Boom! boom! Bang…

The ten million-ton nuclear explosion blew a big gap on the side of Beastman.

The ground collapsed, hong long long continued, thousands of Star Beast scattered ashes and smoke dispersed in the nuclear explosion.

Fang Yuan stood on the ruins of the nuclear explosion and saw his anger surge.

Destroying the Star Beast brood is directly 8000 points of anger.

From the acquisition of anger points, it can be determined that the Star Beast Brood is actually a kind of creature, and there are emotions.

From the perspective of biological research, the Star Beast brood is the reproductive organ of the Star Beast civilization, which is as large as a city.

A nuclear explosion of 10 million tons yielded 20,000 points of anger.

Not only that, Fang Yuan also felt that the energy level of Star Power soared during the nuclear explosion, and the breakthrough energy level bottleneck instantly rushed to Meteor Level Lv.2.

At this time, a rustle was heard in the communication channel.

“Fang Yuan, please answer when you hear…Fang Yuan, please answer when you hear…”

The formidable power of the nuclear explosion affected the communication signal, Zhao Anya kept calling .

After two minutes, Fang Yuan’s voice appeared in the communication channel: “I’m fine, I don’t need to call like this.”

Zhao Anya said in a serious tone: Your speed, you can completely get out of the scope of the nuclear explosion before the uranium 235 explodes. Why do you have to do such a dangerous move?”

Fang Yuan was almost standing in the center of the nuclear explosion just now and watched this great gift. flower.

Hearing Zhao Anya’s serious voice, Fang Yuan did not pick up her stubbornness, but reported: “Successfully destroyed the Star Beast brood and the mission is complete.”

Yu Hongsheng ordered : “The support of the Star Beast civilization will arrive soon. Clean up the battlefield immediately!”

The Divine Boat and Chixian continued to lower their altitude, approaching the beast guard one after another 10,000 meters away, the weapon system Fire wildly and clean up the remaining Star Beast.

Fang Yuan raises his palm and feels the uranium-235 element all around.

I originally wanted to try and see if there was any uranium 235 element that did not explode. However, after the attempt, there was a slight accident. The one ton of uranium 235 that was thrown out was completely nuclear-detonated, and nothing was left.

In this case, if it is a nuclear bomb made by humans, it is almost impossible.

In the last century, not many nuclear bombs were used by mankind in wars.

There is a nuclear bomb called a little boy. It uses 6 kilograms of uranium 235, but only 1 kilogram of it actually exploded.

The reason is that it is difficult for the chain reaction to detonate all the uranium-235.

For uranium 235 to undergo a nuclear explosion, neutrons need to strike the nucleus of uranium 235.

However, in the real world, the distance between the nucleus of matter and the nucleus is very far, and the inside of matter is very empty.

Therefore, the probability of a neutron hitting the nucleus is actually very low.

For this reason, the chain reaction of uranium 235 cannot make all uranium nuclei explode.

Under normal circumstances, the explosion of a fission bomb will produce a lot of radioactive elements, which is the true source of nuclear pollution.

Because the fission bomb cannot explode all the uranium-235, most of the uranium-235 will be scattered into the natural environment with the explosion, causing pollution.

However, Raman Campbell’s “235U”ability is very special, directly causing uranium 235 to undergo fission reactions.

There will be no incomplete chain reaction like fission bombs.

Therefore, after using “235U” to detonate uranium 235, one ton of uranium 235 exploded, exploding more than 10 million tons of equivalent energy.

At the same time, because all the uranium 235 exploded, there will be no residual radioactive elements, so there is no nuclear pollution at all.

Fang Yuan once again felt the dominance of this ability, and couldn’t help sighing. After waking up, he killed Raman Campbell.

Otherwise, if Raman Campbell is allowed to participate in this civilized war, mankind will inevitably feel the fear of being dominated by 235U.

The Awakener fighters on the Divine Boat and Chixian all jumped out of the spaceship and landed on Beast Guards to quickly clean up the remaining Star Beast.

Under the violent firepower of the two space battleships, the remaining Star Beast did not have any resistance, and was torn to pieces by the steel barrage, exploding into flesh and blood covering the earth.

Only one difficult thing to deal with is the three-hundred-meter-long Void King Snake.

However, the Void King Serpent’s body was pierced by the spikes of the Sombra Shield armor from within the body, and it became a hedgehog.

These spikes are made of materials with strong interaction forces, no matter how they struggle or twist, they cannot break them.

It roared frantically, opened its mouth, and wanted to spit out Niu Dazhi from its belly.

However, Niu Dazhi exploded a sea urchin out of the Sombra Shield. He was like a sea urchin stuck in the stomach of the Void King Snake. No matter how the Void King Snake struggles or vomits, he Unable to spit him out.

bang! Boom…

The Void King Serpent roar hit the rock on the ground, rolling in pain.

Niu Dazhi triumphantly chuckled and said: “What is not good to eat, you have to swallow your fat man. The fat man is famous for being smelly and hard. Who swallows bad luck.”

“Boom him!”

On the Divine Boat, Eve controlled the kinetic energy cannon and blasted the Void King Snake fiercely. I don’t know if I wanted to bomb the Void King Snake or the guy inside. Kill it together.

After being fired by a salvo of naval guns, the Void King Snake tore the dimensional membrane and used a high-dimensional shuttle to escape.

Niu Dazhi was brought into the high-dimensional space, and immediately felt something was wrong, and then discovered a terrifying thing.

If the King Void Snake is taken to the far depths of space, when the time comes, even if the King Void Snake is killed, he will have to drift in space and starve to death.

“no! Help me, help me!” Niu Dazhi felt something was wrong, and immediately yelled.

It’s just that, after passing through the dimensional membrane, the communication has been cut off, and no one can hear his shout.

“It’s over, it’s over…”

Niu Dazhi felt bad, quick witted in an emergency, and began to talk to the Void King Snake about conditions: “Then what, you take me Go back, how about I let you vomit me out?”

The Void King Snake is an advanced creature in the Star Beast civilization. It is extremely intelligent and can understand the meaning of Niu Dazhi, but it has nothing to do with it. The meaning of, continued to shuttle in the high-dimensional space, and also made an angry roar. The meaning of rejection in the roar sound is obvious.

“Madan! When I go back, must apply for a booster for my Black Dragon Battle Armor, must be better than Fang Yuan’s.” Niu Dazhi whispering, continue to tip the black crystal shield The thorn went out and made a hole in the Void King Serpent, in a posture of seeing who dies first.

Just when he thought he was going to finish.

A flash of light suddenly flashed in front of him, and a chasing pufferfish showed half of his head in front of him, looking at him curiously.

Niu Dazhi immediately eyes shined, and hurriedly shouted: “Go and call Fang Yuan to rescue me, go quickly.”

“Belly” not at all listen to this order He continued to wag his tail and looked at him curiously.

“Go! Big brother, can’t I call you big brother?” Niu Dazhi asked with a pleading expression.

“Big Belly” doesn’t catch a cold, his eyes roll and look at the Void King Snake.

Niu Dazhi reacted immediately: “It’s yours, it’s all to you, how you want to suck it!”

“Big Belly” fluttered his tail happily and disappeared.

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