The Moore mining area was lost and the three Star Beast broods were destroyed, which immediately made the Star Beast civilization feel a huge threat.

The White Eagle battlefield originally opened up was immediately abandoned, and the Star Beast group withdrew from the White Eagle to Star Beast world.

There are only alienated people who can no longer withstand the suppression of the White Eagle army.

Seeing that the trend is over, Star Beast civilization recalled the aliens and officially announced the failure of the gene injection program.

Alienists are special humans that the Star Beast civilization injects control genes into human individuals.

Alienating human within the body, except for the alienating gene, is exactly similar to humans elsewhere.

Even reproductive isolation did not occur. From a scientific point of view, alienated person and ordinary person belong to the same species.

It’s just that, in terms of belonging camp, alienated people belong to Star Beast civilization.

Therefore, the alienated person itself is a complex of contradictions.

From the perspective of the number of alienated people in the world, if several decades are passed and alienated people are allowed to reproduce for a few more generations, the number of alienated people will exceed 50% of the total number of humans. The annexation of Beast civilization is an established fact, and there will be no room for struggle.

According to the research of biologists, it has been basically determined that the first batch of alienation humans injected with alienation genes started sixty years ago.

In other words.

When the first space rift appeared in Earth, the Star Beast civilization began to carry out gene injection.

In the past sixty years, humans have not discovered the existence of alienating genes.

In this way, let the alienated people multiply from generation to generation, almost subverting the entire human civilization.

Fortunately, humans are lucky. Before the number of aliens reached a critical value, the existence of alienation genes was discovered, which also changed the fate of human beings being annexed by the Star Beast civilization.

Even if humans discovered the existence of alienation genes, the Star Beast civilization still did not abandon the alienation gene plan, and wanted to rely on alienation humans to come back and control a human country.

Unfortunately, in human civilization, there is a country whose biotechnology is too open.

The emergence of the “base scalpel” directly enabled Donghai’s biotechnology to surpass the Star Beast civilization and successfully eliminate the threat of alienated people.

If it weren’t for the “base scalpel,” even if the alien was detected, there would be no way to deal with it.

Now, as long as you still hold the “base scalpel”, Donghai’s genetic technology level can reach 1.Level 2 or even 1.Level 3.

Controllable nuclear fusion, genetic technology, coupled with material technology with strong interaction, are all super technology that transcends the times.

The level of human science and technology, driven by these three technologies, has truly begun to jump, and it is a big bang of technology.

If a year ago, the scientific community generally believed that human beings had no hope of survival except for escaping from the solar system, now they have seen a little hope.

In fact, among human beings, those who stand at the top of the pyramid of wisdom, everyone knows what kind of crisis human civilization faces, and most of them are trying their best to find hope for human life.

It’s just that sometimes the external situation and the performance of politicians make many scientists useless.


At the most critical time, the East China Sea took the lead in making breakthroughs in science and technology, and use point to break surface, a breakthrough of one kind of technology, drove other technologies to soar.

In the end, driven by technology, the solar furnace was used as a bait to promote this joint counter-offensive.

Undoubtedly, in this joint counter-offensive operation, under the double temptation of the Sun Furnace and Xingyuan Mine, the armies of the major councils have exerted their full strength, and the results have been better than expected.


Because of the victory in the battle of the Moore mining area, the Star Beast civilization retreated from the battlefield of the White Eagle and instantly relieved the White Eagle.

Star Beast civilization retreats, and the alienated human organization is in a state of being attacked by the enemy.

Star Beast civilization immediately recalled aliens.

The internal divisions of the alienated human organization began to appear, and some alienated humans organized an organized impact on the space rift, and escaped to Star Beast world through the space rift.

Some aliens can only flee in panic on Earth.

They don’t want to escape to Star Beast world, they can’t escape to Star Beast world.

The reason is also very helpless, because Star Beast civilization has injected control genes into their bodies, but it has not given them the ability to survive in Star Beast world.

Yes, Star Beast world does not have oxygen, there is a place where only Star Beast can survive.

Except for a few Awakener who have awakened their anaerobic viability, most aliens cannot survive in Star Beast world.

Therefore, these alienated people who cannot survive in Star Beast world are in a very embarrassing situation.

In fact.

The alienation gene was discovered two years ago. Since then, the existence of aliens has been exposed, but the Star Beast civilization never recalled aliens to Star Beast world from beginning to end. The reason is Alienated people cannot survive there.

Therefore, only a small half of alienated people accepted the recall of Star Beast civilization, passed through the space rift, and escaped to Star Beast world.

However, these alienated people who fled to Star Beast world do not all have the ability to survive without oxygen.

Only a few aliens can survive in an oxygen-free environment, some are equipped with oxygen supply equipment, and some rely on other aliens who can produce oxygen to survive.

There are some alienated people who have nothing left, and blindly fled to Star Beast world, they could only choke their necks in the anaerobic air, and died of suffocation.

Star Beast civilization recalled the aliens and officially announced the failure of the alienation gene injection program.

Two hours after the recall order was issued.

A 30-person alienation team attacked a medium-sized space rift on the west coast of White Eagle and entered the Star Beast world.

This alien team seems to have only 30 people, but the strength is very strong. Almost all 30 people are above War Level, and one or two of them do not reach War Level. Special ability.

The leader of this alien team, wearing a eagle-class battle clothes, walked through the fissure cave and waited before a fissure abyss.

“What are we waiting for?” a black man asked.

The leader took off his mask to reveal his lineup, a brown-haired white man, Ralph Cook.

This former Chief-In-Charge of the White Eagle delegation has always been hidden in the top of the White Eagle Congress. No one thought that he was a leading alienation person with a type B alienation gene.

Type B alienation gene, in addition to improving a certain combat effectiveness, it has a natural deterrent against type A alienation gene carriers.

Therefore, he can make any type A alienated allegiance.

Ralph Cook looked up at the sky. At the far end of the sky, there was a star with the size of a fist. It was the “sun” of the Star Beast’s home galaxy. Because the distance was too far, Star The surface temperature of the planet Beast is very low.

However, this is nothing for Awakener above War Level.

Ralph looked at the endless abyss ahead, and said leisurely: “Go to our New World.”

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