One night’s rest.

2nd day, I received the order from the Academy of Military Sciences to summon all the crew of the Divine Boat, take all the items used on the Divine Boat, and go to the Institute of Biological Research.

When Fang Yuan heard this command, he knew something happened.

And the place of gathering is the Institute of Biology, so it must be related to biology, it may be an alienation event.

Nine o’clock in the morning.

More than one hundred Divine Boat crew members gathered at the Institute of Biology.

Then, in accordance with the requirements of the staff of the Institute of Biology, enter the laboratory one by one for inspection.

“Did you bring all the items you carried on the day of the test flight of the Divine Boat? Including all the clothes, one must not be missing.” The researcher of the Institute of Biology reminded loudly.

Because the crew of Divine Boat has more than 100 people, the number is relatively large, so it needs to be inspected in batches.

Lu Xiuwen is also busy in the lobby of the experimental building. He has been looking through the test report and signed it and sent it to the headquarters for filing.

Fang Yuan team gathered together and discussed in a low voice.

“What’s the matter? My trousers are washed, and I even told me to bring them over.” Niu Dazhi took the lead in complaining.

The order issued by the Academy of Military Sciences is that all items carrying the Divine Boat will be brought for inspection.

“Something seems to be wrong. Under normal circumstances, It shouldn’t be checked like this.” Han Youwei frowned.

Eve often enters and exits the father’s weapons research institute, like this kind of research institute, the entrance and exit really need to be checked.

However, inspections are usually carried out to prevent the secret information of the research institute from being taken out. Normally, there is no such requirement.

Furthermore, after getting off the Divine Boat that day, everyone had a full body check.

“Did someone take something from the Divine Boat?” Eve speculated.

Such a sudden recall for inspection is occasionally carried out by the Military Academy of Sciences.

Usually, it is suspected that there is a leak of secret information, and all relevant personnel will be recalled for inspection to retrieve the missing information.

“It shouldn’t be, we got off the Divine Boat that day. We all had a full-body check. How could we bring things down from it.” Fang Yuan thought it was impossible.

Moreover, the people who can board the Divine Boat are the people most trusted by the headquarters. Everyone’s identity, relatives, and all social relations have been investigated.

Theoretically, someone who can be selected for the Divine Boat is unlikely to have a problem.

So, the probability of stealing something from the Divine Boat is very low, unless it is accidentally brought down.

Several people discussed it for a while, but no results came out.

Fang Yuan felt that it was useless to guess so, so he walked to Lu Xiuwen and asked in a low voice, “Professor Lu, what is going on?”

“No What major event, don’t worry, just call you back for inspection, the problem is not big.” Lu Xiuwen did not answer the question directly, but calmed Fang Yuan’s emotions.

Fang Yuan’s emotions are fine, so his comfort is actually useless.

Han Youwei and Eve also gathered around and asked: “Did the secret information of the Divine Boat leak? We didn’t come out when we went home yesterday, but no secrets were leaked.”

Niu Dazhi suddenly broke the news: “If the secret is leaked, Fang Yuan must have done it. He went to the air show yesterday, and he talked to the white eagle.”

Fang Yuan squinted at him and said: “Are you deserves a beating again?”

Lu Xiuwen waved his hand to say with a smile: “Don’t be so nervous, it’s not the leak of Divine Boat information.”

Niu Dazhi haha ​​said with a smile: “I knew Fang Yuan would not reveal the secret, I trust you the most.”

“Go away.”


Fang Yuan rolled his eyes, squeezed the cargo away, and asked in a serious tone: “Professor, what the hell is that? Tell us directly. We are all participating in the test flight of the Divine Boat. You don’t need to keep it confidential, right?”

“You really don’t need to keep it confidential. However, the discipline should emphasize that everything we know from here today cannot be leaked out. The headquarters does not have a classified classification for the time being, but I It is estimated that the security level should be A.” Lu Xiuwen said in a serious tone.

When everyone heard that the secret level was A-Rank, they immediately knew that the matter was very serious.

A-Rank security level is the highest security level.

The Dragon Building Project is the A-Rank secret level.

However, the headquarters of this incident has not yet been classified, and Lu Xiuwen guessed the A-Rank.

In other words, Lu Xiuwen thinks this incident is very important.

“Don’t worry. Professor, this is not the first time we have participated in confidential work. We have all participated in the assembly of the solar furnace of the Divine Boat. What else is more confidential than the construction of the Divine Boat? “Fang Yuan assured.

“Okay. Let me tell you directly. Last night, we found microorganisms among the meteorites you are going to meet.” Lu Xiuwen said directly.

When everyone heard this answer, the expressions on their faces were stunned at the same time.

“Microbes? On the meteorite?” Fang Yuan blinked his eyes, never expecting this to be the case.

“Yes, we did find microorganisms inside that meteorite.” Lu Xiuwen confirmed it again.

The few people looked at each other.

Zhao Anya also leaned over, frowning and asked: “No. I scanned it with Star Energy Spectrum Analysis that day and found no biological reaction.”

Lu Xiuwen nodded. Said: “Yes, there is indeed no discovery on the surface. However, when we used more advanced technology to detect, we did find microorganisms inside the meteorite. Then, we opened a hole, took samples of microorganisms, and were studying. “

“There are microbes in the meteorite. This is incredible, isn’t it? I have never heard of microbes from aliens before.” Niu Dazhi immediately began to ask with interest.

“Didn’t I say it yesterday. A normal meteorite, if it falls into Earth, will burn in the atmosphere. Even if there are microorganisms, it will be burned a long time ago and will never reach the ground.” Eve glared at him.

Lu Xiuwen explained with a smile: “Actually, it is not a strange thing that meteorites carry microorganisms.

“In fact, microbial fossils in meteorites have been found on Earth. . However, because it is only a fossil, not at all has any impact on our environment.

“It has been confirmed from previous research results that there may indeed be microorganisms in meteorites.

“Some scientists even believe that Earth’s life may be a meteorite belt. Come.

“According to the microbial fossils found in meteorites, it is speculated that the first life on Earth may have been brought about by meteorites, and then slowly evolved from microorganisms to multicellular organisms, plants, animals, and finally to humans. “

Several people heard this answer, and their faces showed stunned expressions.

“Have you studied the microorganisms in this meteorite?” Fang Yuan asked.

“The research is currently underway, and the results will not be known until two days. The Academy of Military Sciences is worried that you have been in contact with meteorites and spread these microorganisms out, so you need to call you back for inspection.” Lu Xiuwen replied.

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