One week after the Institute of Biology discovered asteroid microbes, the War Zone headquarters held a meeting.

This meeting has a higher level. Fang Yuan participated in the auditing meeting as a representative of the military research team.

Apart from this, none of the other members of the military scientific research team were exposed to this meeting.

Only Zhao Anya is special, it was arranged by Red Dragon.

Before the meeting started, both General Luo De and Fang Zhenguo emphasized the meeting discipline to Fang Yuan, and there should be no leakage of the matters discussed in the meeting.

Actually, Fang Yuan knew when he knew he was going to participate in this conference, in fact, this kind of conference would affect the future direction of the country.

At the meeting, Lu Xiuwen, as a representative of the Institute of Biology, gave a report on asteroid microbes.

He pointed out in the report that the microbes found inside the asteroid this time have a biological structure similar to that of Earth’s microbes. They are both carbon-based microbes, but they do not belong to Earth.

Therefore, the Institute of Biology has concluded that this microorganism comes from an earth-like planet similar to Earth’s environment and is suitable for carbon-based organisms.

Later, Lang Tongguang made an astronomical report, only the orbital change process of this asteroid, he believed that in the past hundreds of thousands of years, the orbit of this asteroid was in the asteroid belt. nearby.

Therefore, the emergence of this asteroid is evidence of the existence of terrestrial planets in an asteroid orbit.

After several scientists gave scientific research reports, the conference officially entered the issue stage.

The spokesperson of the headquarters began to raise the issue: “Well, the comrades in the research report have already seen that the destiny of mankind has reached a fork, and there is a need to determine a direction.

“According to the report, there is a high probability of an earth-like planet in the orbit of the asteroid belt of the solar system. If this speculation is true, then this terrestrial planet was destroyed hundreds of thousands of years ago.

“The ability to smash a planet into millions of fragments can only be achieved by higher civilizations.

“Now, we are facing the same crisis.

“The first topic of today’s meeting, is it possible for us to face this higher civilization?”

This question is very serious.

An advanced civilization that can smash terrestrial planets into millions of pieces, with the power of human beings, it is basically impossible to match it.

Now, human beings can barely cope with the Star Beast civilization.

Therefore, the answer to the first topic does not actually require much discussion, and the answer will come out soon.

With the current human technological strength, not at all ability to fight against this advanced civilization.

In fact, with the current human technological strength, even the stellar civilization with civilization level 2.0 can’t compete.

Of course, humans do not need to fight against the 2.0-level stellar civilization, because they will never encounter such a civilization.

The reason is very simple. If the opponent is a stellar civilization, then this civilization only rules a star system, and humans will never encounter this civilization.

As long as mankind encounters an advanced civilization, it must be a 4.0 super galaxy civilization, or a quasi super galaxy civilization close to 4.0.

Because only the active range of super galaxy civilization will expand beyond the parent galaxy.

Therefore, the primary civilizations in the universe are very passive, or they will not encounter other civilizations. As long as they encounter them, they will be like gods and there is almost no possibility of resistance.

Followingly, the headquarters spokesperson raised the second issue: “Should the Tinder Plan be launched?”

The Tinder Plan refers to the continuation of human civilization.

“Isn’t this just fugitiveism?” A participant with an upright personality immediately expressed an idea in his mind.

Moreover, what he said is not wrong. To some extent, the fire project does have the same nature as escapeism.

Due to the deliberate guidance of some foreign media to public opinion in the past few months, it seems that fugitiveism has become a heinous thing.

Seeing that there are many voices criticizing fugitiveism, Lu Xiuwen immediately stood up and put forward his personal point of view: “I think some comrades have misunderstood the meaning of continuation of human civilization fire.

” The remarks about fugitiveism are deliberately guided by some foreign media, and we should not be misled by such remarks.

“From the perspective of civilization, every civilization hopes to let its own civilization continue. There is nothing wrong with it.

“If you leave the home galaxy, you will continue the civilization fire The only way to do this is to do so.

“Therefore, the Tinder project did not miss anything. It was only the thoughts of individual people who convicted this project.

“So, from my personal professional point of view, There is nothing wrong with the Tinder plan, and even we should do it this way.

“The only question is whether this plan should be submitted to the Planetary Defense Council and implemented by all mankind. This is the issue that needs to be discussed.”

When the staff heard this point of view, most of them nodded silently.

“Submitted to the Planetary Defense Council for discussion, it is not feasible for me as a human being. In the past few months, remarks about fugitiveism have become popular. Now submitting the Tinder plan does not happen to be the handle of those people?” Participants immediately objected.

A few months ago.

When the news of the successful development of the spaceship of the Divine Boat spaceship was released, Donghai was accused of “fugitiveism”.

Until the successful test flight of the Divine Boat, with a tough stance, these comments were suppressed, and public opinion was temporarily calmed down.

If the Tinder plan is proposed now, you don’t need to think about it, you will definitely be seized by the foreign media and continue to criticize with fugitiveism.

Although most people with a scientific vision know what the meaning of the Tinder Project is.

However, among the seven 1 billion human beings, there are actually very few individuals who can truly have a scientific vision.

The truth is always in the hands of a few people. This is a helpless fact.

Therefore, if the Tinder Plan is now submitted to the Planetary Defense Council, hoping that all mankind will complete it together, then it is foreseeable that it will be another storm of public opinion.

“The future of mankind is in the hands of the younger generation. Representatives of the military scientific research team, what do you think of the Tinder plan?” The headquarter spokesperson looked towards Fang Yuan’s direction.

Fang Yuan participated in a meeting like this for the first time.

At the beginning of the meeting, Fang Yuan knew that the meeting was very serious, and this time he participated in the meeting mainly as an observer.

However, since the headquarter spokesperson took the initiative to ask questions, Fang Yuan stood up openly and expressed his views: “I support the launch of the Tinder Plan, but I do not agree with the Tinder Plan as the most important future. The implementation of the plan. No matter what kind of powerful enemy Earth faces, I will choose to fight to the end.”

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