Outside the ward, Zhao Xiaohui was sitting on a bench in the corridor, holding his head in both hands, feeling confused.

Zhao Jueming woke up for half an hour and fell asleep again.

She did not dare to interrupt father to rest, but she refused to leave, so she had to sit on the bench outside the ward and wait.

She was in a mess, with regrets and guilt.

Zhao Anya sat down beside her, did not comfort her, just sat like that.

Zhao Xiaohui was in a bad mood and said: “Can you let me stay for a while? I won’t run away.”

“I don’t worry about you running away, if you still If you want to escape, it is impossible to keep you in any way. If you really have reached that level, there is no point in staying.” Zhao Anya replied calmly.

“But I still hate you.” Zhao Xiaohui said.

“Whatever, as long as you don’t hate yourself.” Zhao Anya twitched.

“What do you want to say?” Zhao Xiaohui looked up at her.

“There is one thing I haven’t told you yet. That is, before your father had the operation, you made a request to the headquarters.” Zhao Anya thought about it and brought up the topic.

Zhao Xiaohui frowned, obviously feeling the meaning of this sentence, and hurriedly asked: “What do you mean?”

“About this matter, the cause is alienated person The organization’s temptation and instigation against you. I think you have already read the piece of paper glued in newspaper. You know what happened, right?” Zhao Anya was about to start from the beginning.

Zhao Xiaohui did not respond to this sentence, but his expression had already acquiesced.

She did see the note, and she also saw the remarks spread by alien organizations on the Internet.

She did have such thoughts, so she had a dispute with father yesterday.

However, yesterday’s dispute was not fierce, even lighter than usual quarrels.

But didn’t expect directly led to today’s surgery.

Zhao Anya went on to say: “About today’s surgery, your father took the initiative to propose. This is what I thought of. You already know how to deal with the alienated organization’s lure plan. However, there is You don’t know yet.”

“What the hell is it? Can you finish talking at once?” Zhao Xiaohui was a little worried.

“Before the operation, your father made a request, that is, to give you more space after the operation is completed. After consultation with the staff, the request was agreed.” Zhao Anya said.

Zhao Xiaohui was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, and the emotions in his heart began to overwhelm.

Zhao Anya felt that the excitement was not enough, and continued: “It’s not wrong, the main reason why your father is willing to do this is to give you more space.

“Just because of you In a word, you don’t want to be locked up all the time, so he made this decision.

“The headquarters has agreed to his request, and you can leave the Academy of Military Sciences in the future. This is what you want. He uses himself as a price, and he wants it for you.”

At this moment, Zhao Xiaohui’s emotions finally collapsed, and he shouted excitedly: “This is not what I want!”

Zhao Anya remain unmoved, and continued: “It doesn’t matter whether you want it or not, your father I think you want it, so he will find a way to get it there.”

“This is not what I want…this is not…” Zhao Xiaohui cried again with his face in his hands.

Zhao Anya went on to say: “You find out that, every time you act as a demon, all the consequences will fall on the head of your father alone.”

Zhao Xiaohui’s heart is thorough. He collapsed, trembling all over.

Because she recalled everything in the past, she found that Zhao Anya’s words were true.

From the first time she became a demon, it was her father who suffered every time.

Her father has taken all the responsibilities, and now she is lying in the hospital bed, she doesn’t know how many times she can bear such a blow.

Zhao Xiaohui is very regretful in his heart, but not knowing what to do: “I don’t want to be like this, I don’t know it will become like this.”

“It doesn’t matter what you think Everyone is responsible for what they have done. You are fine, you are not yet an adult, so someone is responsible for you. As long as you feel that you can accept such a result, you are free.” Zhao Anya’s voice revealed a little indifference.

Zhao Xiaohui held his face and continued to sob, his heart was broken.

Zhao Anya continued: “In fact, I admire him for being able to do this for you. In his whole life, if these things had not happened, he should now be the Chief of a scientific research team in the Academy of Military Sciences. -In-Charge, concentrate on researching.

“Without these things, he would have lived a pure life. Do one thing in your whole life, just like Professor Wang Jiuliang, only research this thing for nuclear fusion. “

“Can I stay here tonight?” “Zhao Xiaohui was silent for a long time and made this request.

“Yes, the headquarters will relax your activity area in the future. You can stay in the affiliated hospital, but if you want to go to other places, you’d better report it first. . This is the request made by your father to give you more space. Since the headquarters has agreed. Zhao Anya promised.

Zhao Xiaohui fell silent again, and said after a long time: “Sometimes, I can’t completely control myself. Alienated genes have strong control over alienated people, and I also have them in my body. “

She is worried that after being controlled by the brain beast, she will make a rebellious move to trigger a bomb in father’s heart.

“On this point, the Academy of Military Sciences has considered and has also researched The way to deal with it. The method is also very simple. It only needs to isolate the electromagnetic waves of the brain beasts to isolate the control of the Star Beast civilization. The technology of isolating electromagnetic waves is not too difficult. The Academy of Military Sciences will send a headband over tomorrow. As long as you carry that, there will be no problem. Zhao Anya replied.

Zhao Xiaohui nodded, did not say anything, continued to sit quietly on the bench, waiting for father to wake up again.

Zhao Anya looked at her, Think about it, feel that the time has come for the last step of the breaking strategy, and said: “Actually, if you want to take out the tiny bomb in your father’s heart, there is no way…”

Zhao Xiaohui’s eyes condensed, he quickly raised his head to look at her, and asked, “What is the solution? “

“It’s actually very simple. When the Star Beast civilization is destroyed, you will no longer be restricted by that time. At that time, I can apply to the headquarters to take out the micro bomb in your father’s heart. . “Zhao Anya’s voice has been dull, as if he was doing business.

Zhao Xiaohui’s heart began to waver, and this sentence repeated in his heart: As long as the Star Beast civilization is destroyed, you can take out the miniature bomb in father’s heart …As long as Star Beast civilization is destroyed…

This sentence is like a will implantation office, deeply plunged into the depths of her memory.

Zhao Anya has completed the break. The last step of the plan, and then I observed Zhao Xiaohui’s expression and knew that the plan was a success.

She finished the work, stood up, and finally took a look in the ward.

Zhao Jueming is still asleep. After all, she has just finished the heart stent operation and is indeed very weak.

When she looked at Zhao Jueming, she also admired his decisiveness in her heart. The way to break the game was very successful. .

Moreover, in this method of breaking the game, there is a key secret that needs to be kept forever. The tiny bomb in his heart… does not actually exist.

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