The success of the mimic brain beast completely removed the domestic threat of alienation.

However, the threat of alienation from other countries is not something that the East China Sea can intervene at will.

Even if the East China Sea War Zone is willing to dispatch mimic brain beasts to solve the alienation problem for other council countries, these alliances with Zhou State will not agree.

The reason is very simple, if the East China Sea dispatches the mimic brain beast, then impossible will directly hand the mimic brain beast to the opponent, and must send a strong Awakener team to escort.

Not only that, in order to prevent the attacks of alien organizations, there must be a force to support it.

The Alliance Zhou State, which has caused a lot of trouble with the alienation organization, will not agree to the entry of the Awakener troops from the East China Sea. Therefore, even if you want to help, the other party will not accept it.

In fact, the East China Sea has tried its best to help other Planetary Defense Council countries in the Alienator crisis.

The manufacturing technology of control factor inhibitors is only a symbolic license fee.

If the pharmaceutical companies that produce control factor inhibitors are not so dark and have inhibitors, the disturbances caused by alienators can be reduced by at least 30%.

However, things are not the same as originally expected.

One month has passed. Although the price of control factor inhibitors has dropped a bit, it is still more than $600, which is not affordable by ordinary persons.

Lu Xiuwen also tried to communicate with representatives of the White Eagle Country, hoping to manage the chaotic market of inhibitors, and proposed to authorize several more pharmaceutical companies, but they were all rejected.

“Forget it, I can’t say anything.” After Lu Xiuwen’s hard work, there is no effect, and he can only choose to give up.

“Professor, don’t worry about this. Some people are hopeless. Why should we waste Spirit on such meaningless things? Or continue to do research on genetic technology. Now There should be a breakthrough in the study of electromagnetic waves emitted by the mimic brain beast.” A researcher at the Institute of Biological Research broadly explained.

“I’m also troublesome. Their ruling class doesn’t care. Why do I bother with this? Forget it.” Lu Xiuwen waved his hand and decided not to think about these things.

Fang Yuan came out of the laboratory after completing the mimicry experiment on the mimicry beast.

It happened that a researcher handed a report to Lu Xiuwen and said: “Professor, you need to sign this report. It will be sent to the Academy of Military Sciences for filing before get off work today.”

Lu Xiuwen took it, looked through it, and confirmed the report.

Fang Yuan walked over and curiously asked: “What report?”

“Meteorite microbes, this is the final research report, to be archived.” Lu Xiuwen replied.

“Those microorganisms, have the final research results come out?” Fang Yuan glanced at the report.

“Yes, this is the final research report.” Lu Xiuwen replied.

“How is the result? Have you discovered any genetic technology from these microorganisms?” Fang Yuan asked.

Lu Xiuwen shook his head and said: “No, it’s just a microbe that is very similar to the Earth microbe. It really shows that there may have been traces of other life in the solar system, but these are just some microbes. Nothing special.”

“It’s a pity, I thought these microorganisms would change drastically and mutate into Antiquity Giant Beast and so on.” Fang Yuan cracking a joke said.

“You think too much. Microbes are microbes. If they can mutate into Antiquity Giant Beast so easily, how about waiting until now?” Lu Xiuwen shook his head and said with a smile.

This is indeed the case.

The reason why a microorganism is a microorganism is determined by its own genetic material.

Gene mutations can occur, but the magnitude of gene mutation is actually very small, even just a few base sequence changes.

Such a small change, impossible to turn a microorganism into an Antiquity Giant Beast.

If a microorganism can mutate into an Antiquity Giant Beast, the ability of this thing is comparable to a mimic beast.

“I’m still a bit unwilling. I finally found a microorganism from other terrestrial planets, but nothing exciting happened.”

Fang Yuan said with emotion, he went Before Microscope, take another look at these other kinds of life from the solar system.

“For individual humans, the universe is originally calm and without waves…”

Lu Xiuwen looked up towards the sky outside the window, and then said: “Perhaps in the universe , There are many lives and civilizations.

“However, for us, in our short lives, it is actually difficult to meet those weird individuals.

“So, for us, the universe is indeed peaceful. We can see Star Beast, all because of the subjective behavior of higher civilization.

“If there is no Advent Civilization’s subjective behavior, we and Star Beast world are separated by a thousand light years. Before the level of human civilization exceeds the limit of stellar civilization, it is impossible to meet Star Beast.

“Calculated like this, it will take at least two to three thousand years for the normal development of mankind to discover Star Beast world.

“And only to find that there is no conflict of interest between each other. At most, it is only information exchange, and no fight will occur. “

Fang Yuan is also a little emotional: “Yes. Human beings are not unique and unmatched in the universe. In fact, we are mediocre. Every life is mediocre in the universe. “

“The mediocre principle is well applied. “

Lu Xiuwen smiled and commented. This is a point of view of cosmological philosophy, the content of university courses in military research classes.

Fang Yuan looked at the meteorite microbes in the Microscope and suddenly said : “Can I bring a sample back? “

Lu Xiuwen didn’t expect Fang Yuan to put forward this kind of request, think about it and say: “According to the discipline of the Institute of Biology, creatures from aliens are impossible to bring out of the laboratory. “

“Isn’t it said that these microorganisms are nothing special?” Does it need to be so strict? “Fang Yuan didn’t consider the discipline of the laboratory.

“From the research results, these microorganisms are really nothing special. From my personal knowledge, these microorganisms are not dangerous. However, discipline is discipline. If these microorganisms escape to the outside world, they may still cross-mutate with Earth’s microorganisms. There is uncertainty, so discipline must be observed. Lu Xiuwen replied.

“Fine. “Fang Yuan shrugged does not mean to force it.

Lu Xiuwen added: “However, if you are true, the sample after inactivation can be brought back to you. “

The inactivated samples are the samples of inactive microorganisms.

Fang Yuan just thinks that these microorganisms come from an unknown earth-like world, and want to take a sample back as a souvenir. .

Moreover, under the microscopic observation ability of the “base scalpel”, you can directly see the microstructure of these microorganisms. It feels like looking at a kaleidoscope, which is quite interesting.


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