan pondered for a moment and asked, What level are you at now?

Thirty... Song Yang replied without thinking.

It is said that you can only participate in the Huashan Sword Competition at level 40. Wang Yuan said helplessly.


Hearing Wang Yuan's words, Song Yang was stunned.

The game level of Wuxian actually does not improve the player's strength at all. Its function is to limit the player's martial arts realm, thereby ensuring that the strength gap between players will not be too large, which will lead to the loss of new players and the loss of old players. You won’t get bored with the game just because your level rises too quickly.

Therefore, the level improvement speed in the game is not very fast, and since level 30, the level improvement has become slower and slower.

Now Song Yang is only at level 30, and there is no way he can level up in the Black Dragon Pond.

At this time, there was still more than a month left before the Huashan Sword Competition. By the time Song Yang came out of Black Dragon Pond, it was already too late to participate in the Huashan Sword Competition.

After being stunned for a long time, Song Yang cried and shouted: Find a way for me quickly... I want to get out!

Cancel the task, how easy it is! Mario suggested.

This is a non-cancellable task. Song Yang was depressed.

Suicide! Beimo Ting also had a bad idea at the side.

There is a resurrection point in the Black Dragon can't get out even if you die. Song Yang went crazy.

Holy crap! Is this mission so shameless? After hearing this, everyone held a moment of silence for Song Yang.

There are always various strange tasks in Wuxian, and everyone has seen a lot of strange tasks. But this is the first time I have heard of someone like Song Yang who could imprison himself after taking a task.

Let's judge the sect! Wang Yuan suggested: After the sect is judged, all the skills of the master's sect will disappear. If you don't use it, the NPC will not pester you!

Can you die for a while?

Everyone despises Wang Yuan, what the hell is a human saying?

There is no other way. Who told her to start her sect with intermediate and advanced martial arts...

A sect that started with intermediate and advanced skills? Everyone was silent for a moment and suggested: It's better to an ordinary person like us.

Rolling, rolling, rolling! Song Yang collapsed, what the hell is this?

Of course, everyone is just joking when they say this.

Everyone has seen Song Yang's strength before.

Although this girl is a member of the female class, her strength is tremendous. Moreover, Song Yang's strength is not only due to his high martial arts configuration, but also his operational level is simply outrageous. Among the entire rabble, Wang Yuan is probably the only one who can do it. Better than that.

Besides, we are all friends, and we have to take Song Yang with us both emotionally and rationally.

How many people are needed for the Huashan Sword Sword Team Competition? Wang Yuan thought for a moment and asked Feiyun on the Snow Road.

A team usually consists of twelve people, ten players on the field and two substitutes. Feiyun Taxue said: This is an old rule.


Wang Yuan nodded and said thoughtfully: There are only seven of us in the ragtag group, and including you, there are only eight people. We still can't form a team now.

It doesn't matter! Feiyun Texue said: I still have masters under me.

Hahaha! Wang Yuan said with a smile: Boss Feiyun, it's enough for me to bring you one person, but I also need to bring your subordinates? This will cost extra.


Feiyun Taxue glanced at Wang Yuan in surprise, almost spitting out a mouthful of blood. This monk was really a logic genius.

Wow, you monk is so shameless! Ao Lingyun shouted at the side: But I know someone who is more shameless than you...

More shameless than Lao Niu? The mob once again expressed disdain in the channel: Ao Lingyun is bragging again... I don't believe there is anyone more shameless than Lao Niu.

I don't think you are praising me. Wang Yuan's head was filled with black lines.

Hearing this, Feiyun Taxue frowned and asked Ao Lingyun, The person you are talking about can't be my uncle, right?

Hahaha! Pretend I didn't say it! Ao Lingyun laughed and waved her hand quickly.

Does Brother Niu have a better candidate? Feiyun Taxue asked Wang Yuandao instead.

Feiyun Taxue just didn't like to be clever, and he wasn't stupid. He could naturally understand what Wang Yuan meant.

Of course! Wang Yuandao said: But those friends of mine are quite busy, so I may not be able to invite them.

Is it enough to pay a person a hundred gold? Feiyun Taxue got straight to the point.

An activity like the Huashan Sword Discussing is basically something that no master will miss. The so-called invitation is just a notification. The real meaning of a hundred gold is just an errand fee.

You can get a hundred gold for just running an errand, and Feiyun Taxue can afford such a price.


Wang Yuan smiled and said: It's so embarrassing to talk about money, but I am using your money to do things for you.

Why do these words sound so familiar? Feiyun Taxue squinted his eyes, feeling like he had heard this sentence somewhere before.

Look, it's here again... shameless people like to say this! Ao Lingyun shouted again from the side: Those shameless people I know also like to say this.

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