The Divine Boat attracted the attention of the Star Beast group. Ten east winds were delivered by express delivery, bombing the B2 area of ​​the Moore mining area, and creating mushroom clouds on the ground.

Boom! boom! Bang…

Countless Star Beasts were reduced to ashes in the nuclear explosion, and smoke filled the sky.

After the mushroom cloud washed the ground, the mechanized troops launched an attack, and the rockets crossed the parabola like a meteor shower and flew to the Star Beast brood, bursting with endless noise.

The battle broke out to the apex in an instant.

Steel barrage, frantically strangling Star Beast, shredding all Star Beast that broke out of the brood into pieces of flesh and blood.

Continuously out of Star Beast in the brood of Star Beast.

The most terrifying Devil Ray flies into the sky. Its kilometer-long body, thanks to a space battleship, is dozens of times larger than the Divine Boat, which obscures the sky and terrifying matchless.

In the densely packed pores of the Lord of Devil Rays, black meat balls began to spurt out.

The one-meter-diameter meat ball fell to the ground and burst open, crawling out of the slap-sized devil rays, and pounced on the human army.

Lord Devil Ray spews more and more meat balls, and more and more small devil rays crawl out.

Tens of thousands of devil rays pounce on the human army like a tide, like a group of monsters crawling out of hell, choosing people and devouring them.

The human forces opened fire frantically, intertwined with steel barrage, strangling the devil rays.

The fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce. The rumbling sound and explosion sound intertwined into a symphony of killing, resounding through the entire sky.



The roar of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, came from the Star Beast brood, as if the demonic beast of hell was awakened.

Along with the roar, a fierce and terrifying aura spread, shaking everyone’s hearts and souls.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a huge Thunder Beast crawling out from the bottom of the Star Beast brood, roar towards the sky, shaking out a ring of thunderstorms.

As soon as Thunder Beast appeared, Zhao Anya quickly used “Star Energy Spectrum Analysis” to probe, and then gave the data: “Meteor Level Lv.3, average attribute 2000, power over 2800.”

Yu Hongsheng heard the Thunder Beast data given by the investigator and immediately made a decision: “The Super Soldier is ready.”

“I’m coming.”

He Minghao stood up, The voice faintly asked for a fight.

Yu Hongsheng did not hesitate, raised his hand and pointed forward, and said: “Go.”

He Minghao immediately ran to the door of the Divine Boat, flew out, and rushed towards Thunder Beast, and Thunder Beast fight fiercely.

His Star Power level has reached Meteor Level Lv.2, and his strength is very strong.

This level is already a rare super powerhouse on Earth.

Boom! boom! Bang…

After he played, he fought Thunder Beast at close range and shook one after another fierce shock wave, which was extremely fierce.

Yu Hongsheng observed for half a minute and determined that He Minghao could deal with this Thunder Beast, so he turned his attention to other places.

“Have you found out the size of the underground part of the Star Beast brood?” he asked immediately.

“The area with a diameter of five kilometers has been explored, and the end has not yet been discovered. This Star Beast brood is larger than expected. It is estimated that the underground area will exceed 30 square kilometers.” Zhao Anya gave a shocking answer.

The Star Beast brood with a diameter of five kilometers, a single Star Beast brood is comparable to a small city.

“Can you estimate the number of Star Beast?” Yu Hongsheng asked again.

“According to the underground area of ​​the Star Beast brood, the number of Star Beasts in this Star Beast brood will exceed 1.5 million, which is more than originally expected…”

Zhao Anya paused, holding a piece of data, looking at it and saying: “Moreover, the Star Beast brood here is close to Xingyuan Mine.

” Xingyuan Mine is a highly active Energy can be continuously supplied to Star Beast brood to incubate Star Beast.

“Therefore, this Star Beast brood can continuously hatch Star Beast. If the Star Beast brood is not destroyed as soon as possible, Star Beast is almost impossible to kill.”

Yu Hongsheng’s expression became serious.

Because the Star Beast brood is rooted in the Star Source Mine, it can continuously absorb the energy of the Star Source Mine and use it to hatch Star Beast.

Make Star Beast endless.

However, the ammunition of the human army is numerous.

Fighting this time, the dispatched army rushed to a thousand kilometers to attack the Moore mining area, and they did not carry much ammunition.

“According to the established strategic goals, we need to do it quickly. The amount of ammunition carried by the troops is limited. This battle cannot be delayed.”

Yu Hongsheng said in a deep voice and looked again. After watching He Minghao’s battle, he found that although He Minghao suppressed the Meteor Level Thunder Beast, he might not be able to kill Thunder Beast depending on the situation.

Fang Yuan pressed the glove of the Battle Armor and said: “Then it’s time for me to play.”

Just then.

A transparent thing flew towards the Divine Boat.

There was a “bang” bang from the top of the Divine Boat.

Han Youwei shook his body and quickly said: “The top was hit hard, the attack level is very high!”

Zhao Anya quickly looked up, “Star Energy Spectrum Analysis” Passing through the top of the Divine Boat, scanning what appeared above, frowned suddenly.

“It’s a mimetic beast, Meteor Level!”

Fang Yuan frowned, stepping towards the door: “I will solve it!”

“No , Mimics are notoriously difficult and will waste a lot of your time.” Zhao Anya immediately rejected Fang Yuan’s proposal.

The Institute of Biology has thoroughly researched the information on mimics.

The mimicry beast has a strong mimicry ability and can simulate the ability of any creature.

Therefore, the mimic beast can basically level the combat effectiveness of any creature.

Even if it is a powerful super powerhouse, even if it is very powerful, when facing the mimic beast, even if it can win, it will waste a lot of time.

Yu Hongsheng thought about it and said: “Change someone to deal with the mimetic beast, Fang Yuan, your target is the Star Beast brood.”

There are only two Meteors in the military research class. Level super soldier.

He Minghao has already played against Thunder Beast.

So, Fang Yuan is the only super soldier that can be dispatched.

Fang Yuan looked back, frowned and said, “There are no other super fighters.”

At this time, Niu Dazhi stood up, patted his chest and said: “Who said that it is necessary to deal with mimics? Go to the super soldier, look at me. Let it simulate me, I can fight with him until the next century.”

He ran to the hatch, climbed out, and climbed to Divine. At the top of the Boat, he threw himself at the mimic beast, fighting with the mimic beast.

“The inferior horse is very suitable for the superior horse. And he can also pull the opposite superior horse down into an inferior one.” Eve smiled and gave an evaluation.

On the top of the Divine Boat, Niu Dazhi is covered with a black crystal shield and shaped into the shape of the Black Dragon Battle Armor.

It looks like the fat “Black Dragon” is fighting with the mimic beast.

The mimetic beast began to imitate Niu Dazhi and became a defensive power shield.

The two meat shields crossed each other, rolled off the Divine Boat, hit the ground, and continued to fight.

The meat shields cross each other, hitting murky heavens dark earth, fists to the flesh, but they do not break the defense at all.

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