After the banquet, Ye Fan and all the staff of the company were at the door of the hotel and sent off the banquet guests one by one. It was two o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone got into the business car driven by the calf and galloped towards the company.

At half past two, they arrived downstairs of the company, only to see that the front of the company building had been cleaned up, leaving only the colorful flag ropes hanging down from the upper floor, fluttering in the wind, flying up and down.

"Stand your way! Open the door and welcome! Ye Fan arranged with a smile.

"Okay! Ye Dong! Everyone replied, and the lonely couple and Junxiang each walked to their studios and got busy.

Ye Fan and Erya followed each other to the second floor. The second floor is elegantly designed, divided into office area, business area, leisure area, kitchen and dining room, lounge, bathroom.

They had just sat down on the couch in the relaxation area, and the calf who had put the cart on was just going upstairs. The calf made two cups of hot tea for the two, and immediately went downstairs to help Junxiang and them.

The morning flyer really didn't have gray hair. After knowing that it was free for three days, some customers came to the door with the attitude of giving it a try.

A couple in their fifties brought their son to the marriage hall to test their son's marriage. The owner of the Ruthless Pavilion looked at his birthday in combination with his face, and said:

This child, the four pillars are a prosperous appearance, and he is also stocky and fat, honest and honest. The four pillars have no wealth, their wives are powerless, and their fortune has not been helped, so they are nearly forty years old and have not yet married.

There is an existing method to solve the dilemma, and it must be followed like this. At the end of February, you can meet a good relationship. Marriage will be made in October, and then it will be 30 years of marriage luck. Husband and wife are loving, wives and children are filial, and they are happy to old age.

The three of them took the solution, thanked the hall owner, and went back suspiciously to try to do it.

Junxiang's rejuvenation hall also came to the patient. The patient was pushed by his family on a cart. Fortunately, considering that there are emergency patients with limited mobility in the Rejuvenation Hall, there is a fast track that can directly push the patients in.

Jun Xiang briefly asked the family a few words. Only then did I know that the patient was transferred from Huangxian Hospital. Huangxian Hospital has issued a critical illness notice to the patient, informing him that he is ready for the future.

When the family heard about the opening of the Huichun Hall today, they read the company's flyer and had a glimmer of hope in their hearts, so they decided to let the patients come here to give it a try. What if what this leaflet says is true?

Jun Xiang first checked the pulse of the patient who was in a deep coma, then asked the family members about the patient's cause and symptoms at the time of the onset, and finally asked about the medication and treatment in the hospital.

Jun Xiang fell silent, and her face turned angry.

"Doctor God, is there any cure for my father's disease? You'll have to show him! We beg you! After a middle-aged man finished speaking, he knelt down straight for Junxiang. The family members on the side also knelt down.

Junxiang and Xiaoniu hurriedly helped them up one by one.

"I'll do my best. The hospital was wrong. It wasn't the acute influenza they were diagnosed with at all. Junxiang said.

"It's monkeypox, which is infected by the monkey smallpox virus. Symptoms include fever, severe headache, swollen lymph nodes, back pain, muscle pain, and lack of energy due to exposure to the blood, body fluids, or bites of infected animals. Junxiang explained.

"The patient has missed the optimal period of treatment. I'm going to give him acupuncture for first aid now. After you discuss and decide, you need to sign and confirm on the rescue risk responsibility notice.

We would like to inform you that we will not be responsible for the accidental death of a patient in the event of ineffective rescue efforts. It will take effect after the signature of the family members. Junxiang said.

Several family members hesitated for only a few seconds before they made up their minds to sign their names on the notice.

Jun Xiang then took out the acupuncture box and began to use the Tianxin moxibustion method to give first aid to the patient.

The patient's family cooperated to remove the patient's clothes, Jun Xiang picked up five silver needles, the tips of the needles were aimed at the sun in the sky, and she turned the silver needles clockwise five times and counterclockwise five times. said in his mouth:

"The universe is bright, and the sun is the heart of heaven." Shine brightly, drive away turbidity and stay clear! "Finished.

Seeing that the tips of the five silver needles suddenly lit up, and the sun's rays were connected, Jun Xiang easily inserted the four silver needles into the patient's Laogong and Yongquan acupoints. The last silver needle was directly inserted into the patient's Baihui acupoint.

The family couldn't help but be shocked. If she accidentally touched her brain, would that person still be alive?

After the five silver needles were inserted, the patient did not move. Jun Xiang has a saying:

"The cycle of the five elements, the four elephants of Tai Chi." Five, four, three, two, one. Enter! Just

as Junxiang shouted in, a miracle happened. The five silver needles on the patient's body suddenly all trembled, and the silver needles in his Baihui acupoint trembled even more obviously. After counting five again, Jun Xiang shouted again:

"One yang comes and goes, and four yin detoxifies!" Enter! After counting five, the patient's forehead lit up.

"The heart of heaven drives away evil spirits, and the epidemic leaves the body! Vent! "After five counts, the gray sick qi around the dead leaked out from the Laogong acupoint and Yongquan acupoint...

The fifth form of Tianxin acupuncture:

"Yang seals the yin door, and the vitality is full!" Nourish! After counting five, the patient's brow furrowed and relaxed. His eyelids fluttered a few times, and he woke up.

At the end of the needle, Jun Xiang received the silver needle. She turned to her family and said, "The

patient's life has finally been saved. You will also need to stay in bed for five weeks. No more going to the hospital. I will prescribe a prescription for the patient, and you go to the pharmacy to grab five pairs of Chinese medicine to regulate his body.

Remember, soak a pair of medicines in a pot with water for an hour, then boil over a fire, and after boiling for 20 minutes, pour out the medicinal soup.

After 20 minutes, pour out the medicinal soup and mix it with the last medicinal soup, and take it twice a day.

After Jun Xiang finished speaking, he wrote down the prescription on a piece of paper and handed it to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man took the prescription. Thanks. Hurriedly took out more than 10,000 yuan from his body, trembled and handed it to Jun Xiang and said

, "Divine doctor, this is the medical fee we gave you." We only have so much, if that's not enough, we'll give you an IOU and pay it back to you slowly in the future. "

Uncle, you quickly collect the money. We are newly opened, and the first three days are free of charge. It doesn't cost anything.

Jun Xiang hurriedly refused. The middle-aged man saw that Junxiang really didn't take money. So, he knelt on the ground again, knocked his head three times, and then left with his family members, pushing the cart with the patient, and smiling with tears of joy.

From now on, they can gather together as a family and live together. To live is to hope, and hope is to strength. Strength will make their lives better in the future.

This is the most basic pursuit of happiness and the truest portrayal of life for every member of an ordinary family.

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