Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 1123 Stay away from pornography, gambling and drugs

It is also a sea, and the environment of the Sea of ​​Beiming is completely different from that of the Sea of ​​Underworld.

The Sea of ​​Underworld is full of poisonous miasma, while the Sea of ​​Beiming has a better environment in general. In addition to not having much sunlight, it is relatively cold, and it is full of water as far as the eye can see.

In this environment, players are also inaccessible. After all, no one can fly in the sky all the time, and it is pitch black here, which makes people feel fear.

Feiyun Texue turned on the equipment's special effects to the maximum, lighting up an area like a small sun.

Not to be outdone, Su Nian Jinshi equipped herself with several fairy swords, and when the special effects were turned on, they looked like neon lights.

All they could see was that everyone wanted to snatch their equipment and then throw them into the sea and drown them.

The two of them were fighting over each other here, their faces were red and their necks were thick. Dugu Xiaoling on the side raised her hand and summoned a big ship to appear at the feet of everyone.


Everyone was stunned when they saw this big ship.

Even two enemies, Feiyun Taxue and Su Nian Jinshi, who were fighting for wealth, were stunned...

Flying on this vast sea, being blown by the cold sea breeze, although I can't drown, I feel very uncomfortable being alone. Turning on the equipment's special effects doesn't give me a warm feeling, it just brings a ray of light. Compared to a cruise ship Level 1 ship, the icons of level 15 Xinyue members on the heads of the two wealthy men seemed a bit dwarfed by it.

Unexpectedly, Dugu Xiaoling is the hidden rich man.

Okay Reiko!

Ding Laoxian clicked his tongue and said with emotion: I remember your broken ship was only as big as a palm. When did it become so luxurious?

Yeah... Bei Mo Tingye said: The last time I saw your boat, it could only hold five or six people. Your boat must be at the strategic level.

In the past, Dugu Xiaoling's boat was more than a foot long, and it still required a person to row it. Now this boat is more than a hundred meters long, fully equipped, and equipped with advanced spirit stone energy cannons on the side of the boat. It is simply a bicycle and The gap between high-speed rail.

That boat was abandoned long ago by Old Niu!

Dugu Xiaoling said.

Throw it away? Everyone looked sideways at Wang Yuan.

Dugu Xiaoling then added: He compensated me for this big ship...


Everyone looked at Wang Yuan as if they were looking at the river god.

Mario took out a broken wooden sword and handed it to Wang Yuan: Brother Niu, this is the peach wood sword that Zhang Sanfeng played with. You can throw it away for me. You don't have to get me anything good. Just get a fourth-level fairy sword. .”

I want it too, I want it too! Bei Moting took out a needle and said, This is the embroidery needle Dongfang Bubai used...


Wang Yuan glared at these two shameless guys fiercely.

When did it happen? Song Yang asked Wang Yuan with a straight face: Why didn't I know?

It's been a long time ago! Feiyun Taxue said quickly: This boat was snatched from the Red Flower Club on Binghuo Island. Lao Niu borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha.

Feiyun Taxue was at the scene and witnessed with her own eyes how Wang Yuan turned someone else's boat into his own, and later the boat became Dugu Xiaoling's boat.

Honghuahui... is so pitiful... this ship must have cost a lot of money. Everyone began to sympathize with Honghuahui.

Wang Yuan's impression of the Red Flower Club was only Murong Shuang's perfect figure with bulging front and back. When others were sympathizing with the Red Flower Club, Wang Yuan showed a crazy smile and said with a smile: Although the Red Flower Club is a group of people, I'm mentally retarded, but that little girl Murong Shuang is so good-looking...

It's pretty good! Many of the young models my friends have seen are not as good as hers.

After hearing what Wang Yuan said, Feiyun Taxue also nodded in agreement.

Yeah... those breasts, that ass, oh...

Mario and others also showed understanding smiles.

Men always have a clear understanding of certain things, especially in such boring situations.

Hmph! Dog man!

Seeing this, all the girls raised their middle fingers and looked down upon these old perverts.

Dugu Xiaoling also did not forget to ridicule Bei Moting: Bei Moting, you are so ridiculous! It's okay for people to miss women, why do you!

Is it fun to bully me? Bei Moting almost cried.

Hey, there's a light ahead!

Just as everyone was making love to Murong Shuang, the note suddenly pointed forward and shouted loudly.


Everyone looked up and saw a lighthouse standing in the distance directly in front of the ship, with the tower emitting golden light.

It's a formation tower!

Seeing the golden light, everyone felt happy and shouted: Lingzi, quickly drive the boat over.

Wang Yuan touched his chin and muttered to himself: Why did this tower suddenly appear?

The Sea of ​​Beiming is a zone of eternal night, with no sunlight, so the light is very conspicuous in this environment. We have just been flying for so long without seeing the lighthouse, and we saw the light of the tower as soon as we boarded the boat. This is a bit strange. unreasonable.

But there’s nothing wrong if you think about it carefully. There aren’t so many reasonable things in the game.

Dugu Xiaoling sailed towards the lighthouse.

Everyone is getting closer to the lighthouse.

That bastard touched my butt? But at this moment, Dugu Xiaoling suddenly turned her head fiercely, looked around and said, You must be dead!


The rabble of beasts looked bewildered.

Hahaha! Mario, a mean-mouthed guy, even mocked mercilessly: Touch your butt? You're overthinking it! You might as well touch the old cow's.


The others were stunned when they heard this, glanced at Dugu Xiaoling, then at Wang Yuan, and all agreed: Old Ma is right.

Fuck you, uncle! If you dare to mess around again, I'll throw you into the sea and feed them to the fish. Dugu Xiaoling was a little angry after being challenged by Wang Yuan.

Ouch! Who touched my waist?

Here, Dugu Xiaoling was still angry, and Yimeng Rusu suddenly screamed.

Sister, is there anyone next to you? Old men also have dignity.

Everyone looked back at Yimeng Rusu and said not to cause trouble for themselves.

Bastard! Someone touched my feet!

But before Yi Mengru could refute, Su Nianjinshi started shouting again.

Who is it? Stop making trouble!

It is said that three people make a tiger. If one person says that he was touched, everyone may be suspicious. If two people say that he was touched, they will be a little shaken. At this time, the third victim appears, and everyone suddenly realizes that someone is really making trouble, and he is not picky about food. .

Wang Yuan rushed to Song Yang and pulled him under his arm.

Tiaozi reacted quickly and said quickly: Protect the girls quickly.

Everyone quickly formed a circle, protecting the four girls in the middle, and then looked around to see who was doing bad things.

Damn it, who shamelessly touched my breasts?

However, at this moment, Bei Moting was also covering his chest and shouting loudly.

Everyone: ...

It seems there is an enemy, or an invisible enemy! Tiaozi concluded: Everyone, be careful!


Wang Yuan denied: I have an anti-invisibility magic weapon. No invisible unit within a hundred meters can escape my sight.

Then why can't we see him?

Tiaozi said doubtfully.

It must be too fast! So it's hard to see with the naked eye. Wang Yuan thought for a while.

Are you talking nonsense?

Everyone couldn't help but complain: It's so fast that you can't see it, and you can touch people's butts. This is too fantasy. What kind of speed must it be?


When everyone was questioning Wang Yuan, Song Yang suddenly raised his hand and made an unusual noise.

Then, a yellow feather appeared in Song Yang's hand, and Song Yang cursed: You want to touch my face! You must run fast.

This is?

Seeing the feather in Song Yang's hand, everyone finally believed Wang Yuan's words this time.

Just as Wang Yuan had guessed, there was a very fast demon nearby, even so fast that it was difficult to detect with the naked eye. Could this be the defender of the Tianxuan Formation?

Quack! You can actually touch me. The little girl is very skilled.

At this time, a strange cry came from the sky.

Everyone looked up when they heard the sound, and saw a middle-aged handsome man floating in the sky, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a straight nose, and two golden wings spread out three feet wide on his back.

He was holding a square-shaped painted halberd in his hand, which was quite majestic.

Such a handsome young man looks like an angel in Western mythology, but his eyes are a bit obscene.

This bird-man is called the Peng Demon King, and his title is the Great Sage Huntian. The wings under his ribs are endowed with supernatural powers. He can blow the wind and the sea, move the north and the south, and can travel ninety thousand miles away with just one flap of his wings.

Although the cultivation level has been reduced to the Void Return Stage, it is still so fast that ordinary people cannot detect it.

It turns out to be you bastard!

When Dugu Xiaoling saw the culprit who touched her, she pulled out two Gatling guns and the bullets poured out like a violent storm.

The rest of the rabble also followed suit and launched an attack on the birdman.


Demon King Peng laughed and let everyone attack, he stood there motionless. Even so, everyone's attacks passed through Demon King Peng and flew far away.


Everyone could see how fast this guy was. Facing the airtight attacks from everyone, he dodged past at a speed that was barely noticeable to anyone, even though he stood there.

What kind of speed is this?

Obviously, in his eyes, everyone's movements are no different from a snail, and they are completely like high-latitude creatures.

Hey hey hey!

After suffering a wave of attacks from everyone, Demon King Peng chuckled, and drew his halberd downwards with Fang Tian in his hand.


When they boarded the boat, the sea was split in two, and waves surged from both sides, threatening to engulf everyone's boat.


Everyone reacted quickly and flew up with their flying swords. Dugu Xiaoling easily took back her boat.

At this time, Demon King Peng appeared behind Dugu Xiaoling again, reached out and touched Dugu Xiaoling's chest, making Dugu Xiaoling scream in surprise.

The mob was very surprised, what kind of bullshit hobby does this Peng Demon King have? Dugu Xiaoling's chest is not as plump as Wang Yuan's. Doesn't this paw make you feel lonely?

The life of the star king in this heaven is boring enough.


The Peng Demon King is a wretched and lecherous guy, and when put together with the Macaque King Jiao Demon King, he is a standard pornographic, gambling, and drug addict, but this guy has no intention of harming anyone.

After a successful attack, Peng Demon King smiled obscenely and immediately flew away, spinning around and landing next to Su Nian Jinshi.

There was a crisp sound of Pa!, and there was a paw print on Su Nian Jinshi's butt.

The angry Su Nianjinshi immediately started casting spells randomly.

Next, Yimeng Rushi and Bei Moting were also attacked by Demon King Peng. When they finally wanted to touch Song Yang, this girl was very fast. Before Demon King Peng could fly to him, she suddenly dodged, as if she had predicted the attack of Demon King Peng. Click, the claw of the Peng Demon King missed.

Soon, Song Yang turned around, whipped his left leg, and kicked his right leg towards Peng Demon King.

The Peng Demon King spread his wings, suddenly accelerated, skimmed across the sea at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and soared into the sky without a trace.

The ragtag group of people reorganized their formation again and quickly protected the girls in the middle.

Are you guys okay?

Wang Yuan asked in the channel.

What do you think? Dugu Xiaoling glared at Wang Yuan fiercely and said, It's not you who touches your feelings...

That's right! Lao Niu, you bitch, you have the nerve to ask, but I didn't even touch him twice. Cup Mo Ting said angrily.

Everyone almost laughed out loud after hearing Bei Moting's words.

It didn't matter that the girls were touched, but this guy was also touched. Sure enough, among the ragtag group of girls, Xiao Tingting was still the most handsome.

That monster's skills are average, but he's a little faster! Only Song Yang analyzed seriously: My perception ability is not enough, otherwise I would have caught him.

Oh? My skills are average? No wonder you don't dare to fight us head-on. Wang Yuan thought thoughtfully.

Tiao Zi also said: If you are gifted with all the speed, how good can your skills be? But then again, with this speed, no matter how average your skills are, it can turn everything into something magical, unless you make him unable to fly.

Can't fly... this is difficult! Feiyun Tuxue said: My control skills can't keep up with his speed at all.

I can't keep up either... Tiaozi shook his head in frustration.

It would be great if I could catch him. Song Yang said: Unfortunately, my perception ability is a little bit poor. If he just touched it, he would probably be caught.

Aren't you talking nonsense? Beimo Ting said: With the appearance of Lao Niu, who can do it?

It doesn't matter if you turn off the lights, it's so dark here. Mario was quite advanced.

That's for ordinary people. Do you know how good the eagle's eyesight is? Chang Aiko, the master of animal research, asked.

Everyone was talking to each other, but Wang Yuan thought for a moment and said: Since you said that, it doesn't mean that he can't be allowed to touch me...

He doesn't know how to touch food no matter how hungry he is...

Just as Bei Mo Ting was about to continue taunting, he saw Wang Yuan's body distorted and transformed into Murong Shuang's appearance.


Cup Mo Ting's last words were choked back into his mouth.

Damn! I almost forgot about it. Others were overjoyed.

Old Niu, let the brothers have some fun. Mario whistled and shouted.

Wang Yuan was not stingy either. He held up his chest with both hands and pulled down the belts on both sides, revealing his snow-white shoulders.

Good brother, be loyal!

The ruffians were excited and talking incoherently.

The girls' faces were dark.

Su Nian Jinshi seemed to have thought of something and asked, Have you also changed our appearance?


There was a moment of silence.

Haha! Don't worry about those details. Wang Yuan waved his hand and laughed awkwardly.

The girls' faces turned darker.

At the same time, the Peng Demon King also flew back from a distance.

Hurry up and hide! Wang Yuan quickly changed the subject and asked the girls to hide in the crowd, and then used the charm technique.

Murong Shuang was already very handsome and had a good figure. Coupled with Wang Yuan's coquettishness and pretentiousness, he also used the charm technique. Under the light effect of Feiyun Taxue's equipment, he was quite alluring.

Even the ragtag group of people who knew that the beauty in front of them was Wang Yuan almost couldn't grasp it.

Hey...what a coquettish little lady!

Demon King Peng smiled lewdly when he saw Wang Yuandeng. He flapped his wings and came to Wang Yuan in an instant. He grabbed Wang Yuan with his claws.

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