Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 299 Killing and Punishing the Heart

It's better to be careful!

Ding Laoxian didn't care about Wang Yuan's words. Some people said that he could extinguish the sun with just one pee, so there was no need to argue.

I don’t know whether it is true or not that the Holy Dragon Gang is related to the Halloween Mountain, but there are also rumors in the world. Like Ding Laoxian, everyone has the attitude of rather believing it or not.

Although Feng Wu Jiutian caused such a big mess and was put on a reward, all the players who accepted the mission did not dare to vent their anger on the Holy Dragon Gang.

After all, there is no reward for killing people from the Holy Dragon Gang, and if the rumors are true, wouldn't it mean that you have offended Halloween Mountain? If you offend such a top gang, you won't be able to hang out in the game in the future.

Feiyun Taxue canceled the bounty mission. Players from all over the country who originally came here because of its reputation left in disappointment. The noisy Yanjing City slowly returned to its original calm.

Half an hour later, Wang Yuan and his group arrived at the Yanjing City Tavern one after another as agreed.

There were some monks and Taoists at the table, some old (Mario looked older with his white hair), some young, some men, some women, some mixed (Bei Mo Ding was dressed in red), which was quite eye-catching in the tavern.

Especially Bei Moting, the young man is not bad looking, and he is dressed in such bright colors, which naturally attracts a lot of attention. Some people have even placed bets on whether this boy is a boy or a girl...

Xiao Bei, can you keep a low profile from now on!

Seeing Bei Moting's outfit, Dugu Xiaoling and Yimengru liked it very much, while Wang Yuan and Mario had black lines on their heads.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Bei Moting's clothes were getting redder and redder. Wang Yuan even suspected that he had successfully integrated into the women's group. Both Yi Mengru and Dugu Xiaoling in the team were women, and they were not as conspicuous as him.

However, the word low-key comes out of these two people's mouths, which is a bit inconsistent. The former is clamoring to overthrow the Halloween Mountain, while the latter has white hair and is more unique. When it comes to high-profile, Bei Moting is just taking the wrong approach. .

With such a strange group of people sitting there, it's not just one person's fault for being stared at.


Being ridiculed by the two men, Bei Moting was furious. He stepped on the bench and casually pulled out his sword and stabbed it into the table, making a hole in it. His eyes were filled with fierceness, and he was ready to kill anyone if he disagreed with him.

As a result, he was dragged away by the tavern owner to discuss compensation within three seconds.

Everyone held their foreheads and sighed, indicating that they did not recognize this embarrassing thing.

Now that everyone is here, Lao Niu, please tell us your plan.

After all, Dugu Xiaoling, as the boss, is more responsible and goes straight to the point.

Six hundred gold is not easy to earn. If you just fight without a plan, wouldn't you come here to give someone's head to Longteng Sihai? Will the world be destroyed by losing chivalry points? This is obviously a bit silly.

Simple! Wang Yuan said calmly: The general direction is to fight until the Holy Dragon Gang players retreat.

This... what is this plan?

Everyone was stunned when they heard Wang Yuan's words.

I thought that Wang Yuan was clamoring for five people to cut down the Holy Dragon Gang. This grandson must have already formulated a strategy and was waiting for others to implement it, but this bald donkey's plan turned out to be just this sentence. Is this a joke?

I really don’t know how this plan was able to deceive a thousand gold coins.

Are you kidding... Yimengru has a more direct personality and immediately said: There are three thousand people, how can we fight with five of us?

Oh? Are there three thousand people coming in and out? Wang Yuan asked.


Yi Meng was speechless.

Although everyone has never been in a big gang, we are not novice players, and we still understand the basic rules of a big gang.

For a gang the size of the Shenglong Gang, it would be a mess if everyone got together, so basically large gangs will have strict team divisions, such as ten people in one team, ten teams in one group, and ten groups in one group. The group is like this.

Under normal circumstances, the gang members all act according to team formation.

Attacking the Holy Dragon Gang's team? Hearing Wang Yuan's words, Mario said with a smile: I like it! Mario, a shameless person, likes to do despicable and dirty things.

This is not a bad idea, but I don't know what will happen to the Holy Dragon Gang. Dugu Xiaoling thought for a while and said.

Sneak attacks are not uncommon in the game. If they are not distinctive, it will be just a small fuss, and it will not force the Holy Dragon Gang players to quit the gang.

You must know that the resources of a big gang are definitely abundant enough, and most players will not give up these resources because of accidental death.

Killing is not the purpose!

Facing the doubts of several people, Wang Yuan smiled slightly and said: Our purpose is to make the people of the Shenglong Gang feel afraid!

Fear? Bei Mo stopped and said, What do you mean!

Killing is heart-breaking! Wang Yuan said.

You have to kill someone and have your heart hurt? It's too scary! Mario exaggerated: How can you kill someone and kill your heart?

Pah! Wang Yuan raised his hand and slapped Mario to the ground!

You're crazy! Mario was furious, got up and pointed at Wang Yuan and shouted.

What do you want to do to me? If you don't obey, beat me! Wang Yuanyuan pointed at himself with a slap in the face.

I... Mario knew that he was no match for Wang Yuan, so he had no choice but to swallow his anger and sit down quietly.

Did you see it? This is called killing people and killing their hearts! Wang Yuan explained: The sneak attack from behind only caused them physical damage. We have to start from the psychological point of view. Not only let them die, but also make them feel scared and unable to do anything. .”

So? What are we going to do now? After going around in a circle, we returned to the original question.

Join Longteng's friends from all over the world and ask him to hand over Fengwu Jiutian, otherwise we will declare war and kill them! Wang Yuan said firmly: Lingzi, you are the boss of the mob, you can handle this matter!

Declare war? Are we a ragtag group of people against the Holy Dragon Gang? Are you sure he will be afraid of us?

Dugu Xiaoling was confused.

To be honest, Dugu Xiaoling is increasingly confused about what Wang Yuan is thinking.

If you want to threaten the Holy Dragon Gang, you have to find a more ruthless gang. This ragtag group is just an unknown small group with no more than seven people in total. They also use the threat of declaring war to intimidate the world? Could it be that Wang Yuan wanted to laugh the opponent to death in order to win by surprise?

What made Dugu Xiaoling even more speechless was that Wang Yuan still acted as if he was taking it for granted, as if Longteng Sihai was really afraid of his own small group. How shameless he must be to think like this.

Then what do you think they are afraid of? Wang Yuan asked with a smile.

At the very least, we must have the strength to threaten them with a declaration of war. Dugu Xiaoling thought for a while and replied: The ones who deal with the wolves should be evil tigers. Compared with the Shenglong Gang, we are just rabbits.

Hey hey hey!

Wang Yuan stretched out his index finger and shook it, smiling meaningfully: A rabbit eating a wolf sounds more shocking than a tiger eating a wolf!

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