East China Sea Airshow Center.

Reporters from various countries gathered around to conduct interviews.

Fang Zhenguo smiled and answered reporters’ questions in a friendly manner.

“Is there any solar furnace exhibition at the East China Sea Airshow?” a reporter asked.

The topic still revolves around controlled nuclear fusion technology and the Divine Boat.

“It is just a reaction furnace, not within the scope of the airshow.” Fang Zhenguo maintained a calm attitude and answered questions.

“So, will there be exhibits equipped with solar furnaces in this air show?” Another reporter asked.

“All the exhibits at the air show were announced as early as a week ago. There is also a list of exhibits on site, and you can check it out.” Fang Zhenguo seemed to have answered the question, but he said nothing. , The essence of the official reply.

“Mr. Fang, I would like to ask, there are still many coastal cities being attacked by the Star Beast civilization. Is it appropriate for your country to hold an air show at this time? Shouldn’t all energy be devoted Are you fighting against the Star Beast civilization?” A British journalist raised his voice and asked a very sharp question.

Fang Zhenguo showed a serious expression, and after a moment of silence, he asked: “Then what are you doing now?”

“Isn’t it obvious to interview you?” “The British reporter raised the microphone in his hand and spoke very sharply, so he wanted to embarrass the Donghai representative.

“Then why don’t you take a gun to shoot Star Beast, but instead use a microphone to ask some unnutritious questions?” Fang Zhenguo was not polite at all, and just went back.

The British journalist was choked immediately.

The question he asked just now was actually moral kidnapping.

Now, there are indeed coastal cities under attack by Star Beast, but compared to a few months ago, it is much better.

However, some news media like to use this method for moral kidnapping.

After the British journalist was shut up, he retreated into the crowd.

Followingly, another reporter continued to ask questions: “A week ago, the organizers of the East China Sea Air Show announced that there will be a spaceship equipped with a solar furnace. May this news mean that your country is planning Build a cosmic spaceship?”

“We will announce relevant news during the airshow, everyone, wait and see.” Fang Zhenguo still uses the official answer, without giving any affirmative answer.

A White Eagle reporter squeezed the crowd, held the microphone in front of Fang Zhenguo, and asked loudly: “As far as I know, your country has never built a spaceship, and the solar furnace has never been developed. One year, in such a short period of time, your country is not at all capable of building a cosmic spaceship.

“So, the cosmic spaceship news you released is aimed at hitting aerospace technology stocks and profiting from it. Just like you hit energy stocks! “

This question was asked, and the tone seemed to be questioning.

Moreover, the question was very sharp and attracted the attention of many people now.

This guess There is a probability.

The stock price will indeed fluctuate due to news.

Especially the previous energy stocks, the emergence of the solar furnace, directly into the energy stocks of White Eagle Abyss.

Besides, the White Eagle’s energy company was unable to sign the Solar Furnace’s subscription agreement, so that White Eagle’s energy stocks did not even have a chance to turn over.

Experienced energy stocks After the tragic harvest, the current White Eagle stock market seems to be suffering from traumatic symptoms. As long as there is a little turmoil on the East China Sea, the stock market will immediately set off a stormy sea.

The news that the East China Sea Air Show will release a cosmic spaceship comes out. , White Eagle’s aerospace technology stocks have already plunged half a month.

However, aerospace technology stocks are not as miserable as energy stocks. After all, aerospace technology does not have complete substitution.

Therefore, after the White Eagle reporter raised questions, several reporters followed up.

“Is the news of the cosmic spaceship appearing in the East China Sea Aviation Exhibition a false news? Please respond positively! “

Fang Zhenguo glanced at these reporters, but there was no change in the expression on his face.

These reporters did not get a satisfactory answer, and continued to ask: “There are reports that your country has released spaceship from the universe. The purpose of false news is to hit the stock market and harvest investors. Is it true? “

“A few months ago, the stock price of energy stocks plummeted because of you. You want to repeat the same technique, right? Please answer positively! “The first White Eagle reporter grabbed the conversation again, and his words became sharper.

Fang Zhenguo faintly smiled, “Have energy stocks plummeted?” Nothing. I read the news every day, it is news of the daily limit of energy stocks. “

As soon as I said this.

Many people at the scene were so angry that they wanted to vomit blood.

There are indeed energy stocks daily limit, but the daily limit is East China Sea energy stocks. .

In other words, all the stocks that are connected with the solar furnace have gone up wildly. Energy stocks that cannot sign the solar furnace subscription contract have fallen so badly.

Now, the energy stocks of the East China Sea have risen to the sky, and they can’t be bought if they want to.

Compared with the energy stocks of White Eagle, it’s really a heaven and an underground.

How terrible, horrible to see.

Fang Zhenguo deliberately didn’t talk about Baiying’s stock price, only the energy stocks of the East China Sea, and immediately choked these reporters to death.

The Baiying reporter With a black face, he plugged the microphone forward and continued to question: “Mr. Fang, you know what I mean by energy stocks. Don’t confuse the concept, because of the spaceship news that you released, the aerospace science and technology stocks of White Eagle have fallen half a month. Whether you profit from it, I am afraid that only you know in your mind. “

Fang Zhenguo said: “I am not interested in your country’s stock market. If you want to ask the truth, I think I’ll interview your country’s delegation Chief-In-Charge Ralph Cooke. Suitable. I heard that he bought a lot of energy stocks last year, and I don’t know if he lost it or earned it. “

As soon as these words came out, someone involuntarily looked towards Ralph Cook on the other side.

Ralph Cook’s face suddenly seemed to have eaten something Things are just as ugly.

Before the successful development of the solar furnace, he did hold a lot of White Eagle’s energy stocks.

However, before the energy stocks plummeted, he took stocks All polished.

In fact, at his height, when the stock market has a tragic harvest, people like him cannot be harvested.

If you do it properly, you can still Take the opportunity to make a fortune.

On this occasion, Fang Zhenguo mentions his name, which is to show him clearly.

People who know these high-level rules on the spot are all Know what it means.

The reporters from the White Eagles weren’t stupid enough to find it uncomfortable, so they didn’t interview Ralph Cook.

If they were really He believed Fang Zhenguo’s evil and went to interview Ralph Cook. Maybe he would be discovered in a stinking ditch on the 2nd day.

These reporters can be arranged to Donghai Airlines. Coming to the exhibition, I was still a little bit brainy, and continued to hold on to the Divine Boat and the Sun Furnace to ask Fang Zhenguo questions.

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