“On the sun, nuclear fusion has lasted for 5 billion years…”

After the eight solar furnaces were assembled on the nuclear fusion power ship, the War Zone headquarters conducted a The grand launch ceremony.

Wang Jiuliang, as the pioneer of controllable nuclear fusion technology, gave a speech on Ceremony: “Controllable nuclear fusion technology, except for the light that drives us to the sun, human beings have not mastered controllable fusion Before, it was impossible to leave Earth.

“The nuclear fusion power mothership is the first practical application of the solar furnace, but it will not be the last.

“The research on the miniaturization of solar furnaces and the improvement of unit energy continues. Our goal is to install solar furnaces on airplanes, spaceships, and star aircraft carriers!”

pa pa pa ……

The audience applauded warmly, and many people were in tears.

It is not easy for China’s controllable nuclear fusion technology to overcome all obstacles to this day.

“In this two-meter-high nuclear fusion reactor, the sweat of countless scientific researchers has gathered. We are worthy of all of this, and no one can take it away!” Wang Jiuliang raised his fist, fighting spirit .

Fang Yuan stood under the stage and listened to Wang Jiuliang’s speech, feeling a blood burning in his chest.

Humanity has finally reached the turning point of civilization.

Controllable nuclear fusion technology, the technology of civilization level 1.0, this is the technology to fly out of the planet and embrace the star system.

The future of mankind is the sea of ​​stars, and this moment is the starting point for mankind to set sail to the universe.

After the launch ceremony of the nuclear fusion-powered mothership, Fang Yuan and a group of military research class students stood on the flight deck and watched the mothership’s first trial sailing towards the blue sea. Step out.

Fang Zhenguo stood on the raised deck, as if the head of a long-sleeping giant finally raised his head, facing this World and making this World face himself.

The sea breeze was blowing, and his eyes seemed a little sore. Fang Zhenguo raised his head and closed his eyes, surging forward with great momentum in his chest.


After the nuclear fusion-powered carrier’s trial voyage, Wang Jiuliang took the controllable nuclear fusion research team to the hospital to visit Yang Yuping.

The students from the military research class also followed.

In the hospital.

Yang Yuping was sitting on the bed, watching the TV on the wall, live broadcasting the launch of the nuclear fusion-powered mothership ceremony.

The live broadcast has ended, and it will be broadcast again.

Wang Jiuliang walked into the ward and said with a laugh: “Old Yang, I said I will build a solar furnace, I didn’t disappoint you.”

“Surprised There is no danger, there is no danger.” Yang Yuping stood up and shook hands with Wang Jiuliang, and then hugged again.

“I see my body is better than you. I stayed up for a few nights, and you are still hospitalized.” Wang Jiuliang saw that Yang Yuping’s complexion had improved a lot, so he joked.

“I can actually be discharged from the hospital. The attending doctor refused to let me, otherwise I should go to see the mothership launch ceremony.” Yang Yuping said a little regret.

For such an important ceremony, I was a little bit regretful that I could not participate in person.

In fact, if he really wants to go, he can actually apply to the headquarters, and the hospital will definitely send doctors and nurses to follow.

However, he doesn’t want to make doctors and nurses so troublesome, so it’s better to stay in the hospital and watch the live broadcast.

Carefully speaking of which, the most critical technology of the solar furnace, in addition to the principle of self-sustaining combustion, the most important technology is the material with strong interaction force.

The material stabilization technology with strong interaction force was researched by the team led by Yang Yuping.

Therefore, Yang Yuping has contributed to the manufacture of the solar furnace.

“Don’t worry, as long as you recuperate well, don’t always hold on. When you board the spaceship on the solar furnace, you will definitely be able to participate in the launch ceremony.” Wang Jiuliang laughed and comforted.

“I was in the hospital and the news was not well informed. Has the country launched the spaceship project?” Yang Yuping asked curiously.

For the solar furnace, Earth is just a small fish pond.

The real stage of the solar furnace is the star system.

Therefore, mastering controllable nuclear fusion technology is qualified to fly out of Earth and embrace the sun.

Therefore, it is very likely that the country will launch the spaceship project.

Wang Jiuliang smiled mysteriously and said: “I don’t know if there is a project launched. However, the next scientific research instruction given to us by the headquarters is to slow down the miniaturization of solar furnaces and start to increase the solar furnace. Power output.”

Yang Yuping is also a giant in the scientific community, and you can understand what is going on.

For the solar furnace, the four oceans of Earth are just small fish ponds. Any output of power is enough to support the navigation of the four oceans.

Therefore, under the support of the solar furnace, the nuclear fusion power mothership actually does not require much power output, because under the power support of the eight solar furnaces, it is already in a state of excess power.

According to the calculations of the controllable nuclear fusion scientific research team, in fact, one solar furnace can already support the navigation of the mothership, and it is equipped with eight solar furnaces, which is completely used as backup power.

Therefore, the battleship in the Earth ocean does not require the solar furnace to continue to increase its power output.

However, the headquarters let the controllable nuclear fusion research team begin to increase the power output of the solar furnace.

What this means is actually very clear.

Since it is necessary to increase the power output, it means that there are projects that require more power.

What project needs the solar furnace to continue to increase the power output?

There is only one answer, and that is spaceship.

Fang Yuan’s eyes started to light up, and he asked, “So, we will be able to sit on the spaceship soon?”

“In the near future, yes.” Wang Jiuliang gave a positive answer.

Eve hurriedly stood up and asked: “What about my MEKA? I have applied many times. MEKA is willing to contribute to the solar furnace experiment. Really, work hard.”

Everyone knows that Eve has repeatedly applied to use Mecha for solar furnace experiments.

It’s just that the previous solar stove was as big as a room, and it was not suitable for mounting on Mecha, so the headquarters never agreed.

However, she still perseveres and applies every few days.

Furthermore, her “mechanical heart” played a very important role in the development of the solar furnace.

Therefore, every time the headquarters refuses an application, the words are very euphemistic, saying that the time has not come, not a complete rejection.

During the development of the solar furnace, Eve provided a lot of help. Wang Jiuliang has always kept this in mind. Seeing her once again mentioned the Mecha on the solar furnace, he thought about it and said: “I discussed with the headquarters Now, the miniaturization of the solar furnace is very good, you can try it.”

“Very good, MEKA is going to change to a strong heart!” Eve cheered suddenly.

When she was happy, she forgot about it, and began to hold the hand of her teammate, repeating endlessly: “Youwei, MEKA is going to the solar furnace.”

“Captain, MEKA is going to the solar furnace. It’s…”

When it was Beef Meat Ball’s turn, I paused for a while: “Forget it, you don’t understand it afterwards.”

Then change to the next one.

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