Language, not at all, is so mysterious, it is actually the way that intelligent life communicates.

Any way of communication requires a medium.

The medium of human communication with sound is air.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, if life is born on planets with atmosphere, then these life will gradually evolve the ability to communicate with voice.

Every way of communication is related to the biological senses.

In addition to communicating with voice, humans can also use body language. The sensory organ used by body language is the eye, which transmits information through vision.

If an organism develops an organ that emits electromagnetic waves, then there will also be a faster way of communication.

No matter what method is used to communicate, as long as you want to record the information, it will inevitably produce text.

The Electronic Information Department of the Academy of Military Sciences took three days to find out all the information recorded in the meteorite microbe genes and gave a more detailed report.

“From the base code analysis, the information left by the meteorite civilization should be written as a carrier…”

Lu Xiuwen looked at the analysis report and sent to the military The students of the scientific research class explained: “The text left by the meteorite civilization in the microbial genetic code is about 20,000 characters or words.

“There are more than 2,000 independent words or words that are not repeated. . Judging from this feature, the characters of the meteorite civilization have a low repetition rate and are not alphabetic characters of the English language. “

“How can you tell that it is not alphabetic?” “Niu Dazhi asked curiously.

“Is this not simple yet?” If it is a letter, there are only 26. How can there be 2,000 unique words? Even if there are a lot of letters in the meteorite civilization, there are 100 letters, that is, 100 independent and non-repetitive letters, not 2000. Unless this civilization has a pit in its brain, it will come up with 2,000 letters. “Eve Tanshou explained.

“Well, no English is great. “Niu Dazhi immediately applauded and applauded.

Eve covered his forehead, showing an expression that could no longer be saved.

“If it is 2000 letters, with this huge alphabet library , A single letter should have a separate meaning, which is actually no different from a single word. The reason why a single letter in English does not have meaning is because the alphabet library is too small and requires multiple letters to express meaning. “Lu Xiuwen added.

In addition to professors from the Institute of Biology, there are also several professors of cosmological sociology.

On the study of alien civilization, Lang Tongguang It’s more professional.

He took out a document, sent it to the people in front of him, and explained: “Actually, after getting the analysis report on the meteorite civilization left by the Academy of Military Sciences, I and Several colleagues immediately made a text comparison.

“This is our single-character statistics using several Chinese character papers. As the meteorite civilization information analysis shows, there are a total of 20,000 characters.

“So, we picked a few articles The statistics of papers of about 20,000 words show that the number of independent and non-repeated words in the paper is between 1,000 and 1,400.

“English papers are not considered for the time being. There are only 26 independent letters that are not repeated, and 36 numbers with Arabic numerals, which are of no reference value.

“We did it. We have made more than 100 copies of single-character statistics in Chinese character literature, and the results are all between 1,000 and 1,400, with an average of 1,200 words.

“The sample is sufficient, so it is basically certain that the document written in Chinese characters has an average of 1200 independent words without repetition under the length of 20,000 words.

“This and meteorite There are some gaps in the 2000 non-repetitive independent words of civilization. However, the gap is less than twice, and this gap is actually not that big in the study of alien characters.

“Therefore, judging from the number of independent words appearing, the characters used by the meteorite civilization have similar characteristics to the Chinese characters.

“It can be preliminarily determined that the text library of the meteorite civilization , Should be larger than Chinese characters, and the number of commonly used characters is more than that of Chinese characters.

“According to these characters, deciphering will be much easier.”

Fang Yuan asked after thinking for a moment: “How long will it take to decipher the meaning of this information?”


“This is not yet certain. Because there is no basis, it is very difficult to decipher using the exhaustive method. What is more difficult is that even if it is exhaustive, there is no standard answer, even if it is deciphered. If the result is out, it is impossible to determine whether the deciphering result is correct or not. This is the most difficult part.” Lang Tongguang explained.

“Is there no better way?” Fang Yuan felt that the technical means of the Academy of Military Sciences should not be there.

“Of course there is a way. You can guess a part of the text first…”

Lang Tongguang then explained: “For example, through analysis, we have basically determined that the meteorite Civilization is all characters, which have many characteristics similar to Chinese characters.

“Then we can guess further. What is the meaning of the most repeated words in the documents left by the meteorite civilization?

“For example, in the Chinese character literature, the most repeated character is usually the character’的’, and the second is the character’Yes’.

“Then, we can continue to guess, Is there a word like’的’ in the text of meteorite civilization?

“If there is, is the word that is repeated the most, or is it a word with a similar meaning.

“Of course this is just a guess, because the word in Chinese ‘Is an auxiliary word and has no meaning in itself.

“We are not yet sure that there are such meaningless particles in the language of meteorite civilization.

“So, this guessing process needs to be verified to determine whether it is correct. “

Lu Xiuwen took the conversation and said: “Indeed, the study of alien characters is really difficult. It’s not like Oracle, which can guess its meaning through the shape of the text.

“Now we are presented with a string of meaningless codes. It is really difficult to guess the meaning of the text based on the characteristics of the code.”

Fang Yuan is nodded while thinking. and said: “Indeed, but you can also guess what information may be left by the meteorite civilization, and then code and decipher it.

“For example, when the meteorite civilization is destroyed, what you most want to leave Information, the opening chapter should first introduce their civilization. Then it should also talk about the reasons for the demise of civilization. Was it destroyed by higher civilization? It was destroyed by natural disasters in the universe.

“It should be easier to speculate on the content of the information first, and then decipher the text, right?”

Lang Tongguang nodded in agreement: “This idea is correct, but still Supercomputers are needed to decipher. The human brain’s advantage is imagination, but in terms of computing power, computers have more advantages.”

“It shouldn’t be too long. A week or two should be able to Get the result.” Lu Xiuwen said.

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