Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 165 Pig Teammate Liu Zhengfeng

Hey, okay!

Mario grabbed the plates on the table and stuffed them into his arms. After loading the dishes on his own table, he didn't forget to look around at other people's tables.


Mario's actions like this really stunned everyone.

Damn it, the meal was packed before the dinner was served. Are there still such shameless people in the world?

Wuyue Duzun was also stunned when he saw that Mario had really collected all the food on the table.

Then he stared at Wang Yuan and said: Who do you think you are, you dare to stop me? Are you looking for death?

Wuyue Duzun is also regarded as the number one figure in the game. Being able to kill the list shows his strength. Therefore, this person has always been domineering. He has never been stopped by anyone when doing tasks.

At this time, people came up to stop him one after another. Wuyue Duzun felt very unhappy.

While speaking, Wuyue Duzun pushed hard with his hand and was about to stab Wang Yuan with his sword.


However, Wang Yuan just smiled indifferently and tightened his grip on the sword blade slightly.

Wang Yuan is so powerful. With the blessing of the indestructible magic power of the Vajra, Wang Yuan's strange power boss will have to take a detour when he sees it. Wanyue Duzun and Wang Yuan are asking for trouble.

This grip didn't matter, Wuyue Duzun suddenly felt as if he was stuck on a hard boulder, and the giant sword in his hand could not move forward even half an inch, but Wang Yuan showed an indifferent expression and remained motionless.


Seeing Wang Yuan grasping the blade of his sword so lightly, Wuyue Duzun couldn't help but be stunned.

The swordsmanship of the Songshan School was born out of the military. It is an upright and mighty master. The application of arm strength is stronger than the skill, so all Songshan players are muscular men. As the number one master of Songshan, he is known as the supreme master of the Five Sacred Swords of Songyang. He is the leader among them, and he is very confident that his arm strength is the best among the five mountains.

But the great monk in front of him was so evil. With just a slight squeeze, he stopped the sword in Wuyue Duzun's hand from moving forward. Such a distance was simply unheard of.

Of course, martial arts cultivation does not depend on who is stronger; strength depends on martial arts cultivation.

In terms of arm strength, Wuyue Duzun lamented that he was not as good as Wang Yuan, so he loosened his hand, let go of the sword, used his inner strength with his right hand, and slapped Wang Yuan in the face.

【Dasongyang Divine Palm】

The intermediate palm technique of the Songshan Sect, with strong and domineering palm power, can be regarded as the first-class fist and kick skills among the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

Fei Bin, one of the Thirteen Taibao of Songshan, used this skill as a unique skill and became famous in the martial arts world.

Faced with Wuyue Duzun's attack, Wang Yuan calmly took a step back, grabbed the table in front of him with his left hand and lifted it, blocking Wuyue Duzun in front of him.


There was a muffled sound, and the table was smashed to pieces by Wuyue Duzun.

The power of Wuyue Duzun's palm was offset. Wang Yuan threw away the long sword in his hand and used [Hurantan] to catch Wuyue Duzun.

As a master in finding rivals to kill on the ranking list, there is no doubt about Wuyue's unique strength. He knew that Wang Yuan was extremely powerful, and of course he did not dare to let Wang Yuan catch him. He just leaned back and dodged Wang Yuan's attack. Grab.

At the same time, Wuyue Duzun raised his foot and kicked Wang Yuan in the lower abdomen.

Seeing Wuyue Duzun's leg reaching his lower body, Wang Yuan took his time and raised and lowered his right foot suddenly.


The outstretched foot of Wuyue Duzun was directly stepped on the ground by Wang Yuan. Then Wang Yuan raised his right hand and used the move Homage to Tathagata towards Wuyue Duzun.

The foot of Wuyue Duzun was stepped on by Wang Yuan, and it was impossible to dodge.


He heard Wuyue Duzun roar loudly, and the zhenqi in his body was stimulated to the extreme, and he slapped his right palm with a cold light.


There was a loud bang.

The two palms faced each other, and Wuyue Duzun was knocked upside down on the spot. He was a full five or six meters away before he could stabilize his body.

But Wang Yuan felt a cold air coming, which he could hardly resist.

When he looked down, he saw that his right arm had been covered with a thin layer of ice.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yuan couldn't help but frown.

No wonder this Five Mountains Sovereign is so tyrannical. If he catches the master on the ranking list, he will just give him a slap. This kid's palm power is so evil.

If Wang Yuan hadn't used the Great Vajra Palm just now, with the strength of the palm being extremely strong and strong enough to restrain the cold air, this palm would probably have failed.

Good guy!

Wuyue Duzun, who was sent flying by a palm, was also surprised.

Wuyue Duzun has extremely high arm strength, and his fist and palm skills are quite good. He has challenged so many masters. Even when he encounters players like Zhang Beggar who rely on fists and kicks, Wuyue Duzun has never suffered a loss. Unexpectedly, the palm power of the monk in front of him is so good. It was so powerful and powerful that it almost killed Wuyue Duzun with one palm strike.

But so what if the palm is strong, isn't it because I've been hit by my ice energy?

Thinking of this, Wuyue Duzun raised his head and smiled provocatively at Wang Yuan...

But at this moment, Wang Yuan used his inner strength and his arm shook.


There was only a cracking sound, and all the ice on Wang Yuan's right arm fell to the ground.


The smile on Wuyue Duzun's face immediately solidified...

The palm of the Wuyue Duzun just used the Ice Qi. As the unique skill of Zuo Lengchan, the head of the Songshan Sect, the Ice Qi will be icy cold every time he uses his palm. The person who hits the palm may be frozen in place. The ground will be unable to move, and if it is severe, it will be injured by the cold air and suffer basic internal injuries.

But Wang Yuan was clearly hit by a palm of ice energy, but he could dissolve the ice with just one movement of his internal energy. This was simply unbelievable.

Kill that monk for me!

The reason why Wuyue Duzun can compete with the masters on the ranking list is mostly because of the unexpected freezing effect of this ice energy.

In battle, after immobilizing or slowing down the target with one palm, he can then use his sword to kill him without any disadvantage.

But now that he met his nemesis, Wang Yuan refused to accept this trick at all. Wuyue Duzun immediately panicked and quickly pointed at Wang Yuan and gave orders to others in the Songshan Sect.

Except for the three Songshan disciples who kidnapped Liu Zhengfeng's family, all of them are NPCs. They came here to disrupt the golden basin and wash their hands under the orders of Zuo Lengchan, under the full command of the Five Sacred Mountains.

These NPCs are also masters of the Songshan sect.

Following Wuyue Duzun's order, dozens of big men stabbed Wang Yuan with their swords.


Wang Yuan did not shy away from the situation, he clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name, and a golden light burst out from Wang Yuan's body.

All Songshan disciples were attracted to Wang Yuan.

Liu Zhengfeng, why don't you get the hell out of here!

After catching all the targets, Wang Yuan shouted speechlessly at Liu Zhengfeng, who was watching the excitement.

At this time, Wang Yuan's mood collapsed.

Damn it, is this Liu Zhengfeng stupid? I'm helping you carry the knife to attract firepower. It's okay if you don't help. Why don't you take the opportunity to run away? Are you really going to wait for people to see you?

Or maybe it is said that pig teammates are the most difficult to lead! I will never take on this cheating protection mission again.

“How can I survive when my wife and children are all in the care of others?”

But who would have thought that the mentally retarded Liu Zhengfeng lamented and stamped his feet, causing the broken sword on the ground to fly into the air. Liu Zhengfeng grabbed the sword and wiped it on his neck.

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