After visiting the nuclear fusion-powered mothership, Fang Zhenguo was a little excited. When driving home, he brags to Fang Yuan about his achievements when he landed on the War Section team in the Navy.

Basically, it is said that so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so in the army have made.

However, Fang Yuan still discussed with him very seriously.

From the navy landing in the War Section team, I talked about the international situation.

And after the successful development of the solar furnace, the impact on the international situation.

The two people are very interested in discussing, and they have not stopped discussing all the way home.

I was still talking after getting off the car, and the voice was a little louder, it was a bit like an argument.

“What are you two doing today? The noise is so lively.” Li Shuhua interjected curiously when he saw that her husband and son had such a rare common language.

“My man, you women don’t understand.” Fang Zhenguo waved his hand with an impatient expression.

“Yes, I don’t understand your business. I think you can eat, drink, shit and piss.” Li Shuhua suddenly showed a fierce expression.

Fang Zhenguo didn’t care, he sat on the sofa, picked up the remote control, turned on the TV, and prepared to watch today’s news broadcast.

Li Shuhua is even more angry now.

Fang Yuan quickly went up to comfort him and said: “Don’t pay attention to him, Old Fang went to the shipyard to see the new mothership today. At this time, his head is majestic.”

About Li Shuhua knows this very well, knowing that her husband is a battleship fan. When it comes to this, he can talk to people for a day without getting tired.

At the beginning of the evening, the TV station began broadcasting international news.

A piece of news immediately caught Fang Zhenguo’s attention.

The news of the successful development of the solar furnace spread to the world and caused a great uproar.

After all, this is a major technology that can change human civilization, and it is the most concerned energy technology.

Just think about it for a moment.

Petroleum is a kind of energy. For this energy, war can even be waged.

However, in the face of nuclear fusion, oil as an energy source is the gap between the radiant light and the vast sun radiance.

In terms of the energy produced, the energy produced by nuclear fusion can turn petroleum into slag in seconds.

Moreover, nuclear fusion can be made into clean energy.

Therefore, as nuclear fusion technology matures, it will inevitably become mainstream energy in the future.

Of course, this is not something that can be achieved in a short time, but this is a big trend.

In the next dozens or hundreds of years, nuclear fusion will surely gradually replace other energy sources.

This technology has great value and can change the destiny of a civilization.

Therefore, the successful development of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor is destined to be a sensation in the world.

This is indeed the case.

When the news of the successful development of China Solar Furnace was spread, countries around the world were shocked.

Even the solar furnace hasn’t been civilianized yet, but the news came out, which had a huge impact.

At this time, the most intuitive impact of the solar furnace research and development news is being broadcast in the news:

“Today, the oil and military stocks of many countries around the world have plummeted by more than 5.6%.”

Fang Yuan heard that Baiying Country’s stocks had fallen, and became interested. He walked over and sat on the sofa, took a look, and exclaimed, “How come it fell 5.6%? There is no limit. “

“No, I heard that Baiying’s stock has no limit down, right?” Fang Zhenguo interjected.

“That’s boring, it’s okay to fuse it a few times.” Fang Yuan said with a smile.

Both of them are talking and laughing, it seems that the stock has fallen, but they are more comfortable.

“I think this fall is only temporary, and it is estimated that it will be pulled up in two days. The solar furnace has just been successfully developed. I don’t know how long it will take to replace other energy sources. Now it’s falling. Can’t you fall into the trench?” Fang Zhenguo had an expression that knew this well.

In fact, neither of them knew anything about the stock market.

The two people’s greatest knowledge of the stock market is that this thing can go up or down, and most people basically lose money when they play it.

“Military industry stocks also fell. This is interesting. Could it be that the nuclear fusion-powered mothership has also leaked out?” Fang Yuan began to pay attention to another message.

“Impossible, solar furnace research is cutting-edge technology, and is a project that is at the forefront of human science and technology. The Academy of Military Sciences will release some news. The news of nuclear fusion power mothership is kept secret by A-Rank. It is impossible to leak.” Fang Zhenguo chop nails and sever Iron’s guarantee.

He is responsible for the communication between the headquarters and the scientific research team, and confidentiality is also within the scope of his work.

“The White Eagle’s military stocks started to fall so soon, is it too early?” Fang Yuan said.

“In fact, this is nothing strange. I guess even a fool can think of it. If the controllable nuclear fusion reactor is successfully developed, it must be on the mothership. Otherwise, what is the development of it? Is it used for solar lighting?” Fang Zhenguo as it should be by rights said.

In his opinion, such a powerful technology as controlled nuclear fusion should be used in battleship, especially mothership.

It would be even better if it could fit on the plane.

However, at this stage, only machines such as battleships and submarines can use solar furnaces.

The size of the plane is too small to be used in a short time.

The two father and sons talked about the stock market where the White Eagles were slaughtered to a terrible green. Someone who didn’t know thought they were well-versed in the stock market.

“Now that the news of the successful development of the solar furnace has not been officially announced, it is just a gossip. The white eagle’s stock market has been ruined. If the news is announced directly now, can’t blood flow into a river? “Fang Yuan’s expression is not too big to see the excitement.

“It makes sense. This proposal is not bad. If you return to the headquarters tomorrow, you will raise it to your superiors.” Fang Zhenguo did not stop this bad behavior, on the contrary, he meant to add to the flames.

When the father and son were talking and laughing, a message suddenly stopped the discussion between the two.

The chief of the White Eagle Congress made a statement saying that Donghai Dongdu Technology has violated the White Eagle law by exporting technology products to evil and marginal countries. It will impose sanctions on Donghai Dongdu Technology and implement semiconductor components and semiconductor technology. embargo.

As soon as this news came out, it caused an uproar again.

Although the research and development of the solar furnace is completed by Wang Jiuliang’s controllable nuclear fusion research and development team, the solar furnace is not only a furnace as simple as it is, but also requires a lot of parts and components. They are the most sophisticated instruments and most advanced parts in the world.

Among them, a large part of the parts, especially the Semiconductor parts, use the products produced by Dongdu Technology.

These products are all produced by Dongdu Technology. If it is only a product embargo, this itself is not a big problem.

However, Baiying also proposed sanctions, including the prohibition of Dongdu Technology from using the patented technology of Baiying Company.

In the semiconductor component industry chain, there are hundreds of patented technologies, most of which are in the hands of Baiying’s company.

Once Dongdu Technology is prohibited from using these patented technologies, Dongdu Technology will not be able to manufacture related parts.

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