If Fang Yuan’s guess is true, then some things become very terrifying.

Much more terrifying than expected.

Before the appearance of Star Beast, humans used to think that they were alone in the universe, and all things about aliens were fantasy.

However, when Star Beast appeared, human beings finally saw other lives besides humans.

The matter is here, in fact, it is not at all terrifying.

Because of the appearance of Star Beast and the appearance of the Advent Civilization of the Soul of Palerce, it only shows that there are other civilizations in the universe.

not at all, then terrifying.

However, if a primitive civilization once existed in the solar system, but the parent planet of this primitive civilization is broken into 600,000 pieces, then things become a bit terrifying.

Han Youwei’s face suddenly turned pale, as if he was thinking of something terrifying.

Not only did she think about it, Fang Yuan also thought about it.

Most people in the lab thought of it.

Only Niu Dazhi is still observing the meteorite enthusiastically.

“If the microbes in this meteorite really come from the solar system itself, then Earth’s crisis may be more terrifying than expected.” Fang Yuan exhales one breath saying.

“What’s wrong? Now that Earth is attacked by Star Beast every day, is it not terrifying enough?” Niu Dazhi turned around and said casually.

“Compared with this, being attacked by Star Beast is not terrifying at all.” Fang Yuan spread his hands.

“How do you say?” Niu Dazhi is interested.

Lang Tongguang said solemnly: “It is indeed terrifying, if the microbes in this meteorite come from the solar system itself.

“Then, it may become a terrestrial planet that once existed in the asteroid belt orbit. evidence of.

“If this speculation is true, then things are indeed terrifying, and the fate of mankind does not know where to go?”

Niu Dazhi scratched his scalp and asked, “Can you tell me To be clear? I was confused.”

Han Youwei helped to explain: “This is actually the case. If our guess is true, there was once an earth-like planet in the solar system, but then It was broken into 600,000 pieces for some reason.

“We assume that the cause of the destruction of this terrestrial planet was the collision with other planets.

“So, deduction, is it similar to the problem that Earth is facing now?”

Niu Dazhi nodded, replied: “It seems to be.”

“Since the collision between Earth and Star Beast world is slow, we subconsciously believe that the collision between Earth and Star Beast world is not intense…”

Fang Yuan took the conversation and then explained “However, we overlooked a problem. Star Beast world and Earth are 1,000 light-years apart. If they are far away, they have collided in several decades.

“If you look at it from a three-dimensional perspective , This collision speed is very terrifying.

“We have seen the collision, and it does not seem to be violent, but this collision has already produced a space crack. How much energy is needed to create a space crack?

” It can’t be done, so the collision between Earth and Star Beast world is not only fierce, but also fierce that the three-dimensional world cannot bear.

“If you analyze this way, Earth and Star Beast world will finally collide, and they may also burst into hundreds of thousands of pieces.”

Niu Dazhi finally understood now , Opened his eyes and said: “So, can we not run away?”

“Don’t be nervous, this is not the most terrifying situation.”

Fang Yuan continued:” If these speculations are true, there was once a primitive civilization in the solar system destroyed by such a collision.

“And this kind of planetary collision is the handwriting of a higher civilization.

“Then there is something more terrifying that has happened before us.

“In other words, it is not the first time that advanced civilization has visited the solar system.

“Last time, when higher civilizations appeared, they destroyed a primitive civilization of the solar system.

“Now, they reappear, preparing for the second time destroy. “

Everyone present at the scene understood what he meant by the second destruction of the original civilization of the solar system.

This second destruction of the original civilization of the solar system is naturally Earth. Humans.

Han Youwei took the conversation again and said: “In fact, what really terrifying is that humans may be the second primitive civilization of the solar system destroyed by higher civilizations.

“If this guess is true, there will be a first time, a second time, and maybe a third time.

“In other words, we don’t know How many times is it? If this is the case, then the solar system is too lively. “

Niu Dazhi frowned and said, “No way? I have never heard of aliens before, how come that many appear? Who can stand this? You said, can we talk to higher civilizations and get along peacefully through negotiations. “

Fang Yuan slowly shook his head and said: “This kind of probability is very low. Think about it, if the original civilization of the solar system was not destroyed by a higher civilization for the first time, but for the second and third time, Even more times, you think about it, what do you think about it? “

Niu Dazhi didn’t understand what Fang Yuan meant, and started scratching his scalp again: “I don’t know, can you finish talking at once and kill me how many brain cells?” “

Fang Yuan said again: “Imagine that higher civilizations visit the solar system again and again, and then destroy the original civilizations of the solar system. What is this behavior like? “

“Say it! “Niu Dazhi is a bit eager.

Han Youwei helped to explain: “It’s like a human being to kill insects.” Humans found a cockroach nest and stuffed it with a pack of cockroach medicine. After being destroyed, cockroaches appeared again after a while, so another pack of cockroach medicine was stuffed into it. “

When everyone in the laboratory heard such a simple and straightforward explanation, they all swallowed involuntarily.

This analogy is so straightforward that it makes people tremble.

Because, in this metaphor of cockroaches, human beings are the cockroaches.

In the vast universe, advanced civilizations discovered the original “cockroaches” of the solar system, so they did something casually. , To get rid of the “cockroaches”.

After hundreds of thousands or millions of years, the “cockroaches” of the solar system will grow again.

So the higher civilizations will stop them again. Come over rare treasure “cockroach medicine”.

So there is a four-dimensional collision between Earth and Star Beast world.

When everyone hears this analogy, they feel very complicated.

From the perspective of civilization, for higher civilizations, humans are indeed no different from “cockroaches”. They look at humans just like humans look at “cockroaches.”

Therefore, for higher civilizations As far as civilization is concerned, it’s really not a weird thing to kill a “cockroach nest” at will.

“In fact, there is another terrifying thing. If the higher civilization feels that the solar system has produced too many civilizations, maybe In the end, he will choose to destroy the solar system once. In that case, the disaster will be galaxy-level. “Fang Yuan finally added one more sentence, which made everyone present feel a bit nervous.

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