Fang Yuan and the others have finally completed their work after working in a closed manner at Luhu Military Base for a month.

That night, the first solar furnace ignition test was conducted.

When the solar furnace ion jet engine gushes out the long flame tail, everyone’s eyes are widened and their mouths are grown.

Everyone is excited. After a month of busy work, the assembly work of the solar furnace is finally completed.

The steps of human beings flying into the universe have lifted their legs.

The more stable and solid this step is, the more significant it is to humans.

In the future, the flame tail of such an engine will shine in the starry sky and take humans to deep space.

Today’s ignition ceremony is just a test of the completion of the solar furnace assembly, not a test flight.

From the completion of the solar furnace assembly to the actual test flight, a lot of work needs to be done.

However, the work of Fang Yuan and the others has been completed, and the next step is the work of the Military Academy of Sciences, Weapons Research Institute, and the controllable nuclear fusion research team.

Apart from this, avionics system, and other technical teams will also join them, continue to work, and improve this spaceship step by step.

“The ignition ceremony is over, you can go home tomorrow. You go back tomorrow and tell your mother that I will go back a few days later.” Fang Zhenguo arranged family tasks for Fang Yuan in the afternoon .

At night, everyone gathered in the workshop canteen.

“Professor, have we finished our work? We can go home tomorrow after receiving the order, but Spaceship has not yet tested the flight.” Eve wanted to test the flight.

“The assembly of the solar furnace has been completed, but the test flight is not so fast. You need to test the performance of the solar furnace on the spaceship first to check whether there are hidden dangers. It will take a period of testing before the official flight test.” Yang Yuping explained.

“Yes, think about it, this is the first manned spaceship equipped with a solar furnace engine and the goal is to fly to the universe. Before this, there has never been such a spaceship. Everything has to cross the river by touching the stones, so there is more to test. Don’t worry, you will see the day when the Divine Boat flies to the stars.” Wang Jiuliang took the conversation and added.

“I really want to take part in the test flight.” Eve said in a nutshell.

“Don’t worry, you will be called when the test flight is completed.” Yang Yuping happily comforted.

Niu Dazhi has always had a question. After holding back for a long time, he asked: “Professor, I have watched this spaceship for several days, and I feel that the shape is a little weird.”

“Why is it weird?” Yang Yuping didn’t understand what he meant, but he asked patiently, ready to answer.

“It’s a bit like an airplane, but it’s a bit like a rocket. I feel like it does not raise.” Niu Dazhi finally said the question in his mind.

Eve immediately held his forehead, completely speechless.

Perhaps because of the frequent exchanges, Eve found that he could understand Niu Dazhi’s doubts, rolled his eyes, loudly said: “Because the Divine Boat takes off vertically!”

” Vertical takeoff?”

“Yes, vertical takeoff, like a rocket.” Yang Yuping confirmed this.

The students of the military research class couldn’t help but laughed haha: “So you stayed here for so many days, you don’t even know that the Divine Boat was designed for vertical takeoff?”

“No one told me, don’t you know it’s weird?” Niu Dazhi spread his hands.

He scratched his scalp and asked strangely: “Why do you have to take off vertically? Isn’t it good to take off horizontally? That many airplanes take off horizontally, and the technology for horizontal takeoff should be better. Take off vertically. Isn’t it uncomfortable for people to sit inside?”

Han Youwei pursed his lips and helped explain: “There’s actually a reason for the design of vertical take-off, because the goal of the Divine Boat is to fly out. Earth, sailing in the universe, so we must consider the possibility of landing on other planets in the future.

“In the universe, not every planet has air. An important condition for level take-off is air. Without air, level take-off cannot be achieved.

“Therefore, to move toward the universe, level take-off is an inevitable development trend.”

Niu Dazhi haha ​​smiled and said: “It turns out that it is. Just say that there is no air, I just Understood. What a simple thing.”

“You know what you are.” Eve still doesn’t forget to frustrate him.

Wang Jiuliang went on to add: “Actually, at the beginning of the design of the Divine Boat, the engine rotation design was originally considered. However, that requires higher technical requirements and the technology is not stable enough. In contrast, a fixed engine and a vertical take-off are the most reliable design.”

“The first generation of spaceship should be down to earth, step by step, and don’t have to do all those bells and whistles.” Fang Zhenguo The tone of his speech was as if he had just communicated with the War Zone headquarters.

“When will the test fly? When can we see?” Eve asked immediately.

“According to the work schedule, the test flight time is not too far, so don’t worry.” Yang Yuping did not say the specific time.

Because of the research and development and construction of the Divine Boat, there is still a very high level of security. When will the test flight be specific, it cannot be said in advance.

In fact, Yang Yuping also inferred the approximate test flight time from the work schedule.

Fang Yuan glanced sideways at Fang Zhenguo and asked: “The headquarters will let us go back now, don’t you worry about the news of the Divine Boat leaking out?”

Participate this time There are many people working on the construction of the Divine Boat. The previous month has been closed work, and no information has been leaked out.

However, once so many people go home, it is difficult to guarantee that the news will leak out.

It’s not that some of these people leaked information, or someone took advantage of this opportunity to leak information. When the time comes, it is very difficult to track down.

Fang Zhenguo is not worried at all, and replied: “Since the headquarters is letting you go back, it means that you are not worried about this matter.”

Fang Yuan understands how to respond. It’s up.

Since the headquarters is not worried about information leakage, it means to lower the security level.

Fang Yuan guessed that there is a high probability that the headquarters will announce part of the Divine Boat information.

This is nothing strange.

In fact, the news about Huaxia’s research and development of spaceship has long been reported by foreign media.

Of course, those reports are catch-ups without any substance.

However, everyone who has a little knowledge of science knows that the development of the spaceship of the universe must already be in progress.

Because the existence of the solar furnace is the key to civilization leading to the universe.

Since the key is obtained, it is impossible not to take this step.

Therefore, since China has manufactured the solar furnace, it is imperative to study the spaceship of the universe.

Everyone drank some wine, celebrated, and agreed to meet again when the Divine Boat test flight.

After that, they went home on the 2nd day.

Coming out of the closed military base and returning to the city, the silhouette of the Divine Boat reverberated in my mind, and there was a lot of emotion in my heart.

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