“Too shameless!” Eve yelled, showing no appearance of a lady.

Use Semiconductor related patents to invest in solar furnace R&D projects.

To put it bluntly, the White Eagle wants a solar furnace.

Being a shareholder is just a statement that sounds reasonable.

Furthermore, investing in shares sounds like Baiying wants to invest in this project.

“Take Semiconductor-related patents and exchange for Sun Furnace technology. Who came up with this exchange method? It’s so talented!” Fang Yuan couldn’t help but complain.

White Eagle does have the most advanced Semiconductor technology, but it does not mean that Donghai has no related technology. It is just that there is a generation difference in the process and there is a slight gap in performance.

Take a slightly stronger patent in exchange for technology that can change the level of human civilization.

This is simply grabbing.

“The white eagle’s appearance is too ugly.” A military research class student said indignantly.

“I guess the White Eagle knew about the nuclear fusion-powered mothership. This might shake their world dominance. They were obviously anxious, and they wanted to bite.” Fang Yuan Commented.

The White Eagle representative of the Planetary Defense Council put forward such an excessive request.

The East China Sea Headquarters did not immediately agree to or object to the request made by the White Eagle.

Such a major event cannot be determined in a short time.


2nd day.

In the name of the Planetary Defense Council, the White Eagle Country held a scientific meeting to discuss the development of solar furnaces.

Wang Jiuliang, as Chief-In-Charge of the controllable nuclear fusion research and development team, suspended his scientific research work and participated in this meeting.

A group of students from the military scientific research class also ran to the venue, one by one, angrily, as if they had come to smash the venue.

The six members of the Planetary Defense Council sent representatives to participate in this meeting.

Representatives of various countries discussed intensively.

White Eagle represents the imposing manner and spoke loudly: “Controllable nuclear fusion technology belongs to all mankind. It is a technology that changes the destiny of human civilization. For the future of mankind, it should be shared. Nuclear fusion technology.”

In one sentence, the devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence directly smashed the fate of human civilization. It is very difficult for people to refute it.

After the representative of White Eagle finished speaking, he looked towards the representatives of other members of the council and said: “You should also express your opinions.”

The representative of Britain then spoke: “Controllable nuclear fusion Technology, this is the 1st step for mankind to move toward the universe, and it is true that all mankind should be involved. China also has many advanced software and hardware technologies, which can be invested in solar furnace R&D projects and improve the technical level of solar furnaces.”

Subsequently, the major councils also expressed their attitudes, all wanting to invest in solar furnace R&D projects.

Even India has to invest in solar furnace R&D projects.

Fang Yuan couldn’t help but ask the Indian representative: “What do you take into the solar furnace project? Is it cow urine or Ganges water?”

The Indian representative did not understand , After the interpreter translated the meaning, immediately cursed.

With regard to the participation of the members of the Planetary Defense Council in the Solar Furnace project, Mao Xiong Nation remains neutral for the time being and has not expressed any opinions.

However, anyone can tell that Mao Xiongguo also wants to come in.

In fact, just a little thought, you can understand, what kind of technology is controlled nuclear fusion technology?

That is the most powerful energy technology for all mankind today, a technology that can change the pattern of civilization.

Any country wants to get this technology, even if Mao Xiongguo didn’t deal with Baiying originally, if it can take a stake in the solar furnace R&D project, Mao Xiongguo will definitely want to participate.

The representatives of all parties had a heated discussion and put forward various reasons.

No matter what the reason is, it will eventually be named in the name of mankind.

It seems that the East China Sea does not share controllable nuclear fusion technology, which is hindering the development of human civilization and will become a sinner of human civilization.

At the meeting.

The Chief-In-Charge of Dongdu Technology also participated in this meeting and stood up and asked the representative of Baiying: “If it is for the sake of all mankind, you will block our company from using Don’t patents hinder the destiny of all mankind?”

The representative of Bai Ying coldly cast a glance at the Chief-In-Charge of Dongdu Technology, chuckling at the corner of his mouth, and said with disdain: “You are a small company , It still doesn’t affect all mankind, you think too much. Sanctions you are just because you sell technological weapons to evil marginal countries, which violates our country’s laws and must be sanctioned!”

” Say, even if you take a stake in the solar furnace research and development project, the sanctions on our company will not be revoked, does that mean?” Dongdu Technology Chief-In-Charge solemnly asked.

“These are two things. Our shareholding in the solar furnace R&D project is to bring the most advanced semiconductor and electronic automation technology to help you develop the solar furnace. Your Dongdu Technology violates the law and is subject to the law. The sanctions of the Sun Furnace project have nothing to do with the Sun Furnace project.” The representative of Bai Ying insisted.

Chief-In-Charge of Dongdu Technology took a deep breath, and his face was ugly.

Obviously, Bai Ying knew that the solar furnace was developed by the East China Sea, and it was about to be assembled on the nuclear fusion-powered mothership before using the means to make trouble.

The sanctions against Dongdu Technology are all just excuses. What Baiying really wants to achieve is to force Donghai to hand over Sun Furnace Technology.

Actually, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

The cause of this incident has nothing to do with Dongdu Technology. Any violation of the White Eagle law is just a structure.

In the final analysis, the real reason is the solar furnace and the nuclear fusion power mothership.

The emergence of these two distinct things will directly change the global pattern and shake the white eagle’s world hegemony.

So far, the White Eagle is still the overlord of the world, with the strongest military power and military bases all over the world.

Therefore, they are impossible to watch a lower person rise to the top.

So, sanctioning Dongdu Technology is just an excuse.

What Bai Ying really wants is Sun Furnace Technology.

As long as the Sun Furnace technology and the strength of the White Eagle Nation, the Solar Furnace can be assembled on the original mothership in a very short time. When the time comes world, the overlord is still the world Overlord, no one dares to violate its will.

As for the future of human civilization, such illusory things are not worth mentioning in the face of immediate interests.

The representatives of the various countries of the Planetary Defense Council continued to argue, and there was no result of the argument.

The White Eagle representative has always grasped the fate of all mankind, stood on the moral high ground, and vigorously attacked the East China Sea.

As long as Donghai dares to refuse to share the solar furnace technology, it is a sinner that hinders the development of human civilization.

“Don’t you block patents and hinder the development of solar furnaces, don’t you hinder the development of human civilization?” Dongdu Technology Chief-In-Charge was retorted with anger.

“We not at all block the use of related patents for solar furnace research and development projects. The fact is just the opposite. We are willing to contribute to solar furnace research and development and use relevant patents to help you develop solar furnaces. Is this not great enough? Is it?” When the White Eagle representative said this, his face was awe-inspiring.

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